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Another pub fire

For interest, this is the opinion of someone on another forum I am a member of re the Crooked House pub...

So as this is pretty much my job, few quick responses.

This is pretty much the best result which could have been hoped for in the circumstances so fair play, especially as the local authority who've issued it are so small. Turning it around in around 6 months is also quick. It's the strongest form of

Precisely to stop people just sticking the company into liquidation it also will be issued to named individuals. They will struggle to sell the site as it would also be passed onto whomever bought it.

3 years is what the legislation requires. If a serious attempt is made to rebuild, the recipients of the order can reasinably easily get time extensions, though will be monitored closely and there are fines for unresonable delays

An appeal can be made within 30 days. I'd be frankly shocked if they were able to succesfully appeal. Companies with much greater resources have failed in appeals and given the publicity on this case (and the fact that the owners have so blatantly broken planning law repeatedy) it's very unlikely.

If they don't re-build (and I suspect cost of re-build could hit 8 figures) then they face either a fine or prison. The fine banding is the highest in legislation - there is no maximum ceiling but in case law it's normally pegged against the estimated cost of the rebuild. Believe the jail sentence if they don't pay the fine is 3-5 years
I bet somewhere there is already a clever lawyer working on loopholes...... hope I am wrong...... can the courts sequestrate assets of the convicted people in lieu of fine non-payments does anyone know?
I bet somewhere there is already a clever lawyer working on loopholes...... hope I am wrong...... can the courts sequestrate assets of the convicted people in lieu of fine non-payments does anyone know?
I would not take your money! I do but very much if a serious developer is going to get into a project like this without a very safe exit plan!
For interest, this is the opinion of someone on another forum I am a member of re the Crooked House pub...

So as this is pretty much my job, few quick responses.

This is pretty much the best result which could have been hoped for in the circumstances so fair play, especially as the local authority who've issued it are so small. Turning it around in around 6 months is also quick. It's the strongest form of

Precisely to stop people just sticking the company into liquidation it also will be issued to named individuals. They will struggle to sell the site as it would also be passed onto whomever bought it.

3 years is what the legislation requires. If a serious attempt is made to rebuild, the recipients of the order can reasinably easily get time extensions, though will be monitored closely and there are fines for unresonable delays

An appeal can be made within 30 days. I'd be frankly shocked if they were able to succesfully appeal. Companies with much greater resources have failed in appeals and given the publicity on this case (and the fact that the owners have so blatantly broken planning law repeatedy) it's very unlikely.

If they don't re-build (and I suspect cost of re-build could hit 8 figures) then they face either a fine or prison. The fine banding is the highest in legislation - there is no maximum ceiling but in case law it's normally pegged against the estimated cost of the rebuild. Believe the jail sentence if they don't pay the fine is 3-5 years
If those penalties are real, I doubt any serious contractor/ investor would participate.
The fact that three people are on bail, with to my knowledge no court date as yet arranged, doesn't fill me with hope that this whole thing will not drag on and on. Positive news that the owners are being told to re-build, but I'm sure that is the last thing that they intend to do. I anticipate that an appeal could well be made, if only to extend the time they have to play with and they will be busy in the interim, finding some reason why they should not pay any penalty, would be unable to re-build or should not serve any prison time. Something to keep an eye on. It will be interesting to see if anything happens on the site in the next 12 months.
i am just glad i visited a few times starting in the early 70s..happy memories but sadly even if it is re built in some sort of fashion is wont hold the same interest for me it will take some planning to build it on the tilt again.. some may say well you love the black country museum which is true but the difference between that and the crooked house is the cooked house had all its walls intact before it was very quickly demolished and a whole load of the bricks were pilfered ..very sad

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I see that following on from #37 above the local authority have allowed the can to be kicked further down the road. The public enquiry to decide whether the "owners" should rebuild the pub, has been postponed from August 2024 to the spring of 2025 at the request of the "owners" who had been served an enforcement order in February. Are they hoping that the longer this gets dragged out, the less will be said, when these "owners" eventually get away with not rebuilding the Crooked House? :scream: BBC link below:

I see that following on from #37 above the local authority have allowed the can to be kicked further down the road. The public enquiry to decide whether the "owners" should rebuild the pub, has been postponed from August 2024 to the spring of 2025 at the request of the "owners" who had been served an enforcement order in February. Are they hoping that the longer this gets dragged out, the less will be said, when these "owners" eventually get away with not rebuilding the Crooked House? :scream: BBC link below:

most likely that is what they are hoping for but i doubt people will forget that easily