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Search results

  1. Z


    I have had this photo on the snaps part of Webring to have the place identified. The clever folks on here tell me it is Portland Garage, Corbett St, Smetthwick. We wonder if the occasion was a carnival to celebrate the end of WW!. Any ideas?
  2. Z

    Birmingham or America?

    Thank you, amazing people. Following all your inspection of the details I had another look too, and am sure that the 'gipsy' on the left of the 'Scot' is my grandmother, and the man behind the sailor boy is my mother's uncle dressed as 'John Bull'. He had lived in America before the war, hence...
  3. Z

    Birmingham or America?

    Can anyone tell me where on earth this picture was taken? I found it among my mother's old photos. She was born in 1910 and is possibly the child in the sailor clothes. In which case the photograph is definitely in Bham. Or is it really in America, as per the signs?
  4. Z

    Rokesley Lodge, Selly Oak

    I've checked on the 1911. Why didn't I think of that before? Mrs Caroline Barrow, 75yr old widow born Peckham Rye, lived there. My uncle may have been her coachman. Thanks for your comments. In 1901 he was a gardener at 143 Parkhill Rd, Harborne so it was a change of career!
  5. Z

    Rokesley Lodge, Selly Oak

    Interesting. I wonder who owned it before Cadbury then. Maybe uncle was his 'chauffeur'.
  6. Z

    Rokesley Lodge, Selly Oak

    An aunt lived at this address in 1911. I see that Rokesley is now part of Bham University, but what was it then? Her husband was a domestic coachman.
  7. Z

    St Matthias Wheeler Street Aston

    St Matthias school Thank you John. I know for sure she went to St Matthias. But where did the friend who lived in Prescott Street go? The story I am researching is fairly romantic, and I am trying to piece together the parts. During the war she met a man who was invalided out. He had gone to...
  8. Z

    St Matthias Wheeler Street Aston

    St Matthias Thank you for all those helpful replies. Grandma lived in Farm Street, so that makes sense. I am trying to work out how she met someone who in childhood lived in Prescott St. Would he have gone to the same school, or were there others nearer?
  9. Z

    St Matthias School

    My grandma went to St Matthias school. She was born in 1884 and I have her short description of what school was like. She says she left after passing x7 grade. What age would that have been? What does the 'x' mean?
  10. Z

    St Matthias Wheeler Street Aston

    My grandmother, born 1884, went to St Matthias Voluntary Church School. Where is/ was that? Can't spot it in my old Brum A-Z.
  11. Z

    Pen factory

    In 1901 my grandmother was living at 132 Farm St and worked in a 'pen factory warehouse'. Does anyone know where this would have been? And what sort of pens are we talking about? Fountain?
  12. Z

    Wartime Hospitals

    My grandmother worked in a hospital in WW1. She had five children and a husband away in the war, so would that have been voluntary work or paid? She lived in Smethwick or Erdington, so which hospital would have been most likely. Are there records for these hospitals with the names of inmates and...