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Brummie babby
I would be grateful for any information regarding William HANDS (1859-?) and Emma Elizabeth BIDDLE (1860-?) both from Aston and were married in Birmingham in about 1880. I believe William was a brass dresser. The couple went on to have about nine children from 1880 up to 1902

Thanks in anticipation
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Dave

I believe your William Hands born 1859/60, Birmingham, may be the older brother of my gt grandfather, Joseph Hands, born 1866, Birmingham.

Their parents are Philip William Hands, born 1838, Birmingham (but known as William Hands in all the census, except 1881) and Sarah Hands (nee Richards), born 1838.

I received Philip William Hands (my gt gt grandfather) Death Cert yesterday. It states that he died on 17 July 1887, Queen's Hospital, Birmingham, aged 49, a jeweller of Birmingham, (Journeyman). The informant is his son, W Hands, in attendance and he lived Back 103 Arthur Street, Small Heath. I am sure that W Hands, his son is the William Hands you are asking for information on. Funnily enough, when I received the death cert, I started to look for this W Hands (informant) and came across a marriage of William Hands to Emily Biddle, but wasn't 100% sure if these are the correct people. Then I saw your message.

Do you have any other information on this couple and how are you connected?

If you are connected, I have info going further back, which I would gladly help you with.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
from Erith, Kent
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi again Dave

Sorry, but I should have said, Emma Elizabeth Biddle (not Emily). She married (info from BMD), William Hands, Apr/May/Jun 1880, Birmingham, Vol. 6d, page 68.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Joan
Thanks for contacting me. However, I don't think the information you supplied is related to the William Hands I am enquiring about. I think the parents of my William (b1859) are Willam Hands (1821-1897) and Sarah Addleton (1818-1859?) - Sarah may have died as a result of child birth - something I need to verify. Willam Hands (1821-1897) remarried in 1860 to Angelina Morris - they appear on 1871, 1881 and 1891 censuses. It is possible that William (b1859) is related to your family as they appear to have lived in the same district of Birmingham, but how I don't know.

Regards Dave Brennan
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Dave

I have a Birth Cert of Jane Catherine Hands, Born 7 Feb 1855 at 4 Court, Vauxhall Road, Aston, Sub District, Duddeston, Birmingham. Her father is William Hands, Journeyman, Brassfounder. Her mother is Sarah Hands, formerly Haddleton. Is she connected to your family?

I also have a marriage Cert for my Gt Gt Grandfather's younger brother, who is Alfred Henry Hands, Born 1845, Birmingham. (My Gt Gt Grandfather is Philip William Hands, Born 1838, Birmingham, although he is known as William Hands in the Census, except 1881, where his name is Philip William Hands).

The Marriage Cert states that Alfred Henry Hands marries Jane Hands on 25 Nov 1876 at the St Peter and St Pauls Church in the Parish of Aston. Alfred is age 31, a jeweller and a widower, address is Gower Street and Jane Hands is age 22, a spinster and address is Alma Street.
Alfred Henry Hands father is William Hands, a Jeweller and Jane Hands father is also a William Hands, a Brassfounder. Talk about, confusing, to say the least, all these WILLIAM HANDS, makes it so difficult to trace family members in Birmingham.

The witness are Frederick Jas Roberts and Ann Jones, she has signed with an "X".

I thought this might be of an interest to you. This marriage Cert was kindly sent to me by Ken Mansell, who also has "HANDS" ancestors, from Birmingham.

It can be all very confusing, with so many WILLIAM HANDS, if I can be of any help, please contact me again.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
from Erith, Kent
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Wine lover
Everything I have found about William HANDS (1821-1897) states that he was born in Birmingham. In 1839 he married Sarah ADDLETON at St Peter's & St Paul's Church, Birmingham, and in 1860 he married Angelina MORRIS at St Andrew's Church, Bordesley.
Dave Brennan
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Joan
Thanks for the email. Yes, I can confirm that Jane Catherine HANDS is the sister of the William HANDS (born 1859) I am investigating. The address where she was born is where the family lived according to the 1851 census. By the 1861 census, Sarah Hands (nee ADDLETON/HADDLETON) had died in 1859, William HANDS had married again (1860) to Anglina MORRIS, and the family had moved to Great Hampton Street, Birmingham.

During my investigations, it would seem that the surname HANDS was concentrated in and around the Birmingham area during the 19th century, and I understand the possible confusions that could arise. If I find anything that maybe useful, I will contact you.
Dave Brennan
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Dave, In my Family Tree, I have,

William Hands, Born 1820, Died 25 Nov 1897 at 274 Arthur Street, Birmingham. His first wife is

Sarah Addleton, Born 1818, died 4 Aug 1859, 4 Court, Vauxhall Rd, Aston. Second wife is Angelina Morris, Born 1828.

Their Children are

Jane Hands, Born 7 Feb 1855, 4 Court, Vauxhall Rd, Aston. Died 1 Jul 1929, Hallam Hospital, West Bromwich
She married Alfred Henry Hands, my Gt Gt Grandfathers brother, (Born 28 July 1845, at 8 Blews Street, Birmingham). Marriage date is 25 Nov 1876. St Peter & Paul's Church, Parish of Aston. Jane Hands is age 21, spinster & Alfred Henry Hands is a widower, age 31, a Jeweller. Addresses are, Jane, Alma Street & Alfred, Gower Street. Both fathers are, William Hands.

Other children of William Hands & Sarah Addleton are:

Annie Hands, Born 1852 and William Hands, Born 1859.

Alfred Henry Hands, Born 28 July 1845, first marriage was to Julia Jane Courtly, Born 1844, died 30 April 1874 at 52 Prescott Street. They married, 10 April 1864.

Alfred Henry Hands is (I think) our connection. His parents are my Gt Gt Gt Grandparents, they are:

William Hands, Born 1816, Birmingham and Mary Ann Probert, Born 1816, Birmingham. They married on 9 June 1833, St Mary's, Handsworth,Stafford.

Their children are:

George Hands, Born 1835
Clara Hands, Born 1837
Philip William Hands, Born 1838 (my Gt Gt Grandfather). He is known as William throughout the Census, except for 1881, when, his name becomes Philip William Hands, (his Birth name).
Catherine Hands, Born 1840
Alfred Henry Hands, Born 28 July 1845 at 8 Blews Street. (Husband of Jane Hands, Born 1855)
All Born Birmingham.

I hope this is helpful to you and not too confusing, as I know it has confused me.

If you have any further info, I would be grateful to hear from you.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)
Re: Hands/biddle

Hi Dave, In my Family Tree, I have,

William Hands, Born 1820, Died 25 Nov 1897 at 274 Arthur Street, Birmingham. His first wife is

Sarah Addleton, Born 1818, died 4 Aug 1859, 4 Court, Vauxhall Rd, Aston. Second wife is Angelina Morris, Born 1828.

Their Children are

Jane Hands, Born 7 Feb 1855, 4 Court, Vauxhall Rd, Aston. Died 1 Jul 1929, Hallam Hospital, West Bromwich
She married Alfred Henry Hands, my Gt Gt Grandfathers brother, (Born 28 July 1845, at 8 Blews Street, Birmingham). Marriage date is 25 Nov 1876. St Peter & Paul's Church, Parish of Aston. Jane Hands is age 21, spinster & Alfred Henry Hands is a widower, age 31, a Jeweller. Addresses are, Jane, Alma Street & Alfred, Gower Street. Both fathers are, William Hands.

Other children of William Hands & Sarah Addleton are:

Annie Hands, Born 1852 and William Hands, Born 1859.

Alfred Henry Hands, Born 28 July 1845, first marriage was to Julia Jane Courtly, Born 1844, died 30 April 1874 at 52 Prescott Street. They married, 10 April 1864.

Alfred Henry Hands is (I think) our connection. His parents are my Gt Gt Gt Grandparents, they are:

William Hands, Born 1816, Birmingham and Mary Ann Probert, Born 1816, Birmingham. They married on 9 June 1833, St Mary's, Handsworth,Stafford.

Their children are:

George Hands, Born 1835
Clara Hands, Born 1837
Philip William Hands, Born 1838 (my Gt Gt Grandfather). He is known as William throughout the Census, except for 1881, when, his name becomes Philip William Hands, (his Birth name).
Catherine Hands, Born 1840
Alfred Henry Hands, Born 28 July 1845 at 8 Blews Street. (Husband of Jane Hands, Born 1855)
All Born Birmingham.

I hope this is helpful to you and not too confusing, as I know it has confused me.

If you have any further info, I would be grateful to hear from you.

Joan Harvey (nee Hands)

Thanks for the information. Yes I agree that the connection between the two families are Alfred Henry HANDS and Jane (Catherine?) HANDS. Apart from the children of this marriage, I have no further information, as I am tracing Jane's brother William's family. Is there anything specific that I may be able to supply regarding my HANDS family? However, if I find anything that maybe useful I will contact you.
Best wishes for the coming year
Dave Brennan