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Aston Pictures

Keep em coming Stitcher, it's the only way I can keep my kids and grandkids believing the tall tales of truth from the thirties onwards. I measured out the floor plan of an Anderson Shelter in my lounge room last week and they were gobsmacked when I told them I spent the big Aston Raid in one with Granny White, Mom, Brother Harold, Sisters Joan, Berly, and Barbara. United in fear I can tell you.
If other members enjoy looking at the pictures I post, that is all the encouragement I need to carry on but we must all remember that my collection will run dry one day. That means we should all keep our eyes open for images from the past so we can carry on indefinately.
I've just had a ghost from the past visit me my old mom and dad. 'That 'orse wouldn't pull a greasy man out of bed Alice. Even with half a load of coal we got stuck half way up 'Olborn 'ill. Regards David.
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The Aston University was built on this area, it is Moland Street in 1938.[/QUOTE]

Stitcher, could the "main" road in this picture be the start of Aston Road at Gosta Green looking towards Aston? I don't know Moland Street.
Moland St disappeared when they built the first stage of what was then Gosta Green Technical College.Dek
can anyone help with some pictures of aston hall road especially anywhere around where the thompson motor services site is which has been a garage for many years?
Stitch,First time I have seen the photo.of Clifton Rd. #503 thanks mate.I lived there for 15 years,looking on the left halfway up is a big tree,That was our yard 5/106.What is here shown as the bookie used to be an electrical shop where we had our accumulators re-charged,the bookie was Mrs Burley she lived up a tunnel entry across the road.
That lovely white building the other side of the opening from the Tavern was our Doctors in the 1950's, Dr Morgan and Dr Drinkwater, my Dad and I occassionally used the Tavern but our usual pub was either the 'top' Queens in Queens Rd or the Grovesner in Grovesner Road (run by Jimmy Leach, an ex-Villa player). Happy days. Eric
I took some new pics down Aston Hall Road recently, under the Aston Expressway.

On one side is now a hand car wash.

Crowder Brown was a main agent for Vauxhall Bedford, with a spares dept a bodyshop and the main service area, I worked there in 1973/74, started off in the stores (left hand side of the building) but left for a better offer at MCA (motorcycle spares) Victoria Rd B6,

PS, I would love a photo of the Crowder Brown building, if one exists, Regards, Tony.
Crowder Brown was a main agent for Vauxhall Bedford in Lozells Rd, I worked there in the early/mid 70s, I began in the stores (there were a stores dept, a bodyshop and a large service area) but after being refused a post in the bodyshop eventually left for a better offer at MCA Victoria Rd B6, the C/B building was situated near to the pub (the name escapes me) at the V junction of (was it Heathfield Rd ?) it was a large site and hopefully someone out there has a photo of the said building which would be nice to see again after all these years,

Hope I've cleared this little matter up for you? Regards,m Tony.
Crowder Brown was a main agent for Vauxhall Bedford, with a spares dept a bodyshop and the main service area, I worked there in 1973/74, started off in the stores (left hand side of the building) but left for a better offer at MCA (motorcycle spares) Victoria Rd B6,

PS, I would love a photo of the Crowder Brown building, if one exists, Regards, Tony.

hi tony is this what you are looking for click on photo to enlarge...i see you have been a member for a couple of years now but have you seen the aston and lozells thread...the photos are amazing and include the crowder and brown one..click on the link below to take you to the thread and start viewing from post 1...all the best




  • Lozells20Rd_2011.jpg
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Hi, has anyone got any pictures of Lichfield Road, Sutherland st. My father in law lived at 2/22 Dawlish Terrace, in 1927 he is always talking of the old days and memories.

waterworks-sutherland st.JPG 314.jpg Hi Jackie, here are photos of both ends of Sutherland street, unfortunately, I have never seen any of the actual street.
how strange....i was only looking at the pic on post 533 this morning....smashing photo and could be anywhere in aston...

1953 and the actual Aston Brook is visible whilst the culvert is being repaired.
what street is this please?
its high st aston with work going on at hockley/aston brook...one of my favourite photos

its high st aston with work going on at hockley/aston brook...one of my favourite photos

Mine too Lyn and thank you. Did you see my question to you re your wonderful Park Road pictures? I was wondering where they came from.
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I have no idea why I would save thes two photo's because I have no known connections or memories of the roads. The pictures are (top) 138-142 Church Street, and (bottom) is 55-56-57Barker Street. Both in Lozells and both from 1981. The houses in the bottom picture are from 1840.
Are these two pictures where they say they are. I have got a bit confused
yes a s wood the locations are correct and the houses in both photos are still there
