Agreed. Our air raid shelter was above ground and stuffed with old desks! The public information films on nuclear war weren't shown to the general public as implied, (they were only going to be released if the threat was high). I recall a boy saying to me in the playground that, "another few minutes and we will know if the world will come to an end", and I had no idea what he was talking about. That was the Cuba Crisis!
My general impression of the series is that the children were more adaptable than the programmed adults! Poor old Enoch Powell was, as usual, misquoted. Didn't they see the irony of the Asian-heritage teacher 'having the whip hand'? A problem with all these 'history' programmes is that they like to spice them up with the exceptions - if they could find one woman that had dressed up as a man in WW1, say, her story would lead over the million-plus men! We had a bit of that here with the girls being taught self-defence by the suffragette, how typical was that?