Hi everyone - I joined this site just so I could post in this thread! :grin2:
Ok, nightclubs I remember from experience or by repute :
Snobs - glitzy, disco, big, popular, good place to meet up with people
Faces - (out by 5 Ways) very trendy, great music, packed out, good if you liked to dance (it was called something else before Faces - what?)
The Oppy (Opposite Lock, Gas Street) - don't remember this well, but it was run by the Fewtrells I believe? Birmingham's own gangsters.
Bogarts, New Street - coffee bar by day, but didn't they run a nightclub too or is my memory misleading me?
Mothers, Erdington - an early experience, before it closed; very hippie, very cool, but it would never have lasted! (Too scruffy for the disco era)
Raffles, off Hurst St - little private members club where I wangled a membership somehow; occasionally you could meet sport stars or TV stars there, but not often and they never spoke to you LOL; you got in by ringing the bell and a bouncer would pull back a small window in the door and check you over, all very clichéd
Barbarellas - mostly I remember this as a venue not a club : I saw Chuck Berry there, but I do remember the club too; all Watneys Red and pink decor, a bit sleazy I think
Samanthas - I barely remember this, was it up by the Silver Blades ice skating place out towards Digbeth?
?????? - there was a club that you found if you walked from Snobs towards the Holiday Inn, but I only went once and I forget what it was called. Maybe that was Rebeccas? Not sure.
The Rum Runner - I only knew this by repute, I never went there
?????? - just going out on the Coventry Road there was a club you had to walk up a fire escape to get to, and inside it was horrible and shabby and you wanted to leave real quick; there may have been barking dogs up on the roof to negotiate too
There was a big club on the Smallbrook Ringway too, somewhere near the Hurst Street subway. What was that called? It wasn't Shades by any chance?
I don't remember any punk clubs (well, I wouldn't), but don't even remember a punk scene very much, though Birmingham must have had one. Where did they go?
Then there was the most legendary club of all, though I only went once and only because I got an invite. Where did you go when all the clubs had closed, it was 3:30 in the morning and you fancied a drink? Well, you would drive out to Sparkbrook and somewhere there, in a side street, was the one, the only, GARY OWEN CLUB !!