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Search results

  1. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    This is amazing MWS. Great work! I'm astonished that there may be surviving relatives over there to find. What a remarkable thing. o_O It took me a while to figure out what an Augur Maker actually involved - making carpentry drill bits.
  2. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Wow. That's fantastic. Thank you. :) It seems I may still have rellies over there. How interesting. :cool:
  3. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    HI Lyn. I've pretty much got my G Grandad Edward nailed down. It's his father William I'm concentrating on, bits of very useful info is coming together. :) It appears William's brother and father (also named Edward) were Jewelers. So I'm going out on a limb and assume that William may have...
  4. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Yes I found that entry last year. Although I have doubts about the veracity of his claim of occupation because he never appeared to take up the Blacksmith trade again after arriving in Australia. Which would have been unusual because such a trade was in such high demand. His age casts a shadow...
  5. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Yes, unfortunately for Edward he was exiled to the other end of the world for a petty crime. A fate befallen thousands of men and women. In a strange twist of fate their misfortune turned out to be a ironic stroke of luck and good fortune for many of them and their offspring. That's going to be...
  6. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Hi Lyn My apologies, not ever living in Birmingham has exposed me to unintentional typos over place names. ;) Thanks for the tip about the Pritchett St thread. I'll look it up. :) It seems that we were neighbours back in the day. ;) Do you happen to know what kind of industries were located...
  7. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    I'm very much ignorant to the history of Birmingham Alan, much to my shame. But since learning of this connection to my past I've taken a much more vested interest in the city. Sadly I suppose much of the town planning from two hundred years ago doesn't exist any more. But I am pleased to learn...
  8. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Thanks Maurice, :) I assume when you say 'Brummie' that means you come from Birmingham right? :P Good to know that there's other Australians here too. You'd be surprised by how much interest in the UK there is here, particularly in relation to family history. ;)
  9. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Thank you. That is so kind. :) Ok, well this is what I know.... My Great Grandfather Edward Douglas, migrated to Australia in 1839 (against his will) and was born on the 20th of March 1821 in Warwickshire (Baptised at Carris Lane, Birmingham on 8 April 1821). I'm almost 100% certain that his...
  10. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Thanks. Yep, already registered. It's a long process of elimination but I am making progress. So I'm happy with that. :)
  11. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Thanks Phil. Yep, I got as much information that I have handy and ready to go. But I'm not going to pester genealogists who I know have more than enough work on their hands. But I will use this forum to do my own research as best I can. :)
  12. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Thanks Alan. :) haha! Don't worry, I have heard it all. :P
  13. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Hello everyone! :) After stumbling across this forum quite by accident while researching, I immediately signed up. I've got a vested interest in Birmingham, particularly during the early 19th century. That's because my paternal line comes from the Birmingham area. I'm Australian and have been...