Hello Jim, I was born on Garrison Lane of Irish parents, myself and my brothers went to a catholic junior school, now it's not the catholic bit that's important, it's the fact that every kid there was the same as me, English but also Irish. we mixed with Irish people all the time. On Sunday, down to mass, and then visiting Irish relations that also lived in Birmingham. I ended up going to a catholic secondary school and now I was mixing with English kids, no, wrong, they were all Irish, first generation English, we all thought and identified as English, we thought at the time that none of us were Irish. Anyhow, it's over 50 years since I grew up in Garrison Lane, I now live in Ireland and I am always fascinated at the amount of my old school friends who live here now also. My memories of an old England are warm and happy but places like Birmingham are alive and change rapidly and vastly, and the direction of change that the place was going in around the year 2000 was not where I wanted to be. Miss the place every day.