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Anyone remember this tiny yard?.

G G Jean

Brummy Wench.
My dads cousins Julia and Ada Cole lived in a small yard with about six tiny houses. I used to visit from swimming club and they gave me tea and Kunzles cakes from where they used to work. They were the miss shapes but tasted as good as the perfect ones. Going up Park road from Aston Church on the left hand side right to the top before the Victoria road lights there was a narrow entry that took you to their house. I remember the houses had steep steps and coal cellars. I would love to know the name of the yard and would be delighted if anyone had a photo. All I can remember were a couple of lilac trees and a gas lamp to light up the yard. It always made me feel uneasy as it was so poorly lit till one of them opened the door. Thanks. Jean.
Hi there jean
hope you and pete are fine on the suject of the tiny entry
i recall that entry but i cannot tell you the name i passed it quite regular coming many times on foot
and later in the day it could have given a spookey feel
but when i used to look down it and see those lamps and see the house i thought oh they must be posh down there
because there lamps was different to the ones we had up our terrace they was probaly one of the first to get lamps changed over
i can remermber when we had our fire place taken out and put a posh tile suround with a mantle peice
because we only had the built in cast iron one where you hung your pots for cooking in over coal
and we first had the gas mantle taken out and had electric lights put in with a switch into turn on and off
i dashed down to my nans in white house street by old chinny house and told my nan about electric light fitting
because they was later changing over the ld gas mantles down white house street
but getting back to your entry it was just passed the doctors surgery on park rd before you got to buckinghams the chemist
which was on the oppersite side there was two doctors surgery there on both side of the rd
ours was dr graysons on the oppersite side to the one by the tiny entry
but i did not know your relatives
thanks for the memorys your friend , astonion alan ,,