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Beeches. White House Beeches Road, Perry Barr


master brummie
Hi There,
I'm looking for any information and if possible photo's about this building through any period of time, I know that long ago Beeches road before it was renamed was called Brick Kiln Lane. My family lived there back in the 1911 census. I would love to reseach the house and street further.

Any information would be greatly appreciated
Don't know if you've seen the 1890 map showing the Beeches. It's at https://www.british-history.ac.uk/m...=10071&ox=1250&oy=1131&zm=1&czm=1&x=307&y=233 .
Unfortunately alan godfrey maps at the turn of the century don't cover that area.
As it was outside the Birmingham area in 1911, it isn't covered by birmingham directories, and regretably the staffs directory isn't arranged with a road directory. If you try and search for "Beeches", every address in any beech road in sfaffs appears !!
I lived on the Beeches Estate during childhood and remember the 'White House', unfortunately don't have photos of it.
It was used as the estate offices by the 1st National Housing Trust, who built all the houses for rent on the Beeches Estate in the mid 1930's. The rent collectors, maintenance people etc, were based in the White House.
The housing trust was based in Sheffield and apparently still exists today, (see Google) probably very different, but they might have some history information. The roads on the Beeches Estate are all named after towns near Sheffield - Grindleford, Hathersage etc.
You can see 1940 pics of these I've previously posted on the forum. The Trust sold all the houses to the sitting tenants in the 50's and 60's and provided the mortgages. £1100 average price, £50 deposit. I think the same trust also built the very similar looking houses on the Pheasey Estate. When the houses were rented, they were all uniform looking, and were painted quite regularly. If tenants tried to change anything you
could expect a 'visit' from the 'White House'.
The builder of the Beeches Estate was Henry BOOT if I remember correctly. I owned a house( having moved from the local prefabs )on the estate from 1969 to 1971 in Hathersage Road--it was well built. The Housing Trust were the landlords/landords representative and I did cause a fuss with them by not paying my ground rent---but I had to give in in the end!!!.
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The builder of the Beeches Estate was Henry BOOT
Yes the First National Housing Trust was a subsidary company of Henry Boot, who are apparently still in business with headquarters at Banner Cross Hall Sheffield. The houses were well built, ours in Grindleford Rd had an incendary bomb dropped on it courtesy of the Luftwaffe and survived. I left in 1968, but my parents lived there until 1998.
Hi There,
I'm looking for any information
Any information would be greatly appreciated
It's been some time since you asked, but there is a good picture of the White House taken in 1941 on the Digital Handsworth site. I don't know how I missed this site but am having a nostalgic look around where I used to live.
I LIVED IN ROWDALE ROAD IN THE 50s.The roads are all named after areas in the peak district . Mom worked at the CLIFTON cinema. I remember going to pay the rent at the White house. I had piano lessons in Beeches road with Madam Naruda. I still cant play. some of the other people i remember . MR MRS HILDA MILLS. PHIL Wheeler lived in Tideswell road I remember the canal bridge down the gully which lead down Perry Barr park
chris wood
I LIVED IN ROWDALE ROAD IN THE 50s.The roads are all named after areas in the peak district . Mom worked at the CLIFTON cinema. I remember going to pay the rent at the White house. I had piano lessons in Beeches road with Madam Naruda. I still cant play. some of the other people i remember . MR MRS HILDA MILLS. PHIL Wheeler lived in Tideswell road I remember the canal bridge down the gully which lead down Perry Barr park
chris wood
You might be interested in the post and photo below if you have not already seen it ... :)
The First National Housing Trust had offices in what was locally known as the 'White House' located on Beeches Road just before the junction with Hassop Road. Tenants visited the office to report problems or for some to explain why they were late with the rent. Two community halls (for the Beeches Estate) were built on a flat piece of land on the opposite corner of Hassop Road just beyond the man in this view dated 1941.
Perhaps they also had an office on the Pheasey Estate but where ?
I LIVED IN ROWDALE ROAD IN THE 50s.The roads are all named after areas in the peak district . Mom worked at the CLIFTON cinema. I remember going to pay the rent at the White house. I had piano lessons in Beeches road with Madam Naruda. I still cant play. some of the other people i remember . MR MRS HILDA MILLS. PHIL Wheeler lived in Tideswell road I remember the canal bridge down the gully which lead down Perry Barr park
chris wood

An Aunt and Uncle of mine lived in Rowdale Road in the 50's.
We lived not far away in Perry Barr, I remember my mother and I used to walk up to visit them, cutting down by the Union Cold Store building and over the canal. We then went up a gully at the backs of the houses and into their house via the back garden gate.
There was a family who kept pigs at the bottom of their garden on the way and I used to love to see them!
I LIVED IN ROWDALE ROAD IN THE 50s.The roads are all named after areas in the peak district . Mom worked at the CLIFTON cinema. I remember going to pay the rent at the White house. I had piano lessons in Beeches road with Madam Naruda. I still cant play. some of the other people i remember . MR MRS HILDA MILLS. PHIL Wheeler lived in Tideswell road I remember the canal bridge down the gully which lead down Perry Barr park
chris wood
My Mum and Gran lived in Rowdale Road in the 40's up to the 1970's. My Mum also went to Madam Naruda for piano lessons! Small world.
I lived on the Beeches Estate during childhood and remember the 'White House', unfortunately don't have photos of it.
It was used as the estate offices by the 1st National Housing Trust, who built all the houses for rent on the Beeches Estate in the mid 1930's. The rent collectors, maintenance people etc, were based in the White House.
The housing trust was based in Sheffield and apparently still exists today, (see Google) probably very different, but they might have some history information. The roads on the Beeches Estate are all named after towns near Sheffield - Grindleford, Hathersage etc.
You can see 1940 pics of these I've previously posted on the forum. The Trust sold all the houses to the sitting tenants in the 50's and 60's and provided the mortgages. £1100 average price, £50 deposit. I think the same trust also built the very similar looking houses on the Pheasey Estate. When the houses were rented, they were all uniform looking, and were painted quite regularly. If tenants tried to change anything you
could expect a 'visit' from the 'White House'.