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Stuart Street, Nechells


proper brummie kid
Does anyone have any images/photos of Stuart Street, Nechells in the 1960's or before. Members of my family used to live in this street between the late 18, early 19oo's until it was demolished in the late 1960's. I have some family photo's taken in the back but struggling to find any of the front of the houses.

Also is there anyone who had any relatives living in Stuart Street or any stories to tell.

Thank you
hello mike and welcome..hope someone can help you...i am moving this thread to the streets section of the forum where it will be noticed more

hello mike and welcome..hope someone can help you...i am moving this thread to the streets section of the forum where it will be noticed more

Ok, Thanks, I am not used to this forum and did consider posting in different ones.
This image from the shoothill site is labelled 52, 53, and 54 Stewart Street. Unfortunately no date.
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Hi pettree, After I posted the photo I had a look through the BHF and concluded that Shoothill may have attached the wrong title and that is why I added the screen shot underneath the large photo.
There's a Stuart Street, Nechells. But not a Stewart Street (unless it was removed or re-named with a different spelling). Viv.
yes viv thinking about it i have never heard of a stewart st in nechells but as you say there is a stuart st which is sandwiched between longacre and nechells park road...maybe pettree could confirm the spelling

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Dear All, I do sincerely apologise, why I wrote 'Stewart' street and not Stuart Street beggars belief. There are no excuses, it must have been an adult moment or simply gross stupidity. What is more concerning is I continued to spell it wrong, yet I know it should be Stuart...... Sorry.

It is the road between Nechells Park Road and Longacre. A significant number of members of my family lived in all three roads and in the general area, I was born in Crompton Road in 1958, just down the road. But it is Stuart Street I am researching where different ancestral families of mine lived, moving there in the late 1800's - early 1900's. As a young boy I visited relatives still living in the road up until the late 1960's, one of whom is still with us in her mid 90's. I have some images of the back of these houses and one or two inside but other than St. Clements church where they all seemed to have got married I don't have any photos of the road, except one.

There is a very nice video, posted by a Keith Brueton, K.L.B 007 My Dream april 2016
one of several really nice and interesting compilations of Nechells that included two images, one of St. Clements and the other of the road looking down Stuart Street looking from Longacre. I don't know how to contact him to see if he will share this with me.

I am sure there must be other in some dusty old cardboard box in someone's attic, indeed I am currently looking through and scanning my mothers old photo's in the hope of finding one or two. It would be nice if I could compile a little story with images of the Street for historical purposes.

One final request, can the moderator, change or can I change the header of this post to read Stuart Street. Or is it best to re-post with the correct name, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you
Not a problem Mike - we've all had those moments !! I've edited the heading and your first post. Hopefully we can find some images. Viv.
mike as viv said dont worry about it..you would not believe how many senior moments i have had :D i am cooking dinner for 7 of us today:rolleyes: so a tad busy right now but now that i know we are looking for stuart st later on today i will hunt around and see what i can find..

mike as viv said dont worry about it..you would not believe how many senior moments i have had :D i am cooking dinner for 7 of us today:rolleyes: so a tad busy right now but now that i know we are looking for stuart st later on today i will hunt around and see what i can find..

Wow, you must be busy, don't burn it.

I was just browsing and in one forum you mentioned 'Bullivants Shop'. My mum worked in that shop pre-1940's. It was still there a few years ago.
didnt burn it lol...bullivants shop is mentioned a lot ..i think there should be a photo of it somewhere on the forum

mike if you go back to post 10...the caption on the photo says chattaway st but its not...its stuart st as clearly seen on the street sign..here is the same pic i have


Nechells Stuart St.jpg
YOU ARE A STAR ..... This is the image I was after WOW the power of the internet.

With reference to the image that got posted in my reply is complicated to explain as I didn't actually post the image. I posted the YouTube address but, I had that image on, on YouTube, which obviously got carried over. Its reference to Chattaway, is just coincidence as that was the next image after the Stuart Street image as is shown.

Thank you very much for locating that, if you come across any more I would really appreciate them. My next job is to put a number on each door so I can see where people lived.

Thank you
hi mike i guessed that was the case...if mikejee spots this post he should be able to post you a map of the street if that would be of help to you.. by the way is that a school or church at the end of the street ?.

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Hi Lyn

I have been working on this, this afternoon till now. I have a 1937 map of the street detailing the houses but would love any others that may be available.

At the end of the street is first of all some Alms houses, followed by St Clements Church. Part of St Clements is still there till this day. But everything else has gone.

Some years ago I was in communication from a guy who has a site on St Josephs Church on Longacre. He sent me the attached image which was a shock. It has, as can be seen 48 Stuart Street written on it. My mother was born in this house, and my grandfather, G. grandmother and G grandfather died in this house. It is the only picture I have and sooooooo relevant.

With the photo you sent, I have been able to, based on the image I have, and the census records determine the house numbers with 76 being the last one, closest to us in the image. If I am correct and it looks correct, then if you look between the two cars parked on the left, there appears to be someone in the door of one of the houses. That would be No. 62, where my other great grandparents and my grandmother lived. But the likely date of this image is was my great aunts house and could be someone I know at the door. Strange world isn't it?

You made my day


  • stuart street.JPG
    stuart street.JPG
    331 KB · Views: 37
mike that is a diamond of a photo for you to have..i know only too well how much it must mean to you as i have been collecting photos of streets etc for many years where my rellies once lived..just wondered if you have seen this map site..i spend hours on it going round the streets of brum..just move the blue dot back and forth to see the old street layouts and what is there now...i have left it on stuart st for you

Don't know if these are of interest. the c1955 map numbers many houses and enables other numbers to be estimated. It can be seen that the street did not change much by the c1889 map , also below.

map c 1889 stuart st.jpg map c1955 stuart st.jpg
Hi, Thanks for the maps, for many years I have been trying to find house numbers, but not just in Stuart Street. Some of my family used to live in Longacre, they appeared to have moved several times along the road and several families lived there. Can I be cheeky and ask is it possible to get the 1955 map of Longacre?

Really appreciate your assistance
Thank you
Afraid, because of length of Long acre, together with size restrictions (only just below the 1mb limit), it is not very pretty, but should serve your purpose.


  • map c1952 Long Acre.jpg
    map c1952 Long Acre.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 24
Hi Mike, once again you have come up with information I have long searched for. My great grandfather lived at 91 Longacre, but I could never tell where that was. Now I know. Longacre extended beyond Thimblemill lane as far as Charles Arthur Street where it turned into Cromwell street, do you have this bit on that map? It is a wonderful map you have, can I purchase it anywhere?

Thanks once again, I have made some great progress in the last couple of days on my project, thanks to you and Lyn and this site in general. Excellent.
mike dont forget that you are most welcome to save any photos..maps etc to your computer..just as an aside i also have a connection to the nechells area which i have researched extensively ..i have my 4x gt grandfather in heneage st on the 1841 census...he landed there from dudley and the rest as they say is history

I think I need a spell in Family History Anonymous to wean me off this. After initially tracing my ancestors back into the 1600's I am now keen to explore their lives, a sort of social history. My mother grow up in the area as previously mentioned and although her father died when she was only 7, went through difficult times and were basically poor. She told many stories of her childhood with great affection for where she lived and the people in the area. Maps and images help to put the story together. The 1955 maps, Mike sent, have helped enormously with house numbers and have helped me identify the name of the pub (New Inns) on the corner of Stuart Street and Nechells Park road, I am now on a quest to get an image of it.

Thanks for all your help, it has really helped.
Sorry, missed out a bit when a scanned the rest. This map is dated c 1956 as that part seems to have been surveyed a little later. all the maps are done in squares and some ones closely together are done on different dates. the dates are onlt approximate anyway.

map c1956 of bottom bit of long acre from thimblemill road.jpg
The maps come from the Oldmaps website, but you have to have a subscription to zoom in the highest magnification. They do sell maps also, but in small squares or at low magnification, and expensively.
the maps are all (or should be) in the Birmingham central library
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