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Aston Hippodrome Revue

  • Thread starter Thread starter maggie
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Hi Maggs

I also went to the Aston Hippodrome with my dad sometimes and would have been about your age. I remember the nudes who stood posed like statues but it was only one part of a good variety show, and I wasn't embarrassed either!!

Hello Judy,

Thanks for your reply. Glad you felt the same way as I did. I think it made me feel that bodies were not to be ashamed of. Bringing up my children I never hid anything from them. I found when other children giggled at such things, mine looked bewildered, couldn't see what the fuss was about.


The nudes at the Aston Hippodrome were not supposed to move. As a police officer in the 1950s when in the plain clothes department at Victoria Road Police Station one of our duties was to attend the first show on a Monday evening and ensure that all was in order. (it always was). This was on the instructions of the Watch Committee who were particularly strict at that time. I saw some good shows there and a lot of rubbish.

Revue Bars, such as the Rhoda Rogers in Soho Road were different as they were, in theory, private members clubs.

Old Boy
Thanks Old Boy, I thought my memory served me well about those nudes. I suppose I may have been a bit young to know a good show from a bad one. But I loved the Pantomime's there. We always dressed up really posh on a Saturday night to go to the theatre. People don't these days.


Thought some of our younger members might like to see what we are talking about.
Thank you Mike G for the super photo. Never thought I would see that place again.

Good memories.

This thread led me to have a look at exactly what was going on regarding the rules about revue shows in theatres back in the late l950's. The Lord Chamberlain made the rules re Theatres in particular and what they called "Tableauxs". Revue bars did not have the same rules. In the l960's with the "kitchen sink" dramas of John Osborne starting to appear in theatres. He went to court and fought against the nudity
rulings. Also, Kenneth Tynan did the same. Eventually the rules were changed.

There is a fascinating link about a film that was made regarding the
woman who owned the Windmill Theatre at one time in London. "Mrs Henderson Present" starring Judi Dench. I can remember people I knew who went to Paris to see the shows at the Moulin Rouge and the Folies Bergere.
I was told to go and see "Daisy May" a stripper,it was a puppet show,never went to a strip show ever again.
The best performance I ever saw at the hip. was Joseph Locke,his version of a soldiers dream,was very noisy,he could also out drink anyone in the Bartons Arms.
I thought Daisy May was a ventriloquists dummy. With Mr Saveen. I have just called one of my cat's Daisy May, because I loved watching Mr Saveen on TV when I was young.
You are spot on Maggs,Daisy May was a ventriloquist dummy,got mixed up,also couldn't spell ven........
Good I am pleased I got it right. I only guessed at the spelling anyhow, just a fluke that I got it right.


Even Thou We Lived Local To it ,I Only Went In There Once In My LifeAs Nipper
And that was because when I Was In the Infants Of Upper Thomas street school way back
In 1952/3 there was a lady teacher whom took my brothers a and myself and a couple of kids
She came to our houses and collected us from our houses on a Saturday afternoon
To see Cinderella ,I never got to know the name of the teacher from that day ,even now I do not know
Best wishes Alan,,,Astonian,,,
I used to be taken to the Aston hip every Saturday whether it was a revue or whatever with my dad too. I think we saw all the big names of the day there. The pantomime was always good too. Nice memories of the place.
aston hippodrome

rod and john may be able to help
the only thing i could find is this link to the sister site
scroll half way to bottom of page.
Hello I have just read your message. I was one of the showgirls at the Aston Hippodrome. I was there with Pauline Penny in the last show. I had lots of photos of around that time. I had everything stolen from my car so sadly I dont have any pics of that time of my life. I tried the link you put her but its not working. I would dearly love to have some posters any photos from that time. I dont supose you would know where I could get them. I dont mind paying. Anii
Naked Laddies at the Hipp

Sylvia I managed to find this Hippodrome Poster
Hello I have just seen your reply. Could you please tell me where I could see this poster. I would like to buy it. I was one of the showgirls with Pauline Penny. I was in the last show. We then went on tour. WE broke up just after that. I had my car stolen with all my photos. I would be greatfull if you could tell me where I could buy posters of photos. Thank you, Anii
I regret that billc is no longer on the forum. He could still read your message if he ever views the forum, but would have to rejoin to reply
Hello I have just read your message. I was one of the showgirls at the Aston Hippodrome. I was there with Pauline Penny in the last show. I had lots of photos of around that time. I had everything stolen from my car so sadly I dont have any pics of that time of my life. I tried the link you put her but its not working. I would dearly love to have some posters any photos from that time. I dont supose you would know where I could get them. I dont mind paying. Anii
Might bring back a few memories for you - From October 1958


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Hello I have just read your message. I was one of the showgirls at the Aston Hippodrome. I was there with Pauline Penny in the last show. I had lots of photos of around that time. I had everything stolen from my car so sadly I dont have any pics of that time of my life. I tried the link you put her but its not working. I would dearly love to have some posters any photos from that time. I dont supose you would know where I could get them. I dont mind paying. Anii
What was your name when on the Aston hippodrome with Pauline Penny. I was a dancer at that time. Trying to think of some of the girls names
Hi all
my mother and her sister were can-can dancers at the hippodrome i would think about 1937
My older sister has a photo of them both on the stage
She cant find it at the moment but she will look for it.
does anybody have any posters or reviews around that time .