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acocks green square


Staff member
acocks green square...1950s....


pic courtesy of carl chinn
Thanks for posting Astoness. I have this picture in my mind when I remember
visiting my Aunt and Uncle who lived in Shirley. We used to change buses here
late many Sunday evenings in all weathers in the late l940's and early 50's
until Dad bought a car. The Burton's store I remember best about this photo.
I expect the bus we got on was the Outer Circle 11 going back to Erdington.
hi jenny...im really pleased it brings back memories for you...i would think you are right about it being the number 11 outer route you took back to erdington...should i come accross any more i think may be of interest to you i shall of course post them...

Lyn, that would be great. I was very happy to see the previous photo since I hadn't seen one of the square at all. Thanks again.
my pleasure jenny...if there are any perticular streets or roads you are looking for just let me know....

thanks for pointing that out mike..maybe jenny would recongnise phils picture.....


I had never heard of "The Green" in Acocks Green being referred to a "The Square" I suppose we learn something new every day.

Lyn. You sau the picture is from the 50s, but surely there was traffic about even then? Or did they stop the movement of traffic, just so that someone could take another remarkable picture. Barry.
hi phil...thats what the caption called it...and you know what they can be like

hi barry...maybe it was a very early morning shot....i quite like it with no traffic around....when i am out taking pics depending on the building i do my best to wait till cars have gone past before i take a pic...its very difficult these days.....


As there are no people about either, I would think it was taken very early on a summer morning about 5.a.m.

A later photo of Acocks Green, i have never heard it called the "square" it was always "See you at the green". Len.
Two pics showing traffic in Acocks Green it builds up and causes big queues along Warwick Rd. Len.
I was born in Acocks Green. Went to the Welfare on Shirly Rd when mom took my younger brother and sister. I was a member of the library. I had probably been in every shop with my mom and I have never heard it referred to as the square. Like Len I have only heard it called 'The Green'.
I went to Acocks Green Secondary School in the early 1950's and remember visiting the British Resturant at lunch times - I hated school dinners! Foster Bros was near there too.
it was probaly called the sqaure many many moons ago by the old folk
but i know it has been the green for residents for decades ,
even my old punters at the pub years ago always refered it to the green ,
have a nice day everybody astonian ;;
I think its always been called Acocks Green, even if its not the original site of the Green. That would have been further down the Warwick Rd probably outside Acocks Green House. The home of the Acock family, this was located close to where the Dolphin public house once stood, and now stands a supermarket.

Enough history for today, here are a few more photo's of the present Green from different angles and at different times.



  • Acocks Green The Green 1952 .jpg
    Acocks Green The Green 1952 .jpg
    129.2 KB · Views: 3
  • Acocks Green Westley Rd 1975 .jpg
    Acocks Green Westley Rd 1975 .jpg
    108.3 KB · Views: 3
If you are thinking of visiting the "Green" there is a road closure from Wynford Rd to Francis Rd on Yardley Rd a diversion is operating [SIZE=-2]underground services work roadworks closed affecting all driving lanes
B4146 West Midlands - Yardley Road closed both ways between the Wynford Road junction and the Francis Road junction in Acock's Green, because of water main work. Diversion in operation.

Last updated: 8th April 2009 at 11:30, started: 25th March 2009, ending: 19th April 2009 Len.