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Aston, Lozells & Witton Photos Reposted thanks to Ray Griffiths...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Rifle crescent ran the back of the orient picture house...the orient had a passageway at the side of it the entrance being the high street and ended at rifle crescent....wether its still there l do'nt know have'nt been around there in years....l think the opposite end of victoria road entrance was albert road l stand to be corrected though...Brenda
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

I remember it being there in the early 60's because my dad had a radio and tv shop on Lichfield Road and we had some rental customers who lived there.There was a lot of redevelopment work in the area at the time of the building of the Aston Expressway and Spaghetti junction it may be the it disappeared during that time.I am sure that somewhere on is forum is a person who will be able to answer your question more accurately than I .
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

rifle crescent ran from victoria rd onto potters hill, and was still there in the late sixties i think, had school freinds that lived there.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

From a old A to Z


  • A To Z Rifle Cr001.jpg
    A To Z Rifle Cr001.jpg
    454 KB · Views: 233
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

thank for the map dave of rifle crescent..its a new one on me...wouldnt mind finding a pic of it..will add to my list...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Dave, liked your map, glad l was'nt to far off saying rifle crescent was off albert road, whiehead road was close enough ha ha! your map cleared a few of the cobwebs out,l had a boyfriend who lived on rifle crescent but his name escapes me...if l think hard enough maybe it will come to me....Brenda
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Thank you all again! My father's family 'Chrimes' arrived here from Warrington in the 1890s. Not sure what brought them here en masse. Just wanted an idea. really appreciate this and the site!
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

What a fantastic set of photo's , my memories came flooding back because I can identify myself fat better with them , because it was the time of my life when I was growing up in the area
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

What a fantastic set of photo's , my memories came flooding back because I can identify myself far better with them , because it was the time of my life when I was growing up in the area
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

These photographs are extreamely fantastic...its just so great to see how it was in my time back then in aston/lozells....an excellent collection...''Well done and thanks for posting.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Thank's For Posting These Photo's Love Looking At The Old Photo's Bring's Back Happy Memories.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

thanks redken and irene and yes we are so very lucky to have these photos...little gems...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Wonderful photos but oh! so frustrating.My brain is working overtime trying to place all these places and names.
They all seem be on the edge of my tongue waiting to drop off.
Thank goodness we have such caring people as Lyn { and phil } to have saved all of this history.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

hi betty so pleased that you enjoyed looking at the aston/lozells photos...im always going back to them...just goes to show the power of the old photographs...they bring back so many memories to all of us

lyn x
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Another wonderful trip down memory lane. So grateful to everyone for posting. ​AND RE-POSTING !!
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

could it be the Vicarage in Church Lane, between Queens Rd and Aston Hall Rd ???? Eric
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

carolina ;
yes it was the clerky house orinionaly and the big wall was around the church yard from the front gates of the church and along both ways
was low walls until you came towards the end walling side arond as if you was walking into the old fair ground but before you got into the gates of the fair ground it stopped and it had old iron spiked railing some of it was old grey black and rusty and indisrepair and some had gaps in and we used to sqeeze through them and wonder around the back to the legend of the old mystry stories of finding the door which they claim had the tunnel from aston hall
it was a frighting expericence to vevture among the very old graves and tombes of the 1700 years that was falling down and closely over crammed together
the vicar used to come out and tell us off if he seen us from his windows and tell us to go back through the front gates
so we would run around to the gates and try and get around to the other side to get to that door which was right at the very back of the cemetry
it was always dark and weary ; i used to be in the church choir for many years and sing at the sunday services morning and at evening seervices
i got two half crowns for doing it and we had choir pratice twice a week and we had to go to dyson hall some sunday s in park street by the vine pub ;
there was an old lady within he congregation very opld always smiled at me and every sunday she used to bring me a present it wall brand new goods
there was two old ladies in charge of us our choir mistress was a miss rice i thinkjean did put a picture one for me with miss rice and her companyun
i payed a visit to the church about three or four years ago its was all changed inside with chicken mess wire hanging all over te place i was saddened to see the place and told the person in charge of the group service whom i was and that we was in the church choir there many years back in the fortys and fiftys
john Lloyed my two older brother,s ronnie and william whom died two years back now but ron is still alive in is late seventys now and ray jarratt and his brother
georgie jarratt and peter sharp we are all from the cromwell terace lichfield rd aston next to thompsons the butchers
i think it was in the early fifties the vicar at the time became the cannon o birmingham whom also lived in there
as i said about three years ago i went there it looked like they built an house or a lodge of some think with in the cementry just off the pathe from the main church entrance which was never there all those years back incidently all my relies got married there and my brothers all eight of us got christened there as
well ;but yes that s the orinionall house ; and its apart of the old aston hall rd the beginging merry christmas ; Alan ;Astonian;;;;;
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Astonian, early 1952 the vicar was a chap named Warman who would not marry myself and My Wife because she was divorced even though she was the innocent party so we were married in the registrar in city centre in December 1952. I made a point later of telling Warman what I thought of his lack of humanity and Christian feelings. I lived just round the corner in Queens Road and my Wife live up the hill in Vicarage Road opposite the school. He was not the most popular vicar yet his Wife was a lovely lady. Eric
Hi Eric;
nice to hear from you again its been a long time since i spoke with you are you still dong the paintings ?.
thanks for reminding me of the vicar at hat period as i could not remember his name ;
It certainly destroyed your spirit when you come up agaist things like that ;as i have had a simular experience and it makes you want to loose the faith
As i have had a very simular ; my wife is a devoured catholic very staurched indeed ever since she was a chid she even during her growing up in life
in her teenage years and before that even; and she can recite the bible back wards ; but getting back on track to your situation
AS I myself had been married before i met my old dutchess [the wife] and she as never been married before she wanted the white dressed marrige
In the catholic church ; and it was the Holy family church on coventry rd small heath so we popped along and made the meeting of the said priest
at the vestery he asked the questions as normal ; and turned to me and said have either of you two been marrid before ; i said yes me
and said are you a divorced man ; i said yes and then he said was the marige consomated i said yes ;
the the bomb struck ; he said sorry i cannot marry you in church ; my wife had a go and she had a go at him as she was in tears
so that was that in the end like you we had to settle for the registra in broad street but she never lost the faith thank god
and we had all our kids go to the holy family school and had there commununion there and the wife fore gave the priest whom was always drunk on the wine
and was the school govenour at the holy family school in small heath at times i do think these people are abit of a hypercrites
i used to see the priest at the st patricks church and school on dudley rd every week especialy sundays after the mass services morning and evening ;
come across to the lee bridge taven at dudly rd heath street for years ;
any way Eric ; thanks again fot informing me the guys name and have your self a merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year for 2014 and i look foreward to more of your intresting threads on the forum best wishes Alan. Astonian;;
hi astonian
i got married at the holy family church coventy rd the old priest ( father o'keef ) was lovely my husband not being catholic
was ask if he would consider changing his religion he said no but fr o'keef said that was ok and still married us
we renewed our vow there on our 25th wedding anniverary in 1991
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hi Cookie,

My wife and I had the same problem as you when we wanted to get married at Aston Parish Church in 1950. The vicar (probably Warman) would not marry us on the date we wanted because it was Lent. We went to Christchurch Baptist at Six Ways instead.

Old Boy
Hi Eric I remember the Canon Warman and his wife. He could be obnoxious at times and the pair of them used to always have a fag in their mouths. quite a few of us local teenagers got together and helped decorate the hall next to the vicarage that became our club. One evening the local rocker boys came and wanted to join. Canon Warman told them in no uncertain terms to go sling their hooks. They sure did that and came back after dark wrecking all the hard work we had done. If only he had given them a chance instead of prejudging them because of their appearance?. That was the end of our club I am afraid. My dad always used to put to the church funds when someone on a regular basis came round collect but when dad was very ill we didn't see a soul from there to ask how he was or offer help. Alan I think the two ladies were sisters who lived at the bottom of Holte road and ran the Sunday school at Yew Tree road school?. Will try to remember their names?.
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Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

When ron and i got married at Aston Church nov 1956 we had Rev Warman, and he had very strict ideas of the why's and wherefores on dress code l had already had my wedding dress made to measure, my dress had no sleeves and had an open neckline...well Rev Warman said he would'nt allow any bare arms or neckline this was just when the bands were read.....you can imagine l had to do some quick thinking on what to do luckily the dress maker had some left over lace, si l was respectable at the alter.....also we wanted to record the ceremony but that was a no-no too...Ron was still in the RAF so it was all left on my shoulders so by the time the day arrived l was about to have a nervous breakdown....oh! the RAF only let Ron have his leave because he was he was getting married as he had been in the hospital all week with the flu..l often wonder if we are really married as Ron had no voice, l never heard him say l do...........Brenda
Brenda as a youngster I would spend most of Saturday watching the wedding photo's being taken in front of that old oak church door. One thing I will say about Rev Warman's wife was that she loved animals. On my way to school one morning I saw a plastic bag inside the vicarage gates and inside it were several dead pups. I knocked on the door [with knees knocking ] to tell her what I had found. When she saw me next she told me she had put them in a shoe box and buried them in her garden.
dear g g jean, i am replying to your most recent post only in the hope you will notice my response quicker. my interest is bevington rd. where i lived as a child but browsing led me to mansfield rd. where you also had an input. here i saw names of people i played football with or went to school.dave collins, colin sayers john farrell malc. phipps, kenny hiley,paul hayward, roger healey, danny rees,mervin powell etc etc.unfortunately only dave collins is posting but not recently and he,s off line,is he no longer interested? i tried to contact through his birchfield rd. school posts but they are verry old. i have some old photo,s, verry poor quality of st. james f.c. do you know if he would be interested? i will try to copy them if you can get in touch. they are not good enough to post on this site and anyway i don,t know how to.if you want my email address i think i left it on the mansfield rd. site .yours, old astonian and perry barr pest, geoff grayson
Perry Barr pest John Farrell is my brother in law and I know for sure he would be interested in your photo's. We are off out shortly but will catch up later and IM you our e.mail address. I am in touch with Dave Collins too who is also on the forum under Dave E Collins. Jean. PS. What is your full name please?.
brummy wench, thanks for your reply, i have removed my email address from the forum site on advise, how can you share emails if you can,t publish? anyway you may have noted mine.i hve had a look at the clearest photo of st. james fc and i,m sure john is on it,along with dave collins, alan powell,colin sayers, dave gibson,roger healey, paul hayward, danny rees, malcolm phipps and myself geoffrey grayson. there is one fase i,m not sure of.i also have two photo,s of butlin,s bognor regis 1965 or 66.kenny hiley, danny rees and one i can,t remember name but i think john -----.(possibly he worked at austin,s,longbridge).perhaps a chat locally i will bring them to look at.meybe a photographic world enhancement boffin could improve them, if there is one in witton.i live locally myself, usually handsworth wood but sometimes perry barr if they don,t close the tennis court,s early.