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Arriva Captured by the Jerries


master brummie
Where do the Germans get their money from??? It seems a German company, Deutsche Bahn has made a
£1.59bn takeover offer for the Arriva Group. They have run our buses here in Derby since 1998, and also
trains. Arriva which is the second biggest bus company in the UK hasover 7,000 buses,and 200 trains, and
has a workforce of 23,300.We dont own anything in this country anymore, makes you wonder who won
the last war. Bernard
Hello Bernard,

I think Deutsche Bahn is the name of the company that runs the rail system in Germany.

regards Neville.
Well I don't agree with us selling off everything but I will say after visiting Germany and using their bus and rail system it is brilliant. The timetables run together. You can get off a bus and straight onto a train or vice versa. The fares are cheap as well. The one thing that sprung to mind with me was how the trams run through the centre of the cities like they used to in Brum. I often think now that many mistakes were made in redevelopment!
The Germans own Chiltern railway. If they run Arriva has well they run Chiltern there'll be no problems
Why not? The Germans run Europe, and we are now merely a controlled, subject state of Europe. Even the forthcoming elections are largely pointless, as most of our law is now European. We have been bought and sold, so we might aswell enjoy a reasonably well run bus company! However, it does make you wonder at the last hundred years of our history - why??? (could this be a 'party-political advertisement' for UKIP?!?)
Why not? The Germans run Europe, and we are now merely a controlled, subject state of Europe. Even the forthcoming elections are largely pointless, as most of our law is now European. We have been bought and sold, so we might aswell enjoy a reasonably well run bus company! However, it does make you wonder at the last hundred years of our history - why??? (could this be a 'party-political advertisement' for UKIP?!?)

I don't want to get political on here, but agree with you 100%
I'll say no more MikeG:rolleyes::D
Cross Country trains also part of the Arriva group, Wales and West too and EWS, as someone pointed out, are we the only country that carves up its state railway and hands it over to another country to run? Where did it all go wrong how was it that we were once a nation that produced so much and exported so much and then lost it all?
Cross Country trains also part of the Arriva group, Wales and West too and EWS, as someone pointed out, are we the only country that carves up its state railway and hands it over to another country to run? Where did it all go wrong how was it that we were once a nation that produced so much and exported so much and then lost it all?

Government after Government since the 60s have sold us down the river for the chance to make easy money. big business would rather sell paper shares between them selves than make goods to export the money men juggle figures to show paper profit so that their bonus,s can be paid it will end one day that is the day we become a third world nation. Dek
Its not just the buses and railways, the power companies, the banks, Airports and everything else, the Japs couldnt conquer the world by force but with help of the
Mighty Dollar wiped the floor with our motor cycles and cars, who was it that used to say "Its a funny old world", they were spot on !!! Bernard
Why not? The Germans run Europe, and we are now merely a controlled, subject state of Europe. Even the forthcoming elections are largely pointless, as most of our law is now European. We have been bought and sold, so we might aswell enjoy a reasonably well run bus company! However, it does make you wonder at the last hundred years of our history - why??? (could this be a 'party-political advertisement' for UKIP?!?)

more than 100 years, and not just the Germans is it ?


Does this mean if there were another war, Dover would surrender....lol