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Ann Street house numbers

You can maybe make out Heptinstall on the sign over the wide archway between the doors...I wonder if this manufacturer was behind this frontage and down that alley, in separate buildings. Memories not great but I thought Hepstinall was a file manufacturer from another thread and had pictures of that activity and a water driven grindstone. There were views through the windows that could not be explained properly but maybe if the building faced at right angles to this frontage and behind...they could be. There was plenty of room behind; the council house not being there yet. How the tailrace from the wheel got away is not known....piped underground and down Pinfold St. to the Rae ultimately probably. Anyway there could have been a leat to this area from Priory Brook and this would have fed the fish pool, of much earlier times, further up Colmore Row, opposite West Temple Street.
We have done this before I know but sometimes a photo/picture allows further thought.
I am so excited, I haven't spotted that! Heptinstall & Lawledge are mine! The picture and information is in https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=28443 , with the picture in #31.

The family did live there as well. From here they moved to Granville Street, where the building was oriented exactly as you describe - at 90 degrees to the road. Part was living accomodation and part was factory. The plans for Granville St factory are in library and I have the architects spec (to be donated to library to make the pair at some point)

Can we marry up the map in https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=28443 #11 with what we are seeing on the etching? There are certainly some buildings built end on showing on the map
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The Suffields from the shop on the corner were Tolkein's grandparents. Both are buried at Key Hill Cemetery.

Thanks Dennis, had a lovely trip. Portugal is nice this time of year, but slightly too warm - it was 35º in the sun. I am now going to have to have a good read and see what I have missed. This thread is becoming more and more interesting.
