It would be great when these maps with house numbers are available for the other cities. I've been using them in London and they're so useful for locating addresses better. (I just wish you could fade between two old maps not just modern+old) e.g.
I have a tip which might help people using the Birmingham map Towns 1:500 1840s-1890s, which seems to have some missing tiles in the zoomable map. I was frustrated by this, but eventually found that these tiles are present in the underlying maps which have been stiched together to make the full city. So you can click the small link to the bottom right, to show the individual map for the area like X1V.1.17 and these seems to be complete. I've ordered a few of these maps as prints and they are wonderful.
Here's what I mean: this has some missing sections
near Dartmouth Circus
So look for this link bottom right:
Once you click it, it turns into a sentance which is "waiting" for you to roll over the right area, and then it shows you th ename of the underlying map (XIV.17 etc). The trick is to be able to move your mouse back to the link to click it - which is impossible because you roll over another area on the way and it changes! So you have to pan the map across until the area you want is right next to the original link. (It's weird that they didn't do this another way...). So then you mouse over the link and double-check it's still the right map section number and click "view or order this map".
This takes you to the single-map view, where you will see the missing tiles.
Vivienne (if you see this), I figured this out while looking for St. George St, Court 7, House 6 where Edward & Sarah lived - which was frustratingly right under one of these missing sections.
This is at XIV.1.16 -
If you have trouble clicking the hover link, you can choose from the maps:
There's always another way!