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A Victorian Album

Williams, You are completely right, my sister has a six year old who looks and acts just like my Mom did. I am in touch wth my mothers cousin who is now 89, the stories she tells me of when they were young are priceless.
Wonderful Wendy, I did a lot of research for the Freemasons a few years back turning all their archive material into acetates so they could show photo's which were deteriorating at talks ...I learned quite a lot about it and all their secrets some were just unbelievable.. Mainly from WW2
The German Nazi party printed a lot of fake photo's which they published to try to discredit them but thats another story..
I also did a lot of research about the Freemasons in the British Army in India 1900 till ND still have quite a lot of photo's
Even today our country is awash with them but you would never know
Graham you will have to tell me more as I would like to reaserch Arthur's involvement. I think he would have been in the Sutton Coldfield branch.
Wendy, can you make out the words on the cuff. That will tell you the name of the Lodge.
Mike, I could't read all of it but after enlarging the cuff I could make out the words 'Elkington' and the numbers '1019' I think. The family lived in Sutton Coldfield and then moved to Llandudno North Wales around 1916.
Wendy, sorry if this is a bit flippant - but your Gt Uncle Arthur reminds me so much of the old sports commentator: Peter Dimmock. Spitting Image!
Charlie, I love flippant it makes life a lot 'lighter' we haver met so you know what I mean................I know I'm a bit dim sometimes but I don't know Peter Dimmock. Perhaps someone has a photo?

Colin, fantastic info I think I may contact them as they might hold some info on great uncle Arthur. Thank you fpr this Wendy!
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I want to say a big thank you to Mike-g and Colin B for your suggestions and help. I have just had a reply from the lodge secretery and he is going to have a look through some lodge records! I am thrilled Thanks again Wendy.
I feel so lucky to have been left lots of original old photos of my ancestors, I've scanned & 'touched up' many of them & put the reprints in albums with documentation for my children to read about in years to come. Hopefully I'll be able to add a couple here.........

The lady on the left is my Gt Gt Grandmother, Charlotte Clift & the couple are my Gt Grandparents, Sarah Elizabeth Barlow & Charles Oakes Dolphin.

(Charlotte was mother of Sarah Elizabeth)
Another couple..........

The Dolphin Family....my Gt Grandparents Sarah & Charles with their children (inc my Grandad).

My Grandparents wedding back in 1922.

All photos taken in Birmingham.
We need to encourage our families. especially the younger members to treasure these albums and pass them on within the family. I have about twenty Victorian albums that I have bought from sales, junk shops or have been given. Apart from thier intrinsic, historical and artistic value I have felt a responsibility to keep them safe and whole for their families' sake, even though I have no idea who they are
It's so good of you to keep these albums Michael, so many people just throw away old photos because they don't know who they are, I had that problem when my mom passed away, but I went to the trouble of asking older relatives if they recognised the people in the photos, and fortunately I got answers, so I have written on the back of them now so hopefully they won't get thrown away. My sister in law gave me a lovely family photo of my husbands great grandmother grandmother and sisters, I love the way they are dressed up and their jewellery.
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The oldest member of my family is my brother who has helped as much as he can.

I have several old photo's from Birmingham studios....so it begs a question.
I don't suppose its possible to find old records of these studio's, as most of the photo's have hand written numbers on them..............just a shot in the dark.....................but I've a feeling I missed :rolleyes:
Marlew what a fabulous old photo thank you for sharing.

I am always amazed at how "smart" people looked in these old Photos and how nicely people dressed.
re: victorian photos

I've really enjoyed scrolling through this thread and looking at your photos. When I watch auction programmes and see people selling their albums because their children arn't interested!! - which I find sad because they may well be when they are older.
:)Found a few more photo's out but I'm not sure about some of them as they are so old. The first one is my dads sister Annie. The second I don't know and the third is my mom with her friend from Witton lane. Bye for now. Jean. I have just gone through all the others and they are wonderful.:)
I think those of us that keep pictures and objects from the past are history keepers, all those stories that pictures and objects can tell us we seek and share annie
Beryl I am so glad that these photo's were passed down to me beacause even though I don't recognise many of them they will go down in history as have once lived. Jean. [Did you both have a great day]?. I hope so.
What a wealth of lovely Victorian pictures have been posted on this site. And what a real pleasure it has been to be able to see them. . . Thank you
Jean, I've been studying this picture and it seems a bit strange for several reasons.
The seat is just a folding bench with a cushion, the backdrop a plain white cloth, the floor is mats which are a bit ruffled.
The chap's collar has one wing up, the other tucked under his coat lapel. His coat and trousers look a little worn, too.
The shoes. These are what made me study it all a bit more. Look closely - one has the laces horizontal between the lace holes, the other has them in an X fashion. I'm not sure the shoes are a pair, either.
Otherwise he seems smart - the hat looks new, and generally he looks happy and healthy. Somehow, though, the scene just doesn't add up - I'd love to know more, as I'm sure you would.
Lloyd I would love to know who he is. I have the photograph framed on our wall. Have looked through all of my old photo's and this is the only one of him. You are right about the shoes. Maybe he could not afford a matching pair. TTFN. Jean.
I'm pretty sure they aren't matching boots. There also seems something a little strange about his left hand, partially hidden under his right


hi Jean
your unknown gent has the sure signs of rheumatism in his hands and more then likely had suffer it in his feet too maybe thats why the different shoes..
jean i think he maybe related to your dad side of the family the pic of your dad when he was younger and your unknown gent look like they have the same facial features