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Search results

  1. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks again everyone for all your insights. And between Robert Emuss having a butchers shop in Gt Hampton Row, and Aston, he appears to have become bankrupt, and survived that episode to become a prosperous trader. For after the accident, he was found to have £45 on him (£4500 today), and it...
  2. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    I couldn't find any children of her own with Robert Emuss, and the status of the children in this census would relate to the head of household?
  3. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Good that things worked out for her, and she also had a stepchildren and granddaughter, having had no children of her own. Thanks so much
  4. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks so much Janice, very helpful.
  5. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks Lyn, I'm sure this all adds up together, very grateful.
  6. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks so much, really grateful.
  7. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks so much that works across with his probate, with his wife as Mary Ann. Great.
  8. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks so much, that totally confirms his correct surname.
  9. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Thanks everyone, this is all very helpful. Robert Emuss in Witton Cemetery sounds like him. O it's possible that all the references to him as Hemus were mishearings,even in the directory, and had an assumption of an unpronounced 'h'. Newspaper reports of his death as Hemus were largely...
  10. soonguy

    Emuss (Hemus) Robert butcher & cattle dealer died 1867 in rail crash

    Hi, I am an amateur local historian and have been researching the story of a double train crash and double runaway trains in Derbyshire in September 1867. The main runaway train was carrying cattle and eight Birmingham drovers. Five died in that crash. I have written up the story at...
  11. soonguy

    Midland Railway Goods Offices Birmingham 1865-1870

    Thanks, that's interesting too. The animals on the train in question (it actually crashed on the way) had come from Liverpool. That suggests, imported via Princes Dock, and for slaughter. They had 14 days for this, and they were quarantined and not allowed to mix with domestic animals, and...
  12. soonguy

    Midland Railway Goods Offices Birmingham 1865-1870

    Thanks, that certainly shows up as having cattle pens. Certainly make sense. Incoming animals would presumably be taken on foot to their fate.
  13. soonguy

    Midland Railway Goods Offices Birmingham 1865-1870

    In relation to this, where might anyone guess that the Midland Railway would unload cattle destined for a nearby abattoir?