Hi All,
I worked at (and still work for Kalamazoo - name changed to AdareSEC - we trade as KalamazooDirect online and as Kalamazoo oversea.). 1979 to present day.
A few myths to correct:
Kalamazoo was a British company NOT American in the least. The name comes from Kalamazoo, Michigan. It's a native American word for where two rivers meet and translates as 'bubbling water'. The Quaker founders went there to look at a new book-binding system and chose that name for the company.
The Australian branch was where many a young printer went to work after their 5 year City & Guilds apprenticeship.
Leonard Wicks - Lithographic artist.
I did not know Leonard but I trained in the same role. It is not the same as being a Litho printer (I was a Lithographic printer for 13 years). Back in the day Leonard would have created logos and crests for company stationery using Indian ink, painted directly onto light-sensitive paper. This was then exposed directly to the printing plate (made from aluminium) under intense light.
The site was split into two parts - The main office (called '72 Building') which you can see from Bristol Road and the Printing Factory behind and to the right of the main building. 72 Building originally house our office workers but transitioned to computer manufacturing in the '80s. This part of the company was bought by Reynolds (trade as Kalamazoo Reynolds).
"Wasn't there a Kalamazoo in Ward End somewhere?"
We bought the brand Kall-Kwik (high street printers) but we lost trade to Proto-Print.
Malcolm Horton and Heather Horton
I knew them both. I didn't have much to do with Malcolm, but I did visit Nurse Horton quite a few times as I kept getting my fingers caught between the printing press rollers!
Bob Preston
Didn't Bob have a Rolls Royce and perform as a chauffeur at weddings on the weekend?
John Swadling
"Swaddy" - What a great bloke. He worked with the electricians and engineers - a feared lot who survived on Tea and Fags. If ever you were sent to their department, you knew that you would be in for a bit of micky-taking!
I'm now the only one left in what is referred to as 'The Studio' or 'Pre-Press'. I started in a team of 27, but advances in technology mean that it only takes one person to do all of those previous roles. We are located in Redditch. The Northfield site was sold to make way for the housing estate.
I will post a few pics - see if you recognise anyone!