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Sheldon Heath Comprehensive

Townley family and scouting are my memories of Sheldon and Stanville in the 60's. I have a lovely photo of the mum helpers who used to organise events. Leslie was Akela in the 144th cub scout group. Tony was good friends with my family.
Hi folks. The name is Steve Southgate and I lived next door to the Townley Twins, John and Hugh if my memory holds out. I also went to Stanville Rd and the Sheldon Heath Comp. I joined the cubs at the 144th and ended up as parol leader in the scouts for the Kestrals. I recall the World Scout Meeting at Sutton Park and seeing the Queen. I also recall leaving New St Station on the trip to the Rhine Valley starting at Koblenz. What great memories. Mr Blundell became a family friend and we assisted in finding his home at Welford on Avon. My father build the boat house which today looks a little sad. It’s great to read some of these articles, I’ll dig deeper and see if I came come back later. Bye for now.
Hi I never had the pleasure of the Coombes family teaching me chemistry but a male teacher whose name I forget but who took unkindly to me sitting out a chemistry lesson ( literally as I decided to sit in the boys toilet for the lesson-could never get the hang of chemistry ) My hideout was discovered, I returned to the lesson after which I was told to wait after class and the said teacher with a gleam in his eye detached the rubber bunsen burner tube and delivered 6 of the best- I'm sure the Coombes could never top that.
Hi, new to the forum, and just looking into a few aspects of Sheldon Heath Comp as my father, the late Dennis Briggs, taught there from Sept 1957 to Dec 1964. I've seen a ref to 'Derek Briggs, the geography teacher' in this thread and assume that's probably an error for Dennis, as he did teach geography. He also, according to references in the the box of papers I'm going through was Lower School Librarian and Secretary of the PTA.
Amongst the papers is a letter (I'll add a pic if I can) to parents dated 18th Dec 1964 marking 10 years of the school - so I assume it was built in 1954.
Also a letter to my father from J E Smith the headmaster, in January 1968 (so years after my dad had left left) thanks him for writing to congratulate him (J E Smith) on the award. Anyone know what award J E Smith got in 1968?
In answer to myself I've just seen, in the staff list posted in a previous post, that there were two D Briggs on the staff. D W Briggs (not my dad) head of geography and D B Briggs (my dad) working in the remedial group team, so my suggestion above that the Derek Briggs teaching geography was a mis-remembering for Dennis Briggs is probably wrong. Though Dennis B Briggs did do some geography teaching too!

That letter to parents from 1964 attached.


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