Bob, Would I be correct in thinking,
that this was at one time 'Le Metro'?
Ethan & Mossey
yes the "Zoo" was the old "Le Metro" and the three owners where Andy Gray, Peter Warren (Who managed many Bars in town inc. Hortze Wine Bar), and Jonnie Ralston ( he is the guy in the photo top right).
The manager of the "Z00" was Duncan Gray (Andy's younger brother)
It was a lively place while it lasted with many "C" local celebs in attendance. They did have Live bands at weekends but I can't pin point any as they seemed to be young up and coming bands from around the Midlands.
We all played football on a Sunday morning for the Stone Pub in Northfield, where the owners drank with there townie old pals, we had some great times together and Andy used to come to our games with his big dogs and was one of the guys, a fan and supporter of us townie geezers.
In the photo Jonnie Ralston is 3 in left of back row and Peter Warren is 3 in right back row. Duncan Gray is in the middle bottom row 3 in from right.Yours truly had at that time Fly away hair, its completely flown now, bottom row 2 in from the left. Also on the photo is Melvin Such ( Blue Film Artist) and Keith Dunkley RIP who was Sales manager of Ansell's Brewery. The 2 dudes each side of Duncan Gray.
Also Dorian Walford(top Left) renown base guitar player and a great right full back, and Lennie Cash top brumie snooker player and cultured center back.Middle Top. Peter Evans ex Mng. of the B'ham Saturday Hospital Fund is next to Peter,s Dad Reg with the cives on, a right good man and a ex football league referee.
It closed due to bankruptcy, I don't know if its still used as a club today?