New Member
I was quite shocked to read about the amount of people with extremely bad memories about lost pubs & restaurants in Cannon street Brum.In my heyday, 1977 & still going , we would start off in Yates wine lodge in all three of its bars.We would then exit through the back door & go straight into the horrible bar of the Windsor & walk through to its much better Claymore lounge, done out in tartan.What a great crew of real rouges we were in there, what a craic we used to have.The upstairs bar we seldom used seved soup & rolls & i remember with great clarity the coppers raiding it for drugs.They used to barge in from both entrances.Other nights we"d be in the famous Parisian, then a meal in the Great American Disaster restaraunt, before we had the benefit of Franks place aka The Clover Cantonese eatery, & very good to.The house special nimber 46 on the menu @£5.50 was everyones favourite.Then came a downstairs Davenports house - Cagneys , but it didn't last long.On nights with a irl in tow i would use Winstons wine bar which later morphed into Beau Beagles.That too is long gone.When it.became clear thst M&B were to demolish the old windsor ( Yates's & the hi fi shop next door went the same way as did Camera House) myself, Charlie Mytton, Snapper, Sybo, Nigel Ames, Danny Kelly, & a good few others raised a can as they flattened it that Friday afternoon.Almost immediately they threw up a three floored shopping centre on that site which never did really work.The only notable place in it was Palms piano & cocktail bar containing a pianola & a great view of the pigeon park.The new Windor appeared, a good 60 yards further down on the same side with a very novel see through elevator which gave everyone a treat when girls with short skirts got in to go to the very plush upstairs bar which hosted a dj Sunday nights in the mid ' late 90's.Since its opening its undergone even more change, with another refurb planned i"m told.Apart from the perpetually flooded downstairs gents in the Original Windsor I DO miss it, & to all thise out there who are daft enough to convince themselves that its still in the same spot, it is NOT.And if you can' t accept that, you were clearly never there, or old enough to be.