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baptism look up please

Can you please give more info....the date of the baptism will be useful, &
perhaps more clarification regarding the name(s).

regards, Margaret.
Can you please give more info....the date of the baptism will be useful, &
perhaps more clarification regarding the name(s).

regards, Margaret.

hi margaret thanks for your quick reply
the only information i have on Albert Cartwright is his birh 1/6/1913 saddley he put a line through his parents names on his marraige cetificate to my birth mother and the address he gave was 2 back 30 Lingard Street Saltley i have his army records and he has put his parents nationality as english and he was living in aston

Bryan albert Cartwight is my birth name as i was adopted in 1953 the address on my birth certificate is 2 back 223 Bloomsbury Street Birmingham 7
do you think a genealogist may be able to trce him if you cannot and do you know of one ?

kindest regards brian
Brian perhaps it would be better to post your request in surname interests. I only can look up St Martins registers the other churches are at Central Library. If you have Alberts birth I assume you have a short certificate. With the information you have you can apply for a full certificate from Birmingham Registry Office. This will give you father mother and mothers maiden name. You can apply online or send a cheque for £7.00 but if applying with a cheque add a SAE for the certificate.

hi Wendy thank you for your reply i have been to the Birmingham GRO and they searched two years ether side of birth date but came up blank, i have not got Albert's short birth certificate as i was adopted and when he died his children to his other wife i am afraid ransacked his belongings and his birth certificate disapeared, now this is the thing i can not understand if there was as i have no reason not to why i can not get one myself i have even sent of to sumerset house and they have no record of him on my mothers marrage certificate he put a line through his mother and father's name, his birth date is on his army records /marrage cert/ death cert/
any idea's?
kind regards brian baker
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This is a difficult one. If I were you I would send for another marriage certificate the details held may give you some clues. Mother's names are not usually included on a marriage certificate unless she was a witness.
Hi again Wendy just to say i have i am afrain answered your message in the post's sorry

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Brian you have restricted yourself a little by posting under St Martins Records. I have had a look at the GRO and for the April-June quarter 1913 there were only two listed;
Albert Cartwright mother Hodgkinson born Stoke-On -Trent. Vol 6b Page 324.
The other one is Albert R Cartwright mother Walters born Nuneaton. Vol 6d Page 1356.
I would think if one of these matches the birth date you have it may be your man.
Brian you have restricted yourself a little by posting under St Martins Records. I have had a look at the GRO and for the April-June quarter 1913 there were only two listed;
Albert Cartwright mother Hodgkinson born Stoke-On -Trent. Vol 6b Page 324.
The other one is Albert R Cartwright mother Walters born Nuneaton. Vol 6d Page 1356.
I would think if one of these matches the birth date you have it may be your man.

Hi Wendy thank's for your quick reply i will apply for a birth certificate for Stoke- On-Trent first that one may be the nearest as my dad was born on 01/06/1913 i have been trying to find out how i can access baptism's for St Catherine's as i have been told that my family on my mothers side (Baker) can be found thank's again for your help

Brian to save wasting money ask them to only send the certificate if the dates match. I have a subscription for Ancestry.com which has these records. You can search free BMD for a start. https://freebmd.rootsweb.com/