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49 Bevington Road B6


Brummie babby
Hi all. I am a trustee at Saathi House, 49 Bevington Rd B6. It used to be known as the St James Language Project. We are doing a project with our users on the history of the house, and in particular during 1952/53, to link in with the Golden Jubilee. Our users are mainly South Asian ladies so it's fascinating for them to see old pictures and information about the area. I have done a quick search but wondered if anyone would share any photos they have of where Bevington Rd meets Within Rd, Saathi House is on the corner.
Hi all. I am a trustee at Saathi House, 49 Bevington Rd B6. It used to be known as the St James Language Project. We are doing a project with our users on the history of the house, and in particular during 1952/53, to link in with the Golden Jubilee. Our users are mainly South Asian ladies so it's fascinating for them to see old pictures and information about the area. I have done a quick search but wondered if anyone would share any photos they have of where Bevington Rd meets Within Rd, Saathi House is on the corner.
hi helga and welcome....i thought saathi house meets with trinity road...never heard of within road....hopefully someone can help you with some photos i will check my files and post any photos i may have

Lyn - should that be Witton Road??

Have answered my own question as found it on a map - it is Trinity Road.
There's a photo of the corner of Trinity Road and Bevington Road - unfortunately the wrong corner - here...

wow. Shops both ends of the road, so it looks like 49 was a shop? its obviously been built on and extended? Its a massive rabbit Karen inside, its got fantastic features. Its 3 stores high- which made us think it was a family home at some point....

love to see more photos
There's an old photo of the Upper Grounds Hotel (again wrong corner of Trinity Road and Bevington Road) here...

Bevington Road would be to the left and the house you can see would have ben no. 42.
Ulfat's? It appears to be the same building. From the cars I'd guess 1970s but not certain.

Here is a map from 1950...

0 - Bevington Road.jpg
The house first appears in Kellys around 1890. The first occupant recorded was Charles Kirkham, who in 1891 was then living on private means, but in 1881 was a coffee house keeper. By the 1895 Kellys it is Cresswell Howell ,surgeon. The building seems to have been continually occupied by physicians till the last Kellys in 1973
That is remarkable. Thank you all so very much. The house is at least 120 years old. It does lend its self to a Doctors. How can we find out who the doctors were during the 1950s? Would have been NHS by then, but some private practices still were around.
Looking again at the photos, looks likely that the shop on the corner was demolished, and 49 is just beyond the white gates? So not a shop but a doctors. Would the family have lived on the premises?
Kellys for 1950 (which would probably refer to 1949) lists occupant as Montague Rosenfield, physician & surgeon
Kellys for 1955 to 1961 (which would probably refer to 1954-1960) list occupants as Montague Rosenfield, physician & surgeon, and Ernest J, Farrington.
The electoral rolls list occupants in 1950 as Myrddidin R. and Gwendolin M. Howells and in 1952 and as Ernest J. and Dorothy Farrington.
This would seem to indicate that the house was owned and partly occupied by the Howells or Faringtons, but that Rosenfield used it partly as a surgery
In 1901 census 49 Bevington Rd was occupied by Walter C Howle a married surgeon aged 30 and his wife Marie and two servants (a cook and a housemaid).
In 1911 census the house was said to have 9 rooms (excluding kitchen, scullery etc) and was occupied by George Arthur Wilkes whose occupation was 'medical profession'. He was a 40 year old single man living with his sisters Clara Emily Catherine Wilkes, Annie Florence Wilkes and a domestic servant.
George Arthur Wilkes is listed in the Rate Book of 1913 at 49 Bevington Rd presumably renting from the owner who is shown as its previous occupant Walter C Howle.
Ancestry tells us than Banns were read at Aston Parish Church on 24 Nov 1912 for the marriage of George Arthur Wilkes and Ellen Hilda Smith but strangely I can't find an entry in the civil marriages index for them. In the 1925 electoral register they were living at 120 Trinity Rd. I suspect his surgery was still at 49 Bevington Rd, however.
In 1939 his sisters Clara and Annie were still at 49 Bevington Rd together with his younger brother Henry Arthur Herbert Wilkes. By 1950 Clara and Annie were at 118 Trinity Rd next door to their brother George Arthur.
Clara died in 1954 and George Arthur in 1955 (at 120 Trinity Rd). His obituary says he gave up his practice about 10 years earlier.
The 1950 electoral register shows Myrddin R Howells and Gwendoline M Howells were at 49 Bevington Rd and in 1957 Ernest J Farrington and Dorothy Farrington were there.

Dr George Arthur Wilkes.jpg
That is fab thanks. I have had a look at the 1921 Census and it was occupied by a doctor, wife and young son with 2 servants.
looking for more info about Mary Ann Nutt who worked as the housekeeper at 49 Bevington Road when it was occupied by Charles Kirkham c.1891 - she had a baby while she was working there, she was unmarried & baby's father is unknown
looking for more info about Mary Ann Nutt who worked as the housekeeper at 49 Bevington Road when it was occupied by Charles Kirkham c.1891 - she had a baby while she was working there, she was unmarried & baby's father is unknown

hi and welcome...if you could start a new thread under our surname interests section of the forum we maybe able to help you..please give us as much info as you can about mary..ie when and where born..parents etc
