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Search results

  1. L

    Bedstead Works in small heath

    on the 1911 census my ancestors are listed in Millward Street as beadstead workers. I want to find more info about this. Looking at the maps in the Birmingham library I can see the works appear to be in the area of the custard factory and I think it was the Empire bedstead works. Can any one...
  2. L

    Brum Photos

    Hi Charlie, To be honest I dont.. the source just says birmingham, But the queue is after VE day
  3. L

    3 back of 90 Little green Lane,

    Thanks for your help Mikejee. For some reason I thought it was the other side, But it looks like my map shows the only the shops etc regardless of which side of the road they are on Where can I get hold of a detailed map like the one you have uploaded?
  4. L

    Brum Photos

    Found these while doing some research, Both taken in Birmingham. The queue outside the Greengrocers is for tomatoes.
  5. L

    3 back of 90 Little green Lane,

    Hi, I have purchased a map today(1901 East Birmingham) in a vain attempt to find the above address situated on the said map. Does anyone have a map that might possibly show this address. I know it is between the Library and Millward Street. On the back of the map it states the number 90 is a...
  6. L

    who do you think you are

    I thought that Nigel was so bothered about where the money and property went that he missed the point of the whole show.
  7. L

    Fox and Goose Hotel Washwood Heath

    Leonard died in Dec 1954, Is there a reason why he is still on the 1955 census roll?
  8. L

    Fox and Goose Hotel Washwood Heath

    Can some one please confirm the landlord of the above public house? My 1x cousin 1x removed Leonard Archer was resident here in 1955 when he passed away. Thanks
  9. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Hi All just an update on my great grandmothers sunken grave. I have requested and received permission to reinstate the scallop edgings and returf the grave, This I shall be doing next week. However I requested to put a small wooden plaque with the names of my great Nan and great aunt on the...
  10. L

    The Cottage, Mill Pool Hill Kings Heath

    Hi Maypolebaz, Yeh, You are right it was Druids Heath I lived on, Moved in about 1969 when they were brand new, Lived on Manningford Road,
  11. L

    The Cottage, Mill Pool Hill Kings Heath

    I remember playing in the cottages which would be on the opposite side of the road to the garage that now stands there. This would be in the 70`s. They were derelict and awaitng demolition. I used to live on the Heath and my mate lived in Marsham Rd. We used to have fun just playing in them as...
  12. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Re: Hats off to Witton cemetary!!!! Went back to the office at Witton today and asked for a more accurate map as I couldnt locate the grave. She said that they havent got detailed maps but what we will do is get someone to peg it out for you and give you a call when its done, Fantastic service...
  13. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Re: Hats off to Witton cemetary!!!! Thanks Pollypops. went into the office today to get a copy of the map to confirm I had been checking the right section, But will go back and ask for a detailed plan
  14. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Re: Hats off to Witton cemetary!!!! Thanks Wendy, Good point reguarding the stone, I just assumed there would be a stone, never even thought that there probably wasnt one in the first place. I did notice that all the graves that had sunk had urns(have I spelt that right?) in the middle of each...
  15. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Re: Hats off to Witton cemetary!!!! Gutted!!!! with details in hand I went to the cemetary today only to find that the grave has sunk along with 5 others and I cant actually tell which one is which. I assume that the stone has sunk also. bad,bad day:mad:
  16. L

    Hats off to Witton cemetery!!!!

    Hats off to Witton Cemetary today, I cheekily sent them the details of my great grandmother and requested how I could locate the grave. Then 3 days later they sent me the section, the grave, private grave grant number and a map showing the location of the grave, So credit where credit is due...
  17. L

    Birmingham Co-op Green Grocery Sherlock Street

    Mayne knott Thanks for taking the time to post the photo, However as expected I dont think my grandad is in it.
  18. L

    HANCOCK Electoral roll look up

    Re: Electoral roll look up HANCOCK Hi Bewdley, Thanks for taking the time to look up my family. For a moment I thought you had found the family that has eluded me for 3 years, But on closer examination of the 1911 census it isnt them.But I really do appreciate your help Regards Les
  19. L

    HANCOCK Electoral roll look up

    Re: Electoral roll look up HANCOCK Hi Astonian, Thaks for your responce, But I have only just recently took a ride down Summerfield Crescent to have a look at the area prior to this I have never been down there before. Therefore I cant help you , Sorry. But you are right, The researchers on...
  20. L

    HANCOCK Electoral roll look up

    Can some one please do an electoral roll look up please. WILLIAM HENRY HANCOCK and Family were livimg at 66 Summerfield Crescent Ladywood in 1901 but had left in 1911. I would like someone to do a look up for the years in between if this is possible. Thanks in advance Les