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Search results

  1. T

    Problem solving for those who know Balsall Heath

    Should I post them here or start a new thread?.
  2. T

    Problem solving for those who know Balsall Heath

    I remember - having lived in Balsall Heath between 1974 and 1977 - that there were two quite distinct sides to it. The Moseley side of Edward Road consisted of fairly well kept Edwardian terraces which - according to Google Maps - are still there though obviously most have had new windows and...
  3. T

    Morris Commercial Vehicles

    Yes, my 1100 was already about 10 years old when I bought it after passing my test in 1976. The knocking sound I heard after a while turned out to be the "big ends", but the partner of a work colleague agreed to regrind the crankshaft "as a foreigner" (first time I'd ever heard that expression -...
  4. T

    Morris Commercial Vehicles

    SOME rubbish - it wasn't all! For example, the Austin 1100 and 1300 were great little cars. The Maxi was very ugly but otherwise it was a good car. The Marina and Allegro have acquired very very bad reputations - yes, they were not good when you compare them to - e.g. - the Escort and Cavalier...
  5. T

    Birmingham Cinemas

    I was at Birmingham Uni in the early 70s and I remember the following cinemas: the ABC, New Street - biggest memory was seeing 2001 A Space Odyssey there while stoned! the Odeon, New Street - more for rock concerts; among others, The Stones in 1973, Queen 1975 the Gaumont - can't remember what...
  6. T

    Who remembers Raffles?

    I remember that they used those small Bose speakers which delivered great sound for the dancers but as you say, didn't intrude when you were sitting on those red velour bench seats.
  7. T

    Who remembers Faces nightclub?

    Apparently Horts (a few yards away) closed in 2007 for the redevelopment of the area - so Faces couldn't have lasted any longer. May even have closed some time earlier?.
  8. T

    Who remembers Faces nightclub?

    It was a touch on the 'cool and trendy' (i.e. soulless!) side. It was on Broad Street, the Five Ways end, and I think there was a little concrete plaza next to the entrance, with ?Horts winebar and a few nondescript shops. I went there a few times in the mid-80s. I've had a quick look on Google...
  9. T

    Who remembers Raffles?

    I don't suppose you know when it folded?
  10. T

    Who remembers Raffles?

    Yeah, me too! I wouldn't have got membership otherwise...
  11. T

    Birmingham University

    I was at the Uni in the 70s and spent VERY MUCH of my time in the Students Union! Is it still there? I acquired a picture in 2013 but I don't know when it's from: .
  12. T

    Eddie Fewtrell

    Sorry, I didn't word myself very well - I did read he'd just died; what I meant was that I thought he died a long time ago, not just.
  13. T

    Mother's Club Carlton Club Ballroom Erdington

    According to this site : https://www.songkick.com/artists/78437-derek-and-the-dominos/gigography?page=2 Derek & The Dominos played Mothers on 9th August 1970. I remember their gig at the Town Hall on 5th October. .
  14. T

    Eddie Fewtrell

    Wow. I didn't even know he was still alive. RIP. (He had a reputation in the 70s of being 'a bit of a gangster', though that may have just been malicious rumours). Wasn't The Opposite Lock one of his?.
  15. T

    Who remembers Raffles?

    Good to see this thread has acquired a few extra memories! I posted it such a long time ago that I've re-registered under a slightly different name. :)
  16. T

    Bus routes (70s and 80s)

    A friend's mum would have regarded Tipton and Coseley as different planets, but Birmingham was "round the corner"! I'll always remember her for "keep out the 'oss road".
  17. T

    Bus routes (70s and 80s)

    Very interesting! I was not a native Brummie (moved there as a student) but spent most of the 70s and 80s there, and most of the 90s not far away. None of my Black Country friends counted Smethwick as Black Country (though they had very strong opinions on what was, and was not - for example...
  18. T

    Bus routes (70s and 80s)

    Interesting that you talk about the 'Birmingham / Smethwick border'. At the end I lived (Gilbert Rd / Cape Hill) we knew we were in Smethwick, but we - or at least I - didn't think it was 'not Birmingham'. But I know when I visited friends in Old Hill, the train back was via Rowley Regis...
  19. T

    Bus routes (70s and 80s)

    Thanks. That looks kind of like the thing I remember, but not exactly.
  20. T

    Bus routes (70s and 80s)

    I'm pretty sure the 7 termination was near the Shireland pub, perhaps opposite Selsey Road? I used to live in Gilbert Road, and I didn't think the 7 went on from there (though it may have done!) I don't know what a Bundy clock is, but I do remember vaguely there was some device next to the wall...