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Search results

  1. J

    Gosta green

    I went to 'Aston University' when it was Birmingham College of Advanced Technology. Many of our lectures at Central Tech in Suffolk St. Then, somewhere between the ex cinema and the Sack of Potatoes was a tailor who, as was the custom, sat on a table tailoring. I dont think we ever went into...
  2. J


    Hello, I remember a Zissman's at the corner of Navigation St and John Bright St (or there abouts). Very flash, they must have sold zoot suits etc. Not my cup of tea. Above it was the Guinness Clock. There was always at least one of the neon lights on the clock not working. My theory was that...
  3. J

    King Edwards Grammar School Camp Hill

    Does anyone ex KEGS Camp Hill remember John LLoyd who has just died aged 89. He must have been in the 5th or 6th Forms when I was there and I would not remember anyone so remote. There was a small obituary of him recently in the Guardian. Looking back in these threads, what is this word...
  4. J

    Memories : Tribute to old Birmingham

    I remember when Humph changed. I think there might have been some booing when he brought a SAXOPHONist to the Town Hall. He was a Canadian, Bruce Turner. The reaction was something like when Bob Dylan went from an acoustic guitar to an electric one. Somewhere above it is said that he went...
  5. J

    Then & Now

    As a Blues supporter (40's and 50's) I was told that at Villa Park you should keep your hands in your trouser pockets. Otherwise you might have a warm feeling down your leg. I never went there so I cannot confim this.
  6. J

    Then & Now

    I have been a member of BHL for just over a year now. For me the site is awkward to navigate round and as always photos are a pain. Mostly the experience has been enjoyable but sometimes it has made me remember past times and tears have been very close. Possbly my favourite part of BHL is Then...
  7. J

    Brass Dish

    I have a pair of brass dishes with a tale to tell. I was told that they were wedding presents for my parents in 1934. Apparently, some of the same design were made especially for the firm's owner. So these are what I would call 'foreigners'. Tut! They are identical, top and bottom and about 13...
  8. J

    Birmingham's Working Horses

    In 1956 I started at B'ham Tech in Suffolk St. (This is about horses, honest.) We had some lectures in a prefab building nearby. This must have been somewhere parallel to and not far from Broad Street. Looking at a map of that time, it might have been Holliday St. And now, the horses ... Not...
  9. J

    George Dawson Statue And Busts

    My photograph of William Dawson appears to be the third one shown above. It was taken in the early 1960's in Small Heath Park (though we always called it Victoria Park). It was by the main gate on Coventry Road. Almost in variably he had a dog end between his lips.
  10. J

    Lewis's Department Store

    When writing the above (#833) I had intended including the following. I was also a member of Lewis's Boys' Own Club. I still have my card. I was number 560. I do not remember much about it but I did go to one members' Christmas party.
  11. J

    Lewis's Department Store

    In the late 40's I was always taken to Lewis's to see Father Christmas. One year though he must have felt like a change annd was at the Beehive in Albert Street. You did not have to walk upstairs go in a lift. No you went by ship. I can't remember much now but you entered a space that I thought...
  12. J

    Then & Now

    I once came across an article in Aris's Gazette when Livery Street was first opened (sorry, I have not got the date). It said that it was then the longest street in Birmingham
  13. J

    Peaky Blinders - A world away from Downton!

    My father (b 1905) told me about the peaky blinders. They always interested me. But I have not watched any of the TV series. I am afraid that I would end up throwing things at the TV. I wonder if I should watch at least the first series. Do they get the accent right? Do they, say, show someone...
  14. J

    New unseen photos of brum

    I had a theory about that clock. There always seemed to be part of it not work. I think this was deliberate. Finding the bit that wwas not working was like having an itch that had to be scratched. Of course as you searched you kept seeing the name Guinness. The advert had worked. Then below the...
  15. J

    Small heath

    My mother (Dorothy Goldsby born 1905) said she worked at that drapery shop on the corner of Charles Road. It was a similar shop well into the 1950's. She then went to work in the Yardage Department of Lewis's, left there in the mid 30's but returned for a few years just after the war.
  16. J

    Small Heath Picture House collapse

    In the 50's the Green Lane Cinema was also known as the Sit and Scratch. I used to go to its Saturday childrens shows. Some very good (to me then) serials. Otherwise it seemed to specialise in H-certificate films.
  17. J

    Bull Ring 1930s - 1950s

    I remember seeing Prince Monolulu, the horse racing tipster in the Bull Ring. It was probably the 1950s. He had on his coloured, plumed head dress. No doubt he would have been shouting his catch phrase "I gotta horse !". He was possibly only the second black man I had ever encountered.
  18. J

    King Edwards Grammar School Camp Hill

    Back at Camp Hill at Camp Hill in the 1940's there was Mr Strachan (promounced "strawn" if you valued your life). he was my form master in 2B. He was a a smoker of Capstan Full Strength and would send one of us out to buy a packet for him. If you upset him he would charge you with a window pole...
  19. J

    Shop - can you identify please

    Did'nt Marshall and Snelgrove, nearly opposite the Odeon have such a window? I've never understood why they were used.
  20. J

    Advertising in the past

    Thank for the info. I imagined he was in a singlet but obviously more repectable. The 'trumpet' looks more like a cornet.