Just to follow up from Astonian #385. Predating beatniks in who appeared in the mid fifties, we had beauxs - a slight change of spelling but short for bohemians. They frequented Birmingham central pubs like the Trocadaro and the Windsor, coffee bars like the stage door; they date back to the nineteen century. In the mid fifties they took the American label beatniks. The hippies did of course appear in the sixties but in Brum, didn't tend to come at first from the colleges and university, rather the unemployed and druggies. They tended to take over the Trocadaro, filling the place but not spending much. Eventually they redecorated the Trocadaro and banned hippies. You would be thrown out just for wearing a great coat, which were fashionable at the time. You would find Brummie hippies scoring in the Greyhound. Apologies to any ex Brummie hippies, but I didn't find them as colourful as the American and London hippies at first. Drifters rather than rebels. By the mid the mid sixties things improved, the drifters drifted away and we had colour and life added to the Brum hippies.