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Back to Back houses today

A good rule of thumb used to decide if a house was a back to back was if you had a front door and a back door. Obviously if your house backed on to another you could not have a back door.

After saying that oddly enough our house had a side door in the entry. I could never work out why, because the single room downstairs was so small there was no need of two entrance doors from the street. Being so small there was always an item of furniture in front of one door so it was never used. It was probably only there to save on brickwork when the house was built.

I lived in a back to back house on sherlock street. we lived there for about 15 years; i loved living in that area, the people where real characters, but i was glad when we where offered a house in st andrews road with a back and front door and a kitchen that you could use without falling down the cellar steps and the possibility of drowning in your own cellar...happy days

We used to get flooding in our cellar during the winter. If it hadn't have been for this fact we would have used it to live in. It was the biggest room in the house.

Still how many houses in those days could boast their own internal swimming pool.

We used to keep a coconut mat over the cellar head to stop the rain getting in. Can't remember how well it worked, but don't remember having to swim for the coal and slack.
We used to keep a coconut mat over the cellar head to stop the rain getting in. Can't remember how well it worked, but don't remember having to swim for the coal and slack.
the water level rose every winter, something to do with the water table in the area rising, if we had coconut it probably would floated down sherlock street:D
One of my senior school friends lived in a back to back in Wiiliam Street, Lozells (the Newtown side). I think the street was knocked down in the late 60's and they were rehoused in a newly built block of flats.

I can remember it quite well, there were four houses in the 'back' section which you got to up an entry between the main street terrace, each had a small front garden. The front door opened into one room which they used to eat in as there was a small kitchen area at the back. The other room was used as the lounge.
I think there were two bedrooms and a small bathroom/ toilet upstairs - presumably that may have been part of a bedroom area as I imagine the original house wouldn't have had a bathroom?
One of my senior school friends lived in a back to back in Wiiliam Street, Lozells (the Newtown side). I think the street was knocked down in the late 60's and they were rehoused in a newly built block of flats.

I can remember it quite well, there were four houses in the 'back' section which you got to up an entry between the main street terrace, each had a small front garden. The front door opened into one room which they used to eat in as there was a small kitchen area at the back. The other room was used as the lounge.
I think there were two bedrooms and a small bathroom/ toilet upstairs - presumably that may have been part of a bedroom area as I imagine the original house wouldn't have had a bathroom?
our back house consisted of one attic, one bedroom, one living room. and the cooker & sink, with one cold water tap was situated in a 4ft by 7ft area on top of the cellar steps; one door into a communal yard, 2 shared toilets across the yard, so you sat with one foot against the door and whistled a tune. we also had a washhouse that 4 houses shared with a big boiler in fr boiling your washing. The attic & bedroom was connected by a single flight of stairs that went straight up the back wall,

Its sounds as if your house was the same as mine, only ours had no attic and the extra bit of room that enabled us to fit two double beds in our (the kids) bedroom came from the bedroom extending half over the entry.

If you had a large family like ours you would recognise the term topping and tailing in the beds.

pmcdermott, your back to back was identical to the one I grew up in. Never knew what a garden was.:( I would have called that dead posh.

Its sounds as if your house was the same as mine, only ours had no attic and the extra bit of room that enabled us to fit two double beds in our (the kids) bedroom came from the bedroom extending half over the entry.

If you had a large family like ours you would recognise the term topping and tailing in the beds.

there was eight of us at one time, i know all about topping & tailing, i went to bed one night and there was an almighty crash; the bed collapsed and there i was sat with my head through the slatted headboard i'm lucky i've still got my ears,:D

Every time I hear the tale by Billy Connolly about one of the neighbours children being bathed and being tucked up in bed with the rest of his siblings it makes me laugh because I think about the time when my mother found a neighbours child in one of our beds asleep.

In those days the kids just wandered in and out of each others houses as if it was the most natural thing in the world.


Every time I hear the tale by Billy Connolly about one of the neighbours children being bathed and being tucked up in bed with the rest of his siblings it makes me laugh because I think about the time when my mother found a neighbours child in one of our beds asleep.

In those days the kids just wandered in and out of each others houses as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

everybody's house was open house to everybody else then,i'm afraid that community spirit has almost disappeared now, mores the pity:(
My Father in law lived at 4/128 Vicarage Rd, Aston, one of 12 houses sharing 4 toilets 2 Brew houses (for washing) but they all had their individual small gardens. His garden was a picture, it wa his pride and joy. He was a gardener for Ansells Brewery and I think he "borrowed" a few of their plants. My Wife and I lived at 1/128 for a few years when I came out the RAF until we had saved a deposit to buy our first house in Erdington. Eric

Not many gardens round by me in Francis St even the parks were surfaced with black clinker ash.

I feel sure that my Nan used to live in a Back House,because I can never remember her having a back garden.
It was in Kensington Gardens off Balsall Heath Road,and one of my Aunts lived next door to my Nan.
It was in the 1940s
The heeling and toeing mentioned in previous posts, was also known as topping and toeing, and involved having new roofs and floors to prolong the life of the houses. This happened to the house I lived in at Burlington Street, Aston, we had bought the house but it was compulsory purchased and we had £20.00 compensation from the Council plus a "sympathetic rent" of 14 shilings and two pence per week. This was in 1961 and about 1965 we had workmen come in a few days before Christmas and the floors downstairs were covered in some sort black plastic - the roof was also repaired but not a new roof, by August 1967 we were moved out and the street was demolished. What a waste of the rates.

It wasn't a waste of rates though was it? You paid for these repairs yourself. Your house was compulsory purchased for the sum of £20 you were then then asked to pay a sympathetic rent of 14/- a week. Amounting to in excess of over a £140 over the next four years.

Out of the £120 profit the Council made they could more than afford to pay for the repairs made in those days.

Found this link on the net about the hurst St back to backs


Phil at £5.70 a head bet you wished you'd have kept yours now lol,made a packet showing the inquisitive middle classes round.

Nice shot I found on the web.William Street 1905,courtesy of Chris Upton.

HI, does anyone have any pictures or photographs of Claremont Road, Sparkhill. I was brought up there during the 1950s. Sadly all my Aunts and Uncles have died who were also born there, and I know nothing of the history of Claremont Road all I can remember is my Grandmother taking me along to the Salvation Army of which she was a member, the Salvation Army premises were just up the road.
HI, does anyone have any pictures or photographs of Claremont Road, Sparkhill. I was brought up there during the 1950s. Sadly all my Aunts and Uncles have died who were also born there, and I know nothing of the history of Claremont Road all I can remember is my Grandmother taking me along to the Salvation Army of which she was a member, the Salvation Army premises were just up the road.
I would dearly love some information because I am doing my Family history on the Surname White Ancestory tree and the Surname Wignell, Family tree.
I was born and grew up in a back to back in William Edward St Balsall Heath,all the houses pretty much in the surrounding areas were back to back,i have noticed some people refer to the area as Highgate,it was never known as Highgate when i was there,Highgate started on the far side of Leopold St went up on to Mosely Rd,the houses op the top end of Balsall Heath were nice houses at one time,but where i lived and Dymoke St, Hope St, Sherlock St, Conybere St, Hick St,Vaughton St, Bishop St,all back to backs always known as Balsall Heath
Hi Bernard

Thanks for putting me straight, your back to backs in Hick St are the first that I have heard of. If anybody knows of anymore please let me know. Bernard the house I lived in in Nechells had two bedrooms and one room downstairs with shared toilets up the yard.

There was my mother and stepfather and three brothers and three sisters making nine in all. When my stepfather moved his three sisters in as well it was time for me to move back to my grandmothers in Balsall Heath. I have to say compared to some we were not overcrowded.


It looks like your interpretation of your map is correct.

I was born and grew up in a back to back in William Edward St Balsall Heath,all the houses pretty much in the surrounding areas were back to back,i have noticed some people refer to the area as Highgate,it was never known as Highgate when i was there,Highgate started on the far side of Leopold St went up on to Mosely Rd,the houses op the top end of Balsall Heath were nice houses at one time,but where i lived and Dymoke St, Hope St, Sherlock St, Conybere St, Hick St,Vaughton St, Bishop St,almost all back to backs always known as Balsall Heath​
Please can anyone help me with any knowledge of past years on Claremont Road,Sparkhill,Birmingham. Some people classed it as Aston rather than Sparkhill,
Many Thanks Bryce.
I lived in a back to back house in Yardley in 1957 in Milton Crescent. The back to backs I think belonged to Hardings Bakery, we all shared the brew house and my dad plastered it out and we used it as a bathroom, he used to fill up the bolier and then put the water into a tin bath, all the families in our row used it as well as a place to do the washing. The toilets were at the end of the block a we had a big garden and the people on the front had a small garden. At the time my father worked for Hardings as a delivery man. I think we moved out in the early 1960's
Thank you Adele, for your information I am trying to look at some pictures of Lawden Road, Small Heath,Birmingham also Claremont Road,Sparkhill,Birmingham. From Bryce
Has anyone seen the houses attached to the Wellington hotel on the corner of Bromsgrove St and Bristol Road, It's now a row of shops called The Diskery, they look very similar to the ones on Hurst St, but without the court at the back.
I've looked on the birds eye view on the net and they look like they could be old enough to be old back to backs.

Have a Look and let me know, what you think.

Is this the last blind back still standing in Birmingham ?

looks like an old back house to me, the front of it is converted into a garage workshop, what do you think ?20131102_124833.jpg20131102_124705.jpg