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Aston, Lozells & Witton Photos Reposted thanks to Ray Griffiths...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Two Unett St Public Houses and the delightful one of the four little urchins in a back court off the street. Then finally what they replaced it with in 1964.



  • Newtown Dolphin Unett St.jpg
    Newtown Dolphin Unett St.jpg
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  • Newtown Unett St 1964.JPG
    Newtown Unett St 1964.JPG
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  • Newtown Unett St Back Court .JPG
    Newtown Unett St Back Court .JPG
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  • Newtown Unett St White House.jpg
    Newtown Unett St White House.jpg
    123.6 KB · Views: 254
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Thanks for The Whitehouse, my exhusband lived 2 doors away from it until he moved with his family to by The Stonehouse, Bartley Green in late 50s.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hello Lyn _ I've just posted (in various st pics) the two Burlington st pics I mentioned a few days ago, took me a while to find them. The pics you've posted are wonderful, in particular the Burlington st, Park lane and Potters Hill images. The Litchfield rd area shows the hoarding just past Thompsons behind which we lived for a short time in the early sixties. There was an area of wasteland and further back some houses and a narrow courtyard - I think they were back to back.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

hi tjhh...yes ive seen them and ive just replied on the old st pics thread..wonderful pics...as i said on my post if you find any of paliament st or paddington st we would love to see them...i was born in paddington and would you believe i cant find one single pic of it...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

There's probably one in a parallel universe - like my parents wedding.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

i always say they are out there somewhere tom...i shall keep looking..by the way did you know the boxer johnny prescotts nan...she lived in burlington st...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

No I didn,t but my parents might have. Heard a few stories about ozzie osborn from my cousins in potters hill.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

ok thanks tom...i think there should be a couple of potters hill pics somewhere on the forum..
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hi, I've just seen the photo of Wilton Street and I wondered if anyone could remember the house numbers. My husbands birth family lived at 181 from about 1911 to the 1950s and we would love to have an idea if it was visible on the photo. Many thanks.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

sorry dipseydiva i have no idea what the numbering is on the wilton st pic..but as this is the bottom end of the street and we can tell this because of the incline my best guess is that no 181 would have been higher up as it crossed with clifford st..gerrard st and finished up at lozells road...sorry i cant be of any help on this one..

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

thank you for looking Lyn

its no trouble..ive just done a google walk and there is a little bit of wilton st left leading upto lozells road but im afraid they are all new houses now...if i come accross anymore old pics i will post them for you...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

just found this pic that i had missed...it shows the top of wilton st where it meets with the lozells road...you can just see the old houses on the left but again no way of knowing the numbers of them...


Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

lyn, i remeber the fine fair super market on the corner. the telephone box in the picture was burnt out, during the problems on lozzells road, all the plastic windows were melted. kind reguards sidwho
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

hi sidwho i have a vaugue memory of fine fares but our mom would never entertain shopping there..she prefered the old shops along the lozells road...
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

hi lyn ; i do not blame your other for not shopping in fine fare they was comlete nonsence a rubbish retaler in fact all there shops was a complete mess
along with there products i can recall when they openened that shop on lozells rd and when they redeveloped that lozzells rd from old into new shops before the riots was ever dreamed of and destroyed lozells rd ; years after still i could understand the reason behind the riots there was alot going on for years
that the ordinary folk never knew about until the nights of riots it was not just about a man and a young lady being raped as the papers stated thats what the police had said to the papers there was more behind the scenes i mied within there circle of people in more ways and one and i lived in the evening social scenes and deliveryed three parts of handsworth from hamstead rd right across to grove lane and the whole surrounding area of handsworth ;
it was sad what had happenend and with the loss of the post office workers whom ran it ;
it should never have happenend ; pray to god it does not happened again ; but i do beleive there is hope ;
best wishes lynn and keep your pics a coming ; and make us smile with our happy memories of handswoth and not the sad moments which we all should try and forget ; alan ; astonian
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

A couple of lost pics of Villa Rd
Sorry Wont upload !!!
Did you post those photos before the 'big hack' - if you did then the forum server thinks its still got them and it thinks you are posting duplicates.
For an explanation and possible solution click here
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Did you post those photos before the 'big hack' - if you did then the forum server thinks its still got them and it thinks you are posting duplicates.
For an explanation and possible solution click here They are pics i posted before, but so have been others , I will keep trying but thanks for your valuable help.
They are pics i posted before, but so have been others , I will keep trying but thanks for your valuable help
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hi - What I notice is I can see the image names 'Gowers Shop' and 'Wilkinsons' when I am not logged in, but when I am logged in they disappear which suggests the server thinks they are duplicates.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hi - What I notice is I can see the image names 'Gowers Shop' and 'Wilkinsons' when I am not logged in, but when I am logged in they disappear which suggests the server thinks they are duplicates.
They are appearing in the up-loader as blank, i have tried renaming them but that didn't work. I will try again latter.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Hi Big Fella
I think you probably need to do more than just rename, I can see you changed it to Wilkinson 1. Move your image into a photo editor and very slightly alter it (brightness or contrast) and re-save it to alter it's properties. The file size is also large at 1.1Mb

ps...I mainly use Coppermine for many photos
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Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

I notice you already have a nice photo. If you want to move that photo and your resized photos into this thread you would need to use the 'Manage Attachments'.
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Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

Well here they are at last ( just too big i think ). Thanks for the help Old Mohawk


  • rsz_newspaper_shop.jpg
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  • rsz_wilkinsons_1.jpg
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Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

another new one for me topsy...how its changed...lozells road ahead...

thanks for posting it...

Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

what a great picture, i just remeber the bank on the corner of lozzells road and birchfeild road. gees corner, birchfeild road and witton road and the church are still there, kind reguards sidwho
I remember this corner well. The # 90 bus used to turn into Hamstead Road here on its journey into town. The chemists shop has those weighing scales outside. Did they leave those outside the shop or take them in at closing time? I think the Brook Centre was a recruitment agency (or was it family planning? No think that was Brook Street. Or was Brook Street the agency? Crumbs lets hope the clients knew what it was!!). The bus often waited at the traffic lights here, so you had time to ponder such vital questions! If you turned the other way - down Hamstead Road, there was a dentist on the left-hand side which I used to go to. It was a bungalow. He was German - think his name was Mammott, very good dentist. He did a good job on my goofy teeth. Viv.
Re: Aston and lozells pic reposted...

I remember this corner well. The # 90 bus used to turn into Hamstead Road here on its journey into town. The chemists shop has those weighing scales outside. Did they leave those outside the shop or take them in at closing time? I think the Brook Centre was a recruitment agency (or was it family planning? No think that was Brook Street. Or was Brook Street the agency? Crumbs lets hope the clients knew what it was!!). The bus often waited at the traffic lights here, so you had time to ponder such vital questions! If you turned the other way - down Hamstead Road, there was a dentist on the left-hand side which I used to go to. It was a bungalow. He was German - think his name was Mammott, very good dentist. He did a good job on my goofy teeth. Viv.
It was a Family planning concern