The Prodigal Brummie
I remember St Silas Square in May 1976 with the blossom trees in bloom, that still is in my memory after all these years.
I was working for the Urban Renewal department of Birmingham City Council in 1976 and the job entailed a lot of walking. I got to know Lozells and the surrounding area very well and there amazing shops and pubs in the area. A lot of the houses and the 'Places' had very well tended gardens. I haven't visited St Silas Square in over forty years but the memories of the square and gardens are quite vivid.did you live near st silas square then BB as you probably know its still there
I'll keep my eyes peeled, Lyn!amazing how certain places stick in our minds BB...i lived in the next st from st silas square villa st from 58 to 72 so if you ever find any photos of villa st or indeed brougham st before demo i would love to see them...thanks BB
Are you thinking of ‘The Grove’ Lyn? That was off the north west corner of the square, and the houses had front gardens.nice photos enel....i was in villa st from 58 to 72 so maybe our paths crossed....yes its an unusual little square...i think if you walk up to the end of those houses and turn right there is little row of houses laid back which could easily be missed
Gosh I lived in the first house in the early 1980s. I loved being tucked away from the Square. Of course they redid all the windows and roofs in the street and the mess was incredible. I remember the upstairs ceiling coming down on the bed!yes i think thats it many happy memories of growing up down the old end