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Windermere Rd Park/ground Saved

Last week (7th) should have been the "friends" last session over on the fields. Not surprisingly we moved it (courtesy of Storm Darragh) to this week 14th.
A small group carried out a litter pick - unfortunately necessary. Another group moved some branches brought down by the storm and started to create a new "bug hotel".
We finished off with some seasonal refreshments (mulled wine or coffee plus gingerbread, apple cake or warm mince pies) as a reward for our work. A pleasant session made better by the appearance of sunshine. Now a short rest before we start again in 2025 with the arrival of some hawthorn saplings.
(The dog was supposed to be going on a walk with her owner but he walked and she stayed by the food :D ).
joined by Maggie.jpg
Last week (7th) should have been the "friends" last session over on the fields. Not surprisingly we moved it (courtesy of Storm Darragh) to this week 14th.
A small group carried out a litter pick - unfortunately necessary. Another group moved some branches brought down by the storm and started to create a new "bug hotel".
We finished off with some seasonal refreshments (mulled wine or coffee plus gingerbread, apple cake or warm mince pies) as a reward for our work. A pleasant session made better by the appearance of sunshine. Now a short rest before we start again in 2025 with the arrival of some hawthorn saplings.
(The dog was supposed to be going on a walk with her owner but he walked and she stayed by the food :D ).
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Looks like a chilly day for a good deed!
Just to update..............

At the Moseley Forum meeting held on 26 July we were informed that in spite of massive objections and public meetings the Springfield Ward Councillors had already submitted a bid to BCC to take over the field. We were told that the bid would be presented to BCC Cabinet meeting the next day! The bid was misleading and downright dishonest.

BUT the Moseley Ward councillors sprang into action and by the next morning the bid to take over the field had been "withdrawn". Well done Moseley councillors.

Hopefully, that is the end of the matter. Next year the new ward boundaries come into effect and Windermere Field will then be in Moseley Ward.

A real example of grass roots action at work! Everyone involved deserves a vote of thanks for standing up to Springfield shinanicans.

PS: not sure this is history but thought folks might like to know what happened.
It looks as if Attock Cricket Club have put in new proposals re Windermere field! An ad hoc meeting was
Just to update..............

At the Moseley Forum meeting held on 26 July we were informed that in spite of massive objections and public meetings the Springfield Ward Councillors had already submitted a bid to BCC to take over the field. We were told that the bid would be presented to BCC Cabinet meeting the next day! The bid was misleading and downright dishonest.

BUT the Moseley Ward councillors sprang into action and by the next morning the bid to take over the field had been "withdrawn". Well done Moseley councillors.

Hopefully, that is the end of the matter. Next year the new ward boundaries come into effect and Windermere Field will then be in Moseley Ward.

A real example of grass roots action at work! Everyone involved deserves a vote of thanks for standing up to Springfield shinanicans.

PS: not sure this is history but thought folks might like to know what happened.

Amazing but the Attock Cricket Club have put in new proposals re the Windermere Field! Cannot believe it. Unfortunately for them because of Ward boundaries the Field is now in Moseley Ward and they will be up against two brilliant local councilors and lots of local folk and community groups.

Anyone know anymore about this?

Attocks recent attempt to take over part of Holders Lane field wasmet with protests by local residents and is wasn't allowed.
The original request outlined above was in 2017.
At the moment all we know is there is a proposal in place.
One of the councillors and the director of parks met with Friends of the Field on Wednesday but were unable to say exactly what the proposal is.
It is hoped a further meeting will be arranged with people from Attock attending so we can find out exactly what the proposal is.
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The original request outlined above was in 2017.
At the moment all we know is there is a proposal in place.
One of the councillors and the director of parks met with Friends of the Field on Wednesday but were unable to say exactly what the proposal is.
It is hoped a further meeting will be arranged with people from Attock attending so we can find out exactly what the proposal is.
quite right jan...wait until another meeting is fixed to find out exactly what the new proposals are...i am sure we are all behind you and the friends of the field you all work so very hard to look after this wonderful space...please keep us informed..good luck

The original request outlined above was in 2017.
At the moment all we know is there is a proposal in place.
One of the councillors and the director of parks met with Friends of the Field on Wednesday but were unable to say exactly what the proposal is.
It is hoped a further meeting will be arranged with people from Attock attending so we can find out exactly what the proposal is.
That is not a good sign when a proposal is not disclosed. if there is a proposal there is a plan, be careful!
We belonged to a member owned swim and tennis club (nothing fancy) and I was a Board member. The original founders were prudent and purchased substantial land that backed onto 'green pasture' open town property. A builder tried to take the open property; they had a plan for the town which they would not show us. The town thought it was good because of the rateables, not caring that it would reduce the towns open spaces and diminish our club. We fought like h... when we discovered the plan. That was 20+ years ago and they still have not built. Start fighting NOW!
I think the local councillor has seen the proposal and shared with the committee last night but, as I am not on the committee, I haven't seen it yet. When we get the minutes I am sure all will be clear.
We also have an ACV in place which guarantees us breathing space plus other limits.
Nothing further to report re any proposal. We are just sending letters to everyone who might be connected and gathering supporting evidence abut the use of the fields.
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One of the lads football teams who train over on the field helped plant some daffodils in November. These are now showing signs of buds.
Trying to encourage the lads to care for the fields as well as play football.
In a few weeks time we hope the younger team will be planting primroses, forget me nots and foxgloves.
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One of the lads football teams who train over on the field helped plant some daffodils in November. These are now showing signs of buds.
Trying to encourage the lads to care for the fields as well as play football.
In a few weeks time we hope the younger team will be planting primroses, forget me nots and foxgloves.
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That is a great way to get the fields taken care of.
Nothing further to report re any proposal. We are just sending letters to everyone who might be connected and gathering supporting evidence abut the use of the fields.
Uodate - we have been told that the fields are remaining as they are now but as that is only an email from the local director our councillor is trying to get confirmation from the man in overall charge.
Fingers crossed we are safe - for now.
Really hope so, Janice. Thanks for the update.

Hopefully, the daffodils planted by the football team are in full bloom now. I like seeing purposely planted bulbs in natural surroundings. Lifts the spirits at this time of year. And of course, hopefully, they'll go on to multiply if left undisturbed.
On a happier note the younger footballers who train and play their hom matches on the field every week joined us for a gardening session.
No photos of the lads (bit wary in this day and age of posting any) but for 90 mins 4 of us worked solidly as the lads + Moms and siblings came and planted primroses, foxgloves, teasels and some native heathers. The latter bought in and the rest given. We were worn out as the lads kept coming back to see if they could plant "another one". :D
They all said they would look when they came for training and, hopefully, watch them grow. We made sure we watered them in and they are looking quite healthy.
The small wooden fence is woven to mark the edge of the path through the woodland. We are in the middle of another one when finished I will post a photo.


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Really hope so, Janice. Thanks for the update.

Hopefully, the daffodils planted by the football team are in full bloom now. I like seeing purposely planted bulbs in natural surroundings. Lifts the spirits at this time of year. And of course, hopefully, they'll go on to multiply if left undisturbed.
They are on the shady side of the field and were not out fully - I will check when I fgo to tai chi later this week and will post on here.
Uodate - we have been told that the fields are remaining as they are now but as that is only an email from the local director our councillor is trying to get confirmation from the man in overall charge.
Fingers crossed we are safe - for now.
sounds good news jan...please keep us updated...

On a happier note the younger footballers who train and play their hom matches on the field every week joined us for a gardening session.
No photos of the lads (bit wary in this day and age of posting any) but for 90 mins 4 of us worked solidly as the lads + Moms and siblings came and planted primroses, foxgloves, teasels and some native heathers. The latter bought in and the rest given. We were worn out as the lads kept coming back to see if they could plant "another one". :D
They all said they would look when they came for training and, hopefully, watch them grow. We made sure we watered them in and they are looking quite healthy.
The small wooden fence is woven to mark the edge of the path through the woodland. We are in the middle of another one when finished I will post a photo.
the lads did well jan...nice to hear that they were all up for planting more
