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Barr Beacon desecration

Update today, at least the damage has been covered up
Dave, thank you for posting that photo - I am so pleased to see that the wood is now protected from the weather. I hope it is repaired in the near future, it is a lovely memorial.
Polly all being well we are going to Barr Beacon tomorrow to take the dog for a walk and go to the farm butcher. If we do we will take some photo's. Jean.
A photo taken up Barr Beacon on Thurdsday and the second from our local Farmer Johns from a different angle. It was a beautiful warm day till you got to the top of the Beacon then the wind made it feel very cool. Jean.
Sad to see indeed......Lived in Aldridge but continued last three years of schooling in Great Barr...
Used to ride my bike over the Beacon regularly and rest for a while at the memorial (1964/67} A serene and sacred place.
Remember the little tea rooms up there called "The Whistling Kettle"
Came across this picture the other day.It shows the official opening of Barr Beacon on Easter Monday 1919.
Fantastic news I can take the grandchildren to see its new 'hat'. Thanks for the update Dave!