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Search results

  1. annieshake

    114 Booth Street, Handsworth

    Thank you so much, Lyn. Magic!
  2. annieshake

    114 Booth Street, Handsworth

    Thank you so much. Fantastic!
  3. annieshake

    114 Booth Street, Handsworth

    Hi guys. Has anybody got any photos of Booth Street, Handsworth? My old folks lived at 114 during the 30s, 40s and 50s. I'd love to see a photo of what the houses were like ..... Thanks
  4. annieshake

    Camp Hill

    Hi guys. Has anybody got any photos of Camp Hill, Bordesley? Opposite the Texaco garage was a row of 5 or 6 houses - the Stratford Road end of the flyover. I've attached a photo during the flyover's construction in the early sixties, which just shows my house (206 Camp Hill, the last house...
  5. annieshake

    River Street, Highgate.

    Hi guys. Can anyone help me with a photo of River Street, Highgate, Seymour Street end, by the LanBar factory? I lived opposite Polly Cotton's corner shop, and I'd love to see a photo of my old house, number 11. I've attached a photo of River Street from the other end, but it's the wrong end.
  6. annieshake

    Balsall Heath.

    Hello. Great photos. Am I right in thinking the last one - with the Rowton House in the background - was taken in Highgate Park? Have you got any of River Street or Sherbourne Road please
  7. annieshake

    Holy Trinity Church Bordesley.

    Bostin! MWS. Thank you xx
  8. annieshake

    Holy Trinity Church Bordesley.

    Thank you very much xx
  9. annieshake

    Holy Trinity Church Bordesley.

    Hello OC Did you remember the name of the book about Holy Trinity Church and School please
  10. annieshake

    St Patricks C of E School Highgate Street.

    Has anybody got a photo of St Patrick's School, Frank Street, please?
  11. annieshake

    Mount Pleasant, Balsall Heath Road

    Hello Sheila. Me and my sister did. It was a massive school with lifts for the teachers to use. I went there for one year. Lots of Asians and blacks.
  12. annieshake

    St Patricks C of E School Highgate Street.

    Hi - St Patrick's was officially a RC school, although RC wasn't taught in the school, CoE was. So the RC St Patrick's you've found on Friends Reunited it sure to be the right one! Do you remember the church at the end of the playground which was burnt down by arsonists? I can remember...
  13. annieshake

    Soho Road Handsworth

    Has anybody got any photos of Booth Street, Handsworth please ....
  14. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    They're great, Phil. Thanks very much!
  15. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    You're absolutely right, Phil!
  16. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    Thanks for that John - but I've discovered it was Warner Street! You were nearly right!
  17. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    Thanks a million, Phil. Top marks. Absolutely brilliant, I'm really grateful. I especially like picture 5 - the last terrace house on the right was our family home. Big kiss xx thanks very much!
  18. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    ..... Phil - picture 2 shows the petrol garage - which was opposite our house ... Move up and round to the left a bit! I'm racking my brain trying to think of the name of that hilly street. On the left hand side of that hilly street was 'Alwayse'. Always faster for a castor'. There was a pub...
  19. annieshake

    Old street pics..

    Great Phil .... the third one is nearly there - but it shows the back/side entrance to Dowding & Mills, the main factory was actually on Camp Hill. The third photo is of Coventry Road/Camp Hill - if you could just go up Camp Hill a bit past those shops and Dowding & Mills on the left (towards...