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albion street

The bad news is this building has been demolished and unfortunately the 2009 Streetview view shows it's an empty piece of land. The good news, however, is the lovely building next door (to the right) is there along with a few others down that stretch of road. Very nice. Viv.
its a pleasure shirl and viv...just wished some of the buildings were still there...

That building was Vics cafe,apparently years ago you could get a drink there (not just tea & coffee!). The building was in such a state that it started to fall down before it was demolished
thanks for your memories mrdazzler..its always great to get some history on the pics that are posted...


The hoardings around the site on Google 2009 streetview say prestigious office accommodation to be built. It may have been built by now (or possibly postponed of course due to recession). Viv.