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162 brearley st..newtown

Hi James, yes we were talking today and dad said that you two would cover for Grandad when his parkinsons got too much, did you meet my dad John too?
hi James. It took my breath away when i saw that photograph. I worked there for a short time on the spd drillers but got married and only place I could find to live was in Daventry. Mom and Dad used to come upfor weekends and have a good drink I think Frothy would have got on well with dad
Hi John, I met your Mom (ex WRENS) at the house in Oxford St when your Dad & me went to The Oak? pub one night, sometimes he would tell me about his Navy WW2 service on Motor Torpedo Boats but he did not talk a lot about the war, yes we helped him in his bad times including our Chargehand, George Bloomfield who if he had not seen Jack for a while would ask us to find him and see if he was OK, Jack was a good man. Len.
Thanks len dad would talk about the Navy but not his wartime only the funtimI feel as though I know all of his crewmates dead and alive who shared his sence of humour.Mom used to tell us of when he came home on survivers leave after they lost his boat in the channel the only thing they saved from the deep was the rum ration and thier ditty boxes mom went to meet him at the railway station at first no sign then ther were shouts from his mates as they pushed him through the window of the train with his kit bag and a soldier from the BlackWatch mom was that ashamed as he had drunk the rum as his salvage rights mom about turned and left them both and bailed them out the next morning. mom still had the cap badge of the BlackwWatchwhich my sister now has
One time your Dad told me about was when i was going to Ostend, Belguim on holiday, Jack told me a fully loaded ammunition ship blew up in the harbour at Ostend and they had only left in their MTBoat 5 mins before it explode and said he & the crew would have been gonners if they had still been in the harbour, it was not enemy action but a tragic accident. Len.
just found this pic of number 19 court brearley st..dated early 1900s:)

ray..i cant beleive i missed that pic you posted of yer nan up the greasy pole...great pic...i wonder if that was the fore runner to pole dancing...:D

ray..i cant beleive i missed that pic you posted of yer nan up the greasy pole...great pic...i wonder if that was the fore runner to pole dancing...:D

Probably was Lyn,she was alway's a first,it's our family's only claim to fame..

I tried to do as well has her,but never quite made it.:rolleyes: