Hello my dad family lived in number 16 and grandparents lived 58 Nelson family. heather2468@yahoo.comDoes this still exist? I cannot find it on the map and could not google it. Has something been built over it?
I was born at 35 Reynolds St in 1947.My nan Amy Price lived at 17/21 and I can remember her talking to Lizzy Plover over the garden wall.I can also remember Florry Lustie and a John Stretton.May Davis used to arrange a coach trip for us kids once a year.There was also a family called Farr.I can also remember a Genette or Jeanett Williams.I think that she was about the same age as me and lived at the far end of the row of houses thaw went at 90 deg to the actual road.My nan lived at the second house on that row that was behind Sadler's house and the shop owned by May and Winn.Joe Whitehouse had the shop before them. derek@scotjones.co.ukI was born at 90 Reynolds St. The Williams family. Both my Father and Mother families lived there until told to move to make way for the new Town Houses (Wills Way & Reynolds Way).
Mother's maiden name was Plover, but her mother was a Willetts.
I didnt know the Nelson Family, but my sister always speaks of one Jonny Nelson......Related ?????????
Lizzy Plover was my nan, my other grandmother house had adjoining gardens with the Oliver's and should the address was 16 the back of 21 (16/21), my older sister's are Jeanette & Karen. My dad and mom were Brian & Jean Williams !I was born at 35 Reynolds St in 1947.My nan Amy Price lived at 17/21 and I can remember her talking to Lizzy Plover over the garden wall.I can also remember Florry Lustie and a John Stretton.May Davis used to arrange a coach trip for us kids once a year.There was also a family called Farr.I can also remember a Genette or Jeanett Williams.I think that she was about the same age as me and lived at the far end of the row of houses thaw went at 90 deg to the actual road.My nan lived at the second house on that row that was behind Sadler's house and the shop owned by May and Winn.Joe Whitehouse had the shop before them. derek@scotjones.co.uk
Not Oliver's........PloversLizzy Plover was my nan, my other grandmother house had adjoining gardens with the Oliver's and should the address was 16 the back of 21 (16/21), my older sister's are Jeanette & Karen. My dad and mom were Brian & Jean Williams !
It seems that it was a possibility that we may have met in those days in the 50,s and 60's.As I have said MY nan's address was 17 back of 21 (17/21).I have a sister,Maureen, who is 3 years older than me.I am now an old fart of 71 LOL.Lizzy Plover's house was directly at the back of my nan's garden.I think that other families in the back to back houses had the name off Nicklin and it may have been a family called Williams that I had to go and get a and Auntie Alice pennies worth of mint from their garden so that my nan and Auntie Alice could have mint source on her Sunday dinner.Not Oliver's........Plovers
sorry but no picture comes upReynolds st is marked in red on the map below. Raglan Road & Grove lane (named), and Cape hill (across the bottom) are still there
Hello im Heather stretton my dad was billy nelson son of Annie and william Melson lived at no 58 reynolds ? are we related ?Does this still exist? I cannot find it on the map and could not google it. Has something been built over it?
Thankyou so much.. Heather NelsonReynolds st is marked in red on the map below. Raglan Road & Grove lane (named), and Cape hill (across the bottom) are still there
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