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Birmingham hospitals

  • Thread starter Thread starter nursesue
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as my interests include nursing history and hospitals - thought you might like to see some photos of qualified nuring/midwifery badges. Due to restructering of nurse training in 1983 many of these badges are no longer issued and in some cases the hospitals have long disappeared. I hope you find them interesting. My photography isn't brilliant but its slowly improving and I wanted to share something a little bit different
Hi Sue

I think your photos are fine. I try to bounce flash off a white sheet when taking pictures such as yours or if this is not possible tape a bit of say tracing paper loosely over the flash to diffuse it. Also I recall one tip on eBay for coins and medals is to use a scanner if you have access to one.

Now more importantly I see you were at Sorrento. I do not wish to make an assumption as to when this may have been but my sister was born at Sorrento (I was born at Loveday Street) and I still find it hard to forgive Sorrento:D Just kidding.

Looking forward to our next visit to Anstruther and the Chippie.
alas I am a Good Hope trained nurse but I do have family who were born at the Sorrento I just have an interest in brum hospitals. Thanks for the photo tips I'll certainly try that next time
Hi Sue,

As Bernard has pointed out, put your medals in a scanner, they come out much better than a photo does.
Nursesue thanks for posting the badges, what a lovely collection.
"alas I am a Good Hope trained nurse"

I promise;) not to let on
a few more - will try the scanner and other suggestions in the future. These photos weretaken some time ago
How disapointing is that Sue?
I expected at least ONE of you in your uniform..tsk
Sue what a lovely set of badges.i like the childrens hospital badge
So you done your training at no hope sorry i mean Good Hope

I had spine surgery at the Q E i cant fault the place and the nursing second to none,and as Les said how disappointing no uniform photo:sweat:
I don't think I have one of me in uniform!!! We used to call it no hope or last hope!!!
few more badges - i'll try and find one of a nurse in uniform!!!!!!;)
Also to diffuse the flash put a cigarette paper over the flash, Rizla ect.
a little bit of old fashioned spit works as an adhesive
thanks for all the great photo tips - I really will try next time I take some photos. The current batch of photos were taken some time ago to post on another website. Some hospitals issued commerative medals to celebrate or as a reminder of a great insitution - please find some photos of these.
Not fully on topic! but I must say after having reason to visit both GOOD HOPE on Sunday & CITY HOSPITAL today. What a fantastic NHS we have.
I was looked after & treated with the utmost care & kindness
Hi Sue, I notice you have a QE hospital badge there, did you work there in the '70s when my aunt was then a matron? Her name is Margaret Ann Jones. If you know of her or can think of anyone who would know her I'd be most pleased.
My O levels weren't good enough for the QE - i really wanted to train there. Got accepted for either East Birmingham or Good Hope so settled for GH. I did work at B/ham kids for a wee while in theatres during 1979-80
and a final few more....

I know some aren't really brummie but they're close by ( I'm calling it artistic licence cos they're close enough to be neighbours)
nurse sue,did you work in east birmingham hospital,in72.i was in there
and the group wizard come in my ward ,what a great laugh we had
then they shipped me to smethwick neuro becouse my scull was fractured
what a horrible place that was,:cry: pete
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no I didn't work at EBH but I do remember a certain Noelle Gordon visiting a fellow cast member at Good Hope whilst he was drying out!! - How sad is that for a meeting a famous person story line..??
hi all
i did my training at highcroft hospital in 1970, am still in psychiatry
Hi there
nice collection, did you work in the childrens hospital?
I worked at BCH for 6 months as a Nursing Auxillary in theatres in 1979-80. The hospital was at the top of Broad Street in Ladywood at that time. I did my psych secondment at Highcroft for 8 weeks in 1981 on one the acute wards ( think it was Barnabas 1???) and geriatrics at Northcroft. We spent the day at Smethwick neuro to learn about neurosurgery and got told off because we were late returning from a pub lunch and we were even sober - those were the days
Anyhow I am still collecting nurse badges and have a few more photos to add to this site and I could probably do with investing in a new camera- as well as using all the useful tips - to improve my photography. Hey I spend all my days looking at leg ulcers and checking for nits!!!! I can't be good at everything
Hi Nursesue

I love your pics! I'm trying to trace my grandmothers working history and she was a nurse at Highcroft Hall up until she dies 1960/1. Do you know if there are any records available now due to freedom of info act? She came from Belgium and I'm trying to trace that side of the family. She was a WW1 widow.
My O levels weren't good enough for the QE - i really wanted to train there. Got accepted for either East Birmingham or Good Hope so settled for GH. I did work at B/ham kids for a wee while in theatres during 1979-80

Hi Sue
I know this is an old thread but only just found it! When were you training at Good Hope? I was in the September 1975 set, just missed out on the traditional uniform, we had to wear the jaycloths! I also worked at BCH, both at the Ladywood site and the 'new' site on Steelhouse Lane. I missed your pictures of your badges, can you put them on again please if poss.
Hi Sue
I know this is an old thread but only just found it! When were you training at Good Hope? I was in the September 1975 set, just missed out on the traditional uniform, we had to wear the jaycloths! I also worked at BCH, both at the Ladywood site and the 'new' site on Steelhouse Lane. I missed your pictures of your badges, can you put them on again please if poss.
Hi Katrina. NurseSue is no longer a member and any photos pre 2011 were lost (see note at head of site).

Sorry we cannot help but someone may have information to share.

Hi Katrina. NurseSue is no longer a member and any photos pre 2011 were lost (see note at head of site).

Sorry we cannot help but someone may have information to share.


Hi Bernard, I thought it would be long shot but worth a try.
I read that the Severn Trent water folk have managed to cause severe flooding at the Queen Elizabeth hospital today. The city fire services have been very busy here and at the Market.