I had a colleague way back when who had a standard pale blue one of these provided to him. He was less than impressed and called it the plastic pig. I agreed, horrible thing. It did give him independent mobility though.AC Invacars
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true there was a firm in garrets green that the workers used them, at 5 pm it was like the start of a hednesford race when they left for home driving off.as you say it gave people independent mobility.after driving one i can see why they were banned.I had a colleague way back when who had a standard pale blue one of these provided to him. He was less than impressed and called it the plastic pig. I agreed, horrible thing. It did give him independent mobility though.
Had a TR4 in the US, hand brake came in my hand the day I took it home, down hill from there!Sorry if I offend some of you guy's but I think the Triumph TR6 belongs here. Lovely sports car to look at...super looking dash...However; sagging rear springs, exhaust muffler hangers that broke regularly (had to make my own leather ones...temporary electric wire worked better...lump of a push-rod engine that only made 90HP with twin Stromberg carburetors...handling always a bit iffy in my opinion...a little Datsun 510 could singe you. When I picked it up from the dealer, I found a handfull of loose screws in the trunk...hmmm.
It could be made into a nice sports car if you made some changes and ditched the engine and cured the rear spring fatigue.
We always drive automatic cars here in North America now. Standard shift cars are too much of a nuisance...on the highway here...makes your leg ache pushing the clutch. You know; stop/go highways. Do you have them. Trading a standard shift is also a looser.
How things have changed!I recall the problem automatics was you did not want to take a test in one, otherwise you needed to take a manual gear box test if you changed.
They also needed a bigger engine, the smaller one’s felts quite underpowered. Of course the later technology has made smaller car nice to drive and quite efficient.
I pushed Julie to take a manual test for that very reason. Does it still apply ? I wonder how taking a test in an electric car will be handled in the future. My impression is that they are very close to automatics in driving style.I recall the problem automatics was you did not want to take a test in one, otherwise you needed to take a manual gear box test if you changed.
They also needed a bigger engine, the smaller one’s felts quite underpowered. Of course the later technology has made smaller car nice to drive and quite efficient.
My Prius hybrid has engine braking as an option on the selector, it simply closes the valves which normally would be open with the engine off. I rarely use it except on really steep hillsDriving the electric car is just the same as an ordinary automatic but it's all torque.
What it doesn't have is the engine braking you get with an ICE just a slight drag from the regenerator.
Caught me out with my first ever speeding ticket, where just 'lifting off' slows the car normally doesn't work so going from a forty limit to a thirty I was still at thirty six when the crafty cop's camera had me.
Interesting to read this, because the export TR6 s to USA were downrated to 104 hp with lower compression and twin Strombergs to meet emission regs; less than impressive performance. By contrast the UK market cars had Lucas fuel injection and higher compression and gave 150 hp, enough to see off a Healey 3000. I had one of these for 49 years from early 1972 on and while it had the occasional problem, it was overall as reliable as most cars of this era. My TR6 is now owned by a Triumph enthusiast living locally who has given it a light restoration and it now looks gorgeous (better than new!) It always handled well, went quickly (with its 4 speed gearbox and 3 speed overdrive) and it was only advancing years that persuaded me to part with it.Sorry if I offend some of you guy's but I think the Triumph TR6 belongs here. Lovely sports car to look at...super looking dash...However; sagging rear springs, exhaust muffler hangers that broke regularly (had to make my own leather ones...temporary electric wire worked better...lump of a push-rod engine that only made 90HP with twin Stromberg carburetors...handling always a bit iffy in my opinion...a little Datsun 510 could singe you. When I picked it up from the dealer, I found a handfull of loose screws in the trunk...hmmm.
It could be made into a nice sports car if you made some changes and ditched the engine and cured the rear spring fatigue.
We always drive automatic cars here in North America now. Standard shift cars are too much of a nuisance...on the highway here...makes your leg ache pushing the clutch. You know; stop/go highways. Do you have them. Trading a standard shift is also a looser.
My read on the 4, 6 and Stag was that the styling was quite good but the design and execution were vey poor. Most manufacturers have an ‘ops once in awhile, but three in a row. There was a shakeout with technology going on with emissions, performance and style that was not done very well. Sometimes you need to stay out of the market, Triumph decided not to. I also can’t imagine the “power plays” going on in the British auto industry with the merger/consolidations forced by government.I do remember the Triumph Stag, a very stylish, I would say almost luxury car. Alloy cylinder heads and cast-iron engine blocks, a perfect recipe for electrolytic or galvanic corrosion apparently if you did not use the correct additive in the antifreeze. In those days most cars seems to lose water for the radiators so topping them up could have been problematic. I wonder how true this is or was it just poor design?
Loved the TR6 what colour was it.Interesting to read this, because the export TR6 s to USA were downrated to 104 hp with lower compression and twin Strombergs to meet emission regs; less than impressive performance. By contrast the UK market cars had Lucas fuel injection and higher compression and gave 150 hp, enough to see off a Healey 3000. I had one of these for 49 years from early 1972 on and while it had the occasional problem, it was overall as reliable as most cars of this era. My TR6 is now owned by a Triumph enthusiast living locally who has given it a light restoration and it now looks gorgeous (better than new!) It always handled well, went quickly (with its 4 speed gearbox and 3 speed overdrive) and it was only advancing years that persuaded me to part with it.
Loved and still loved the Stag . To be honest most cars from the 60s 70s and early 80s would rust and fall apart as you drove them down the road. Thank god for a tin of P38 body filler on a dry Saturday morning.My read on the 4, 6 and Stag was that the styling was quite good but the design and execution were vey poor. Most manufacturers have an ‘ops once in awhile, but three in a row. There was a shakeout with technology going on with emissions, performance and style that was not done very well. Sometimes you need to stay out of the market, Triumph decided not to. I also can’t imagine the “power plays” going on in the British auto industry with the merger/consolidations forced by government.
Yes, Richard, I quite agree. There was a lot of infighting arising from the various companies which had been unwillingly shoved together under the BLMC banner. Had there been a coherent policy to manage the merger, much good could have come from it, but my gut feeling was that it should never have happened. Individual companies (like Rover, Triumph, BMC etc) could, with the right financial backing, have succeeded in keeping the foreign interlopers at bay. Was Donald Stokes an agent on behalf of the German car companies? If he had been, he couldn't have done a more effective job.My read on the 4, 6 and Stag was that the styling was quite good but the design and execution were vey poor. Most manufacturers have an ‘ops once in awhile, but three in a row. There was a shakeout with technology going on with emissions, performance and style that was not done very well. Sometimes you need to stay out of the market, Triumph decided not to. I also can’t imagine the “power plays” going on in the British auto industry with the merger/consolidations forced by government.
It was (and still is) red; see my reply to Richard Dye for more details.Loved the TR6 what colour was it.
Fully agree and understand...........I watched albeit from a distance. As you said the brands were simply shoved together and rebadging can only take you so far. I have followed the UK market and worked closely in the US market for 50 years with companies like BMW, MB, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Chrysler etc. I have been amazed at how long the UK market tried to keep the same model in place without a "face lift" or refresher for so long. What was also missing from the British car industry was leadership who understand manufacturing & branding. We went through that in the US and thank goodness for people like Lee Iacocca and Bill Ford when he realized he could not do it and stepped down. There were too many brands in the UK, the critical mass could not support. We are seeing that now globally, in 2025 & 26 we will see more brands disappear.Yes, Richard, I quite agree. There was a lot of infighting arising from the various companies which had been unwillingly shoved together under the BLMC banner. Had there been a coherent policy to manage the merger, much good could have come from it, but my gut feeling was that it should never have happened. Individual companies (like Rover, Triumph, BMC etc) could, with the right financial backing, have succeeded in keeping the foreign interlopers at bay. Was Donald Stokes an agent on behalf of the German car companies? If he had been, he couldn't have done a more effective job.
My own TR6 was an example of a sound design, let down by poor quality control. However a regime of rust control has meant it has survived to be passed on to a local enthusiast who has done a superb light restoration, meaning it now looks better than when it came out of the factory. See Cardi Cranks, retro reg. no. RDE 808.