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Balsall Heath.

You may remember my brothers children who lived in that area between the end
of the war and 1960, not sure which school they went to. Pauline was the eldest, she is a member of this forum, in fact she introduced me to it. Bernard
Hello Iris, I was born at 4/18 hope street 1946 and went to Hope street school until about 1959 when I left 1st year seniors to go to Swanshurst Bi Lateral. Do you remember William's shop, Trippas's bakery? I remember Valerie Kench, she left Hope street to go to Greenmore College. I went to Dantes even when he moved to Digbeth and to his daughter's shop in Aston on my wedding day 1968.
Love you to come up with your memories so we can bounce them to and fro, Marlene Bach
i remember trippas's bakery, my mother worked there .her name was violet, and brian murtagh lived at the back of the shop that was located on sherlock st. mr trippass taught my mother to drive in his jag so she could do the deliveries. i remember a few people from sherlock st and hope street school; i left there in 1963 to work at lewises department store.
It was called dirty dollys .but her toffee was lovely lasted for ages ..oddly enough there was a woman who lived at the top of conybere street they called dirty lil .....

To continue our conversation from the other thread, yes I do remember the shop, but to be perfectly honest I probably only ever used it about twice in my life. The only people I remember from that end of Vincent street were a couple of lads that I went to school with. One lived by the shop Mick Dolphin and the other on the opposite side of the road Howard Hayes.

This photo from another forum of the 38th Scout Pack outside their HQ on the corner of Vincent Parade, shows the shop you mention and also therefore must show your house.

The second photo must also show your café in Taunton Rd, but when I went to Dennis Rd school the café on the left was a chippie then, mind you that was in the 50/60's.


  • Balsall Heath  Vincent St towards Moseley Rd.jpg
    Balsall Heath Vincent St towards Moseley Rd.jpg
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  • Sparkbrook Taunton Rd.jpg
    Sparkbrook Taunton Rd.jpg
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Well Phil, this photo of the 38th B'ham Boy Scout Group triggers happy memories for me. There I am with my drum at the front of this sizeable marching band. On the pavement in his pioneer hat, that was the uniform then is 'H', Harry Wallace the real driving force behind the growth of this truely outstanding Group. It is amazing now how our Scout Group claimed the roads for our monthly church parades.
The H.Q. had been a former pub, I believe called the White Swan. Through a lot of hard work we raised enough money to buy the freehold. Little did the wider Boy Scout organisation know was that the freehold was in 'H's name and not the Scouts. It only came to light decades later after 'H' died and it was sorted out.

Not that I remember much about it, but I was a member of the 38th Scout pack for about six months or so in 1956/57. I remember "H" well and meeting on Friday nights round at Clifton Rd School Hall. Though as usual I soon tired of it and was off to try something else. This is another photo of the 38th at Clifton Rd taken once again from another forum.


  • Balsall Heath Clifton Rd School Hall 38th Scout Group.jpg
    Balsall Heath Clifton Rd School Hall 38th Scout Group.jpg
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I remember the fishing tackle shop well, I used to buy bait there. I also remember John Disney and his family. I used to live in St Martins flats number 181 opposite St Albans school up until the 60s.

I remember it all as if it was yesterday. The party in the square, Carol, Douglas and yourself.

All the best,


I remember it all as if it was yesterday. I remember Carol, Douglas, I also remember Roger Bourne ( same class as me at St Albans ) he party in the square and of course I remember you!.

All the best ,

I remember Terry Gray and his family, we had a few giggles along the way and met a few ladies between us and sank a few beers. Good days, happy memories and good people. The flats were a haven of fun, laughter and tears in varying degrees but a good community spirit which is sadly lacking today.
Roger Bourne

I do remember you, I've a photo of all of us, Doug Golding (didn't know he had been electrocuted), Carol Summerfield, Linda Masters, Lynn Ralph, Terry Grey (my first boyfried!!), Louisa Crook, Tony Macareve, and many more. 1947 for me too, I retired last year, August, so can't believe it is coming up to 12 months.

Chris (Jobbins)

Hello Chris, Terry Gray here. I look at this site from time to time. You can imagine how thrilled I was to see some names I recall, Yourself, Roger Bourne ,Carol summerfield and John Disney.

From time to time I visit the old place just to relive my time there.
Re: Balsall Heath. HICK ST

hi terry blue.i lived by the bookies billy newbold he was called big fat bellied bloke i can also remember it as a cafe.do you remember any of the people who lived in hick street ...like the sleet family ..old mrs harris ..mrs timms shop owens shop...kenny elliot ray higgins...the buckleys ...the old wellington pub ..and hope chapel on the corner....
hi sandra i have just found this site see my name im the ken elliott you have in your list
Hi kenny well what a surprise .. My maiden name was leake ...i was friends with cicely and sedella buckley...i also remember a tall fella called roy .im sure youd know him .he always wore a red jumper .we used to jive together ...and mickey o,malley..friend of michael buckley .i am in touch with cicely and sedella and have met up .was great after all these years. Theres also a group called old highgateonians free to join .found lots of friends on there loads of old pictures and stories too ..join the old highgateonians .and we can post messages to anyone on that site. ....nice to hear from you .
To Pomgolian, I remember Dr Wand however my favourite was Dr McGregor who put a few stitches in my head more than once. I also remember Father Peel and Father Clark , I was a cub and later a Scout and held our meetings in the place which I think you call the Tin-Tac hut. If this was the same place, we had a Coronation Party in there. Before the party we had several boys and girls in our home to watch Q.E. coronation on tv. The place was packed as not many had a TV set in those days it was only a 9" screen too. I was a choir boy and depending on how many appearance's I made got paid accordingly. 2/6d for a full turnout. I lived facing the outdoor in Dymoke Steet till the age of 11, I remember the Twogoods who lived by STORA'S the shop, the Calhaghan's on the corner of Angelina Street especially Chrissy. Bronco Race big mates of Joey Twogood. Someone mentioned knowing Margaret Welch I think she also lived across the road and had a sister called Dot not sure whether she was friends with my elder sister on not. Do you recall an old lady who lived next door to the outdoor if I remember correctly her name was Mrs Cox she lost her voice. Our Family lived at No 67 and my grandmother lived there before us but I don't know how long.
OTE=elle-jay;358921]Hi there,
Does anyone know where Orchard Terrace, Balsall heath would have been on a modern day map or infact does anyone have any pictures of the terrace please? My father in law was born there back in 1942. Kind thanks
Is this where you were asking for

This is not Orchard Terrace. It is, however, Longbridge Road. Just before demolition I think which was around 1968. My grandparents Alfred and Verena Suckling lived directly opposite the A35 van.
Hello Trevor.

My dad was Billy Gray, he used to drink in the Emily Arms pub in Dymoke street, also in the peacock near Highgate park. He was employed at the British Oxygen Company ( B.O.C )


Hi Terry,

Sorry Terry I'm sure I don't no your father - I was to young to drink when I lived there and all ties with the area in 1957.

Kind regards,

Hi Jill,
I lived at 67 dymoke Street. What is the family surname as I may know him. I lived there for about 9/10 years and moved in 1957.
Hi,we lived in runcorn rd twice late 60s and mid 70s,first time was number 74,then 6 may ave off runcorn rd. my mom and dad were Vicky and Ted baxter,and my sister was Penny,dont supose anyone has any photos of runcorn rd.?
Does anyone remember a bakers shop in Lincoln Street, near the juction with Edward road? It was owned by Fitters Bakers and run by my wife's Uncle and Aunt, Albert and Nellie Newton, in the 40s, 50s & 60s.
Also, does anyone have any pictures of this street?
Hello Liz. This is my first time on this site so bear with me. I am 5 years older (1946) than you and I was born at 28 William Edward Street which was my Gran's house. We later moved to 2/199 Gooch Street before moving out leafy Bartley Green in 1956. My brother and I went to Hope Street school. More to follow.
Fred Heath
Hello earlgary. I have only just joined this site so I might be a bit late responding. I remember Dantes well. We lived in the next yard to the shop. I think they had a daughter called Angelina. Do you remember Harold Miller who owned the shop before him? He fancied himself as Birmingham's answer to Teasy Weasy. His wifes name was Phyllis and they had a son called Keith.
PMC1947 Thank you for the great pics of Balsall Heath area,especially the one of "The Wallace" my Dad being a publican left the little Bull in Digbeth to manage the Wallace around 1957/8. Its the only pub of the many he managed that I do not have a photo of, with your ok I will down load it.
I was born in Tillingham St at the house rear of my Uncles Garage which he expanded through to Highgate Rd (now a Texaco).
Happy memories of all the picture houses mentioned, not forgetting the roller rink at Walford Rd where our Saturdays were spent skating until we dropped.
Have enjoyed browsing a trip down memory lane,what a gold mine of information this forum has

Hi Kermia, I was born and brung up in Tillingham St, from 1938 'til 1961 when I came to Oz. What time frame are you in? The only garage I can think you mean was the Moyden family who were just a couple up from us (we were number 7 ).
Bertie Moyden was my pal but the rest were like my 2nd family. Fred went with my sister Jeanne for a few years (semi serious?)
Maybe we have memories to share?
regards Tim
In reply to the posts with pictures of Tillingham St & Highgate Rd my Mom was born in Tillingham St at no.28 & ran Mays Cafe on the corner of Tillingham St/ Ladypool Rd/Highgate Rd for many years.
I can remember the guys from Moydens Garage coming in for there sandwiches & a lot of other factories around there also caused a big rush around 9-30--10am so they could eat in their break time.
Good old days
Dave Rock

Hi, Dave, Small world My Mom Ellen (Nelly) Eborn from 7 Tillingham St set up and opened Mays Café. The wedge shaped property belonged to the owner of The Shroud ( piles of coffins waiting to be lined with white silk etc!!) who thought he could make a quid out off the empty space. I think it could only seat 13 at the small in built tables and at the counter on the high stools.
They came up with the name "The Enterprise Café " and just after that The Flying Enterprise made headlines when it was wrecked in a storm but the Captain, Kurt Carlson refused to abandon his ship, I said that it was an omen of what would happen to the café!!.
The kitchen was bloody small with a door into a yard shared with a lady who rented from the Shroud and a small window that looked into the yard behind the hoardings which was a depot for the local gaslamps that lit the streets. It had spare tops with the 4 panes of glass and the like, like something out of Dickens!
Whilst I can remember a bit about our side of the street I cant place No 28 it may have been down by the small shops when bread was four and a half pence a loaf the lady there would sell a half for tuppence, three farthings but didn't always have a farthing for change so ran an honours system and you had to remember who owed who. We only went there now and again as we were mainly customers at Aldworth's in Turner St. Too many memories to put to press!
Cheers Tim.
Hi Tim Number 28 was next door to Parts & we used to have our family Xmas dinner in the factory & it was a great place for us kids to play in, of course we never realised the implications of the coffins!! The lady who lived in the yard was Ada Cleaver & she worked for mom in the cafe for a few years, when parts closed & it was taken over by Cantrills Cork we had to use the toilet in Adas yard, her son Brian was a bit older than me.
I used to work in the cafe & can confirm how small the cooking space was, at times there were 4 of us behind the counter & that was a real squeeze. I also worked across the road at Jack Mills Greengrocers on Xmas Eve & did a paper round for Snapes in Ombersley Rioad.
Before Mom took on the cafe she worked at Burdens Ice Cream, what a place for a kid to be involved in, I used to sit under the counter & Norman Burden used to slip me a cornet every now & again!! I went to Clifton Road then on to Waverley Grammar school.
I hope to hear a bit more about you.