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Items that have faded away

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hi everyone I remember when i was a kid in the 50s. I remember at christmas our mom buying us smokers outfits. There were sweet cigarettes, shredded tobacco, Liquorice pipes etc. I don't think they would go down to well these days do you.

regards stars
Oh yes, Zip firelighters - you couldn't fail to light a fire first time with those.

Does anyone remember White Fire Perfume, it was in a tiny red bottle - my favourite some fifty years ago.
That just reminds me - my Mom had a large oblong pie dish, she use to make rabbitt pie, putting a ceramic egg cup upside down in the middle to stop the pastry from collapsing inwards. Our bread bin was white enamel with a dark blue trim and BREAD written on the side.
I remember white fire and calafornia poppy, yardleys fressia always reminded me of my aunty Edna, funny how certain smells bring back memories. anyone got any favorite smells
Evening in Paris in a blue glass bottle reminds me of my Gran.

Blue Grass,I think by Elizabeth Arden in the early 60s.

First perfume bought for me as a present,Tweed by Lentheric in 1959 by my boyfriend, later husband.
Think this has not faded away only in my memory a bit,LOL.
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How about the Aqua Manda range of products? Didn't much like the smell but loved the packaging, very 60s. Viv.
Has anyone mentioned Vesta curries? I'm only assuming they're no longer available. These were seen as the height of sophistication when they came out, but I wouldn't have fed them to the cat!

Big Gee
Poppitt beads in all colours,went together like Lego,we made necklaces and earrings ,even belts out of them.
Has anyone mentioned Vesta curries? I'm only assuming they're no longer available. These were seen as the height of sophistication when they came out, but I wouldn't have fed them to the cat!

Big Gee

I loved em. Saw Vesta boxes at the Beggars Bush Tesco's not long ago. Not sure if it was the Beef Curry or the orrible Chow Mein stuff though.

why does nobody else put raisins in curry like Vesta did ?
Blimey, I'm surprised that Vesta curries are still available in this highly sophisticated age! It was the chow mein that nearly put an end to my parents' marriage - Mom thought she'd give the old man a pleasant surprise with 'something different'...wrong. He just scraped it into the bin and stomped off to the chippy. I don't think they spoke for a month after that.

They did do one that wasn't half bad, if you could be bothered to fry the noodles.

Big Gee
You could buy in a tin with curry one end and rice the other, but I cant remember what it was called. I do remember you could get them at Cadbury's shop for a £1.
What about Cardinal Red - anyone mentioned that? There used to be a competition along our street for the house with the reddest steps!

Big Gee
Scotts Emulsion and Virol. Had to take them every day. Absolutely vile. Remember Exlax, hated it... or Syrup of Figs. I remember the old gas boiler in the kitchen too...and the wringer in the garden. Those were the days.
I actually liked Virol....

Ah, Ascot boilers! We had one in the kitchen, where we also had the fold-down bath. It would take ages for the Ascot to fill the bath, so inevitably me and my brother had to share....every Friday night. Those were the days - not.

Big Gee
Does anyone remember the piece of coloured plastic which covered the TV screen. It was blue at the top, green at the bottom and some other colour in the middle. It was supposed to make it look like you had colour TV. My dad bought one in the 50's. It was great as long as you were watching an outdoor scene, not so good on face close ups.
Does anyone remember the plastic shopping baskets, they were flat and you folded the sides up and popped them together. I think they did smaller ones for pegs.
Does anyone remember the piece of coloured plastic which covered the TV screen. It was blue at the top, green at the bottom and some other colour in the middle. It was supposed to make it look like you had colour TV. My dad bought one in the 50's. It was great as long as you were watching an outdoor scene, not so good on face close ups.

I remember seein one. You could get a 9" liquid filled magnifying lens as well, picture must have been orrible though.
I have really enjoyed reading this thread, it has brought back many happy memories .... Thank you all :)
My Mom still uses Iodine, she swears by it !! I only ever use Wrights Coal Tar soap but used to love the carbolic one...I still have my Nans bottle of Yardley's Freesia and I've never forgotten 4711 (think you can still get that)....My son brought himself a Stylophone recently...thankfully he doesnt play it often, but its quieter than his drums !!
Nan always had a tin of Potters Catarrh Pastilles in her bag....and I still have a jar of Black Jack which Mom gave me..think its a bit past its "best before date" though..
I remember Mom having a Stereogram and later buying a Music Centre myself..it was huge !!,...
When I moved into my own first home, I inherited a Twin Tub, but it had been left with water in it and it stunk to high heaven!! I also inherited an old crock Hot Water Bottle...a Magic Lamp(?) that you put glass picture slides through and lots of clockwork cars and Dinky Cars ..which all fetched enough at auction to pay for the re-wiring of the house :) (My hubby was going to chuck them out !! )

Thanks to Len for posting the Chocolate Bar Photo, I've been trying to recall the name of that Country Style Bar for ages !!!..Chocolate bars and sweets all seem to have shrunk dramatically over the years..or is it that my hands have got bigger ??

But the things I really miss are Delrosa Rosehip Syrup,.. Radio Malt (think thats what it was called, none of the present day Malts taste quite the same)... Lyons or Dairy Maid ? Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream on a stick .....Marie Richardson Italic Fountain Pens..Olive Oil and Raspberry Vinegar...( mom used to make me take it but I actually quite liked it in the end) and last but not least, our old black Pianola with its wonderful old music rolls which my Mom sold because the miserable neighbour always moaned about us playing it..I despised him from that day on !!
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