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Barr Beacon desecration



:( Sad to read that the Barr Beacon war memorial has been desecrated by sc*mbags thieving the copper. It's fair to assume that nothing is sacred these days.
Sad indeed - another part of out heritage gone for the sake of a couple of quid.
This kind of desecration should be properly punished.However, if the police pulled out all the stops and arrested these low life,some equally low life judge would not do their job,and they would walk free.
Oh no I went there last year with the grandchildren. My brother lives a few minutes away he will be upset. I just don't understand these terrible acts:(
No one does Wendy because such acts are not in the comprehension of most of us. The hurt that such actions cause is beyond description.
I often wonder why but because I can never imagine myself doing suich awful things like desecrating anything I have no real answers.
I could go on and on about the terrible things I read about everyday and I still wouldn't have any real answers.
This makes me so sad to read . It sums up this selfish society doesn't it . Long may we continue to live in the past when people had a better sense of what was right and wrong . :(
How sad! :( some people have no respect for anything. I have just seen an article about this online - it says that without the copper roof the wood underneath will get damaged by the weather- surely they could/should do something to protect it (plastic) until a longer term solution is found. I have never seen it myself but it looks lovely on the photos.
RESPECT is a dirty word today,
You only have to look at any building that is empty (& some that are not) to see the lack of respect the youth/others have for OTHER FOLKS PROPERTY.It so sad!!!!!
as you folks know My wife was the victim of these thought less YOBS.
why should we smack them on the wrist & send the out do it all over again ?
BARR BEACON is such a fantasic area now no more sadly the WAR MEMORIAL.

I feel so strong about this I cannot say what I fully feel. So will leave it .
Dave M, your photos show us just how bad the damage is :(.....the exposed wood in the roof will definitely get damaged by the weather. Something needs to be done to protect it from the weather and thieves!
There has been a frenzy of 'old iron' vans around North Brum and surrounding areas over the past few months so the demand must be high.
I thought this area was locked up at night, although I bet someone somewhere saw something. Last time I was up there the whole building was covered in Graffiti.....
It's sad when you hear things like this, although I live in North Devon these days I have very fond memories of Barr Beacon.

i used to live in Birdbrook Rd. from 1942 to 1959 in those early days there was no buses our even proper roads just an unadopted road of cobbles.

We would walk up passed Brooklyn Farm opposite the Penny on the Drum as the Drakes Drum was kown during the War, I think it was the Yanks from Pheasy Estate that gave it's name up through the corn fields at the back of the Co-op to the Old Horns and the up the hill to get access to Barr Beacon.

We would play for hours in what we used to call the dungeons on the side of The Beacon I think toilets were built later after the roads were built.

I never really found out what the brick archways actually were, possibly storage for the war time guunery which I think was based up there.

After playing for hours we had the long walk home to cry were have you been from Mother?

We didn't have bikes and computers, but we didn't go about causing damage and grief.

With regards to the damage to the Beacon, we had a similar thing happen in Plymouth War Memoral 2/3 very large bronze plates with names of war heroes was wrenched from walls and cut up for scrap.

Furtunately the police was able to catch them some weeks later and bring criminal charges new ones had to be made which cost many thousands of pounds to replace.

There's some very sad and selfish people about these days

hi all
How very sad and sadly not unexpected in this modern Britain, I have kissed one or two old girlfriends under that roof, to think the working class people who perscribed to its foundation to the thousands of Birmingham dead, and (Local boys) in those terrible wars to see it desecrated my mindless vandel's, it makes you want to weep.
So sad to think I live in a city that has such folks who would leave it like that, I fear for the comming generations,gone are the days when we had park keeper & wardens to keep a look out for such mindless vandels.
Lets hope when they comes to sell it on the dealer has some respect & informs the law.
The people who did this are just common thieves. This goes on all around the country Churches, Schools it's just terrible. I could cry seeing these photo's.
The people who did this are just common thieves. This goes on all around the country Churches, Schools it's just terrible. I could cry seeing these photo's.

Wendy I said a few words on seeing the damage Dave

As bad as the thieves are the scrap metal merchants who will buy anything without questions. Many of our churches have lost lead off the rooves over the years.

Old Boy
Old Boy: Yes, I can remember reading about the lead being taken from the church roofs over the years and that was bad enough.
Now it's copper and copper wire. Brass doesn't escape either. Graveyards are targets for plaques and flower containers. Statues aren't safe either and other items such a special glass. In New York cemeteries where there are family vaults decorated with Tiffany glass special alarms have to be used to protect the glass from thieves.
I just hope that the desecration at Barr Beacon can be repaired very soon.
This sort of thing is about as low as you can get.Words fail me ( good job as otherwise I may end up being banned ).
An absolute disgrace. Not the work of yobs or vandals but scrap metal thieves, lead being a very valuable commodity. Inside the memorial there once existed a circular plaque set on a plinth that gave a positional location of the surrounding countryside. This was stolen years ago but Im unsure as to whether it was replaced. The memorial, being in such an isolated area I am suprised the roof hasnt been targeted before. Sad, very sad. I thought there were barriers at both entrances that are lowered at night. The quantity of lead taken suggests a vehicle must have been needed.
John the barriers should be lowered at night and we wondered how on earth they managed to get the stuff off the Beacon. A bit of a puzzle. Jean.
just caught up with this thread and words fail me...just like arkrite its a good job as i too would be banned.....dave thanks for the update pic...at least the wood is now protected.....

Until we put back the 'PUNITIVE' into 'punishment' nothing will change; except that it might worsen even more so. I spent twenty-odd years working with young criminals and I'm convinced that 'liberal ideas' are worse than nothing, unless backed-up by the threat of real punishment! You can only truly help people, if those people respect you....and 'respect' takes many forms. Since when did we prove that 'fear' wasn't a valid method??? Humans are animals; why is it we forget this?

There will always be criminals; but society could easily, and massively, reduce the 'contamination' factor. Re-introduce 'birching' and you'd reduce crime within a year.....re-introduce the death penalty for crimes including drug-smuggling/dealing and you'd reduce it even further....eventually you'd have only the small, genetic/hardened core of criminality with which to deal with. Mind you, I'd include a few 'bankers' into the equation too; it's about time the likes of Sir Fred Goodwin were pilloried in the market place. Give him a damned good thrashing and a pelting with rotten eggs. I'd sure feel better about life then!

Right, next problem please?!?
Yeah, flogging never did me any harm, in fact i loved it. hang draw and quarter them all I say, bring back the stocks, and transportation, better still chop off the hands of thieves etc, well all be so much safer then.
Yeah, flogging never did me any harm, in fact i loved it. hang draw and quarter them all I say, bring back the stocks, and transportation, better still chop off the hands of thieves etc, well all be so much safer then.

I was caned at school, it certainly served to quell my worse instincts . It also gave me pause to consider other possibilities, and other people. Because an element of fear existed, it allowed me the opportunity to become receptive to the ideas of other more sensible people. My twenty-odd years working with criminals taught me that being a 'soft-touch' helped no one.
thank goodness someone in local government has a streak of decency for our brave departed boys, lets hope the Police can get their act together and find the culprits.