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Ancestry World War I Service Records


master brummie
Finally, Ancestry have completed the remaining service records from the letter O onwards.

Now to see if I am lucky enough that my family's records have survived.:)

As in life so in death,
John Allen Thompson survived and his service record
Harold Edward Thomas died 26 Aug 1918 age 19 and no service record.

I think you are doing better than me!!! I've got 7 brothers to find and only found 1 on pension records, and 2 on service records- suppose I shouldn't grumble:)

Finally, Ancestry have completed the remaining service records from the letter O onwards.

Now to see if I am lucky enough that my family's records have survived.:)


I am tracking the Ansell Family of Aston Manor I have got details of George James Ansell(2) - B 29/03/1900 enlisted into Royal Regiment of Artillery on 14 July 1915(aged 15 then) - Short Service(for duration of War) and posted Hilsea, Portsmouth ready for embarkation Family history says played for Aston Villa under 15's but received 'white feather' in post designating him coward for Not signing up earlier Service Nr.87783(or 5) with address 105 Nechells Place,Saltley/Nechells,Birmingham which might have been his Grandfather's house George John Grandfather bought George James(2) out of Army when he found out, prior to embarkation Have photo in(misfit)uniform by Purcell&Betts Photographer of 57 Aston Road,Aston Manor(photo 54088)
I then have George James(2)in uniformed group photo,as also single photo standing and with friend having 'cloth background'
annotated as 'Somewhere in France 1917' by Guilleminot,Boespflug et Ct,Paris so would seem that George James(2)signed up under aged for a second time I have no information on this other than said George James(2)suffered with chest after, due to gas in trench He died young of bronchitis in 1937 His sister Winifred Ansell said George James(2)was a Bombadier

My queries are: Is there any further info in WW1 Service Records that you could lead me to, regarding the above ' war
If George James(2) was 15 in 1915 then George James(1) his father was then 35 years old so was He
enlisted into the Army too(his address given as 111 Lower Tolchbrook St,Leamington Spa after marriage 2)
Would copies of photos made mention of by me be of any interest to any Birmingham Historical body
there is further history if your relative served after the war, my grandfather stayed a reserve until 1927. Im getting the forms ready to send off to Glasgow, i really do hope his records survived as he did many jobs from signals to pulling the big guns with horses in the artillery. He came from just up the road from your lot at Cowper Street in Aston.
Good hunting
Hiya Adele

Don't think my George James Ansell(2) served full time after WW1 As far as I am aware he signed up at 15 in 1915 with his address that of his Grandfather in Lichfield BUT was bought out by his Grandfather George John Ansell just before embarking abroad Next is George James Ansell(2)having signed up again at 17 with photo 'Somewhere in France 1917' The thought struck me that if George James(2)was with his Grandfather prior to first signing up at 15, then maybe his father George James(1)had already enlisted in the Army too at 35years age, and if so where What would you suggest my next move might best be briansell
Im not sure where your going to go with this one, it could be as you most likely think that the records are gone. Im going to pay £30 for the records to be searched but they might have been destroyed, its a lot of money to pay but i want to know. My other grandads ww1 records are great, 33 pages of his history of him training and serving in Egypt.
Dont give up keep looking, i will try Ancestry again for you, but all of there records are up now as you know.

In the 1918 Absent Voter's list for Bham at 105 Nechells Place is a George Ansell 191122, Gnr, L Bty, 16 AA Sec, RGA
Could this be the Grandfather?
In 1920 at the address is John George Ansell, Theresa Ansell & Sidney Ansell
In 1925 Theresa Ansell & Edgar Trotman
In 1930 Theresa Isabell Ansell, John Mullins & Mary Ann Mullins

Tried everything but still can't upload, perhaps someone else will kindly put it on here for you. These are the details from the medal index.
George J Ansell
RFA Bmdr? 109810
RGA 191122
Medals were: Victory (Roll No. RGA/215B Page 11589
British As above

Thank you everyone Why did that bring a tear to my eye briansell
Hay you guys, i turn the computer off to do erm kid things, ok i did play in the snow with my 4 year old. When i come back youve found out plenty haha. Do you still need a look up on Ancestry or are you ok now, its no problem looking although you have found some great people to help.
You got the snow up there already Nothing down here yet 20.00hrs Nice mild night??? Trying to decide just
which George James we are dealing with now Not sure exactly what a Missing Voters list is meant to cover Would have thought if it George James(2) then he was only 18 yrs in 1918 as Suzanah link and was Voting Age 21yrs in those days??
However it does tie in with George james sister direct writing saying her brother was a Bombadiier(Corporal in the Artilliery) If so seems that maybe his Service nr.when he firat signed up in RRA at 15yrs was 87783(or 5), 109810 in Royal Field Artillerysecond time round by 1918 and 191122 in the RGA(Royal Garrison Artillery) Certainly 105 Netchells Place was given Address when first signing up at 15 in 1915
Trying to find a Thomas Edward Cook, survived. Born 1898. no idea of regiment, where he fought. All I've heard is that he was gassed in the trenches.
Suzanne - George John Ansell(John George) is Grandfather ,Theresa Isabel Ansell is Grandmother and Sidney Ansell their son and sibling of George James(1)
Theresa Isabel aged 60 in 1920 and George John 64 so cant imagine the latter as 1914-1918 ex- soldier at that time Still looking for any WW1 war
record for George James(1)Father then aged about 35 in 1915 albeit his address given as 111 Lower Tolchbrook St.Leamington Spa in that year
although he may have been considered too old at that time??
men still joined up at 35, some of them were put into minning and laying down explosives. Saw a documentrary on it last year.
I guess all proffessional people were needed to do day to day work, older chaps most likely did the day to day donkey work behind the lines whilst the youngsters got thrown over the top.
Did you get much snow in Essex over night, we had some good snow but not as much as they predicted. I live a mile away from Barr Beacon the highset point for miles, the snow used to fall much thicker snow fall.
Hiya adele thought that might be the case, but wondered if George James(1) might have been enlisted in RGA too Seems
probably not, but if George James(2) in Paris in 1917 then presume he must have been going somewhere after - well that
is unless he and his mate just went over for the day on Eurostar Snow turned up at about midnight eventually
Looked out to about 2" this morning and flurries been going on all day, on and off Getting a bit icy now and everyone
seems to have 'swanned' off home
its a wee bit chilly now isnt it.
any way i have found George on pension records like you did, he obviously lied about his age as you think they wouldnt have allowed a 15 year old to have gone overseas. My grandfather was signed up aged 17 to the army as a steam wagon driver he was easily trained to drive a tank.
I cant find the other records of him being in the army, im sure you said you had. I think he did rejoin , no one really questioned his age as we can see from the first time.
There are some books about the Birmingham regiments but i dont know much more about it and i doubt all men or boys will have been mentioned.
I might be wafling as baby Daniel is being noisey and bouncing, i cant think straight.
Adele Don't really know how to post photos unfortunately Sorry didn't work Might have been able to identify Regiments
No baby-sitting expertise I-m afraid