Hi all
I'm researching John Turner his occupation on this son Williams marriage cert 21/10/1861 Parish Church of Handsworth is Brassfounder.I have searched for John Turner on all/Warwick /stafford the censuses and have been lead on many a false trail.The John Turner i am interested in researching has an occupation of Edge tool maker through 1841-1881 censuses.
I read on one of the threads that the occupations on marriage certs are set ones.I am unsure is these occupations are compatable as i have seen both listed on mar cert seperatly before.I have a few IGI Christening records to research to verfiy addresses as this family continued to lived at the same address 1841-1881 the occuption will also be recorded.Would the occupation have be changed only for the marriage cert i just don't know.There was just one other John Turner with a Brass founder occupation in 1841 but have not researched him yet as his age would make him more of a grandadfather which i have also concidered a possiblity.Any Idea's please.
I'm researching John Turner his occupation on this son Williams marriage cert 21/10/1861 Parish Church of Handsworth is Brassfounder.I have searched for John Turner on all/Warwick /stafford the censuses and have been lead on many a false trail.The John Turner i am interested in researching has an occupation of Edge tool maker through 1841-1881 censuses.
I read on one of the threads that the occupations on marriage certs are set ones.I am unsure is these occupations are compatable as i have seen both listed on mar cert seperatly before.I have a few IGI Christening records to research to verfiy addresses as this family continued to lived at the same address 1841-1881 the occuption will also be recorded.Would the occupation have be changed only for the marriage cert i just don't know.There was just one other John Turner with a Brass founder occupation in 1841 but have not researched him yet as his age would make him more of a grandadfather which i have also concidered a possiblity.Any Idea's please.