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Clifton Road Aston

Someone mentioned the big tree in Clifton Rd.
This is it.Oh it was still there a few years ago,it's bigger now.
Hello Reg. Hope you are well. Do you remember Minnie and Ralph Jones living at No.7? You may have been too young, I think they were there until about mid-1940s time. They were my mother's auntie and uncle.

Hi Judy my sister as just spoken to a friend valda wishton who lived in terrace.
Valda said she remembers a Jones whos daughter was called Beryl she did not now her parents names, she said they did live at number 7as thy lived next to her brother stan and his wife Dora
I`ve just received a marriage certificate which says the bride lived in Welcome Stores, Clifton Road, Aston in 1902 - does anyone have any information on this.

There's no Welcome stores listed in 1900 or 1904 in Clifton road, Aston (or, indeed, anywhere else. ). Could look for the brides maiden name in the road if you like
thanks Mike
Her name was Jane Hall Williams, residence in June 1902 "Welcome Stores, Clifton Road, Aston Manor - I presume that is the same as Aston but I might be showing my ignorance as I`m not a Brummie! Her father was running a pub in Balsall Common at the time so it`s not her family home.

Thanks,,,,,, Jane
No Williams or Hall (in case hall was her mothers maiden name) listed in the road in either of those two years. the electoral roll of 1912 does give 3 Williams, Maria, Emmanuel and George at 12, 25 and 73 respectively, (together with some at "back off clifton road), but none of these correspond to a shop in the directory
Hello Morris,
My cousin May Smith who lived at 106 Clifton Rd.had a friend named Valda...could it be the same one?.
Hi Reg

Thanks for asking your sister about the Jones family in Gothic Terrace. I am not sure whether they are the same family as I thought they only had one child, a son - Ralph, but I can't be sure. It's quite a coincidence if this Jones family lived at No.7 also. I think I had better do a bit more research into them and get back to you.

Hi Louisa - my grandparents were Edmund and Annie Crutchley living at number 143 Clifton Road. My uncle (their son) Clifford Crutchley married Hannah Moss in 1935 - is she connected to your Moss's? I can remember my mum saying that my grandma was a bit sniffy about the fact they were "boat people" so I am assuming she fits in somewhere. My grandma died in 1935 just after my uncle's wedding, from breast cancer. My grandad and my mum and dad moved out into The Broadway after my grandad had a stroke in the early 50s.

Hi, what great story's to read! I am so glad they are all being recorded on this site for entertainment, for research and for posterity.

My great grand parents John and Rachel Watton, lived in Gothic Terrace at 4 back 25 court 157 Clifton Road for most of their lives--up until World War II. He was a brick layer/paver

After they passed away, the house was lived in by their daughter, my great aunt Rachel Matthews (nee Watton)

Rachel's sister Leah (who also married a Matthews) lived at 6 back 127 Clifton Road. Leah Matthews, in her last years went to live in Sutton street.
Rachel and Leah passed away in the 1950's

if anyone can remember that far back, please let me know. Thanks
Hi FellowKev

Good to hear from you. I've just had a look at the censuses. In 1891 your gt.grandparents and mine were all living in Gothic Terrace at the same time. Mine were at No. 7 and yours at No. 16!! So they would have known each other.

I can't find yours in 1901 or Rachel Matthews - must have another look as if they were living at 4 back 25 Court, 157 Clifton Road, they hadn't moved far. My gt. grandparents were James and Ellen Martin, and their daughter Minnie who married Ralph Jones and was still living at 7 Gothic Terrace up to about 1945.

kev..did you get my message about the frankfort st pic i have not long posted..

Hi Lyn, yes I saw the Frankfort street picture and left a comment. Thank you! It is only the second picture of Frankfort street I have ever seen. Brings back memories. The houses look a bit worse than I remember as a kid, though =) Strange thing, memory.
Thanks very much for finding it, Lyn.
Hi Jayell,
Thanks for commenting and searching.
John and Rachel Watton lived at 184 Clifton road in 1901 (according to the census). They must have moved there briefly, because they were back in Gothic Terrace from 1920 until their deaths.
Daughters Rachel, Leah, and Louise lived with them at the time. Rachel married in 1902, and Leah in 1903

Take care, Jayell
kev..i dont think its so much our memories but the fact that as youngsters we didnt really take much notice of the bad bits...and its another strange thing but when i go down to my old end which is villa st where i was bought up it looks so much smaller than i remember it even though all the houses have now gone....happy days though...


don't you think the thing about looking smaller is that, although the buildings may be bigger, its a few long featureless walls, looking very similar, whereas the old street had lots of individual details that your eye would go to. Its not so much that it looks smaller now, but that there is less to see and look at.
good point mike...when i now stand and look up villa st like i say it does look smaller but the new houses built there are a lot larger with a fair bit of space between each one...in my day they were built next to each..there is no way now that the numbering of the houses would be the same as years ago as there are not so many in the street...

hello i used to live at 159 clifton rd known as gothic terrace in the fifities it was two rows of terrace houses I lived at number 4 my dad use to go to the bricklayers arms at the corner of clifton rd and potters hill. On the opposite corner was the dentist. there was also a outdoorpub facing were i lived .I have great memories of playing street games with all the kids in the neigbourhood.On saturdays we would go to the orient cinema or go swimming at victoria baths were we would treat ourselves to faggots from the shop facing the baths
Hi Judy just found this webb page ,read youre blog and got goose bumps!! From 1903 to about 1956 my self and varoius members of my familys lived at gothic terrace first was the Wattons at no 184 in 1910 then there daughter rachael matthews and husband at 13 /159 My grandmothers family Louisa Bayliis also at number 13 ,were my mom born in 1915. My mom winfred Thompson came back to live in 1947 at no 4 I rember all about the brewhouses and toilets.Our neigbours from what i can rember were Suarts,Restalls,Gbsons and Bullocks.Thank ou for the mermories Doris
Was the dentist called Laceys? I can remember going to a dentist there in the 50s, he was a butcher. His equipment was Victorian and he gave me a filling with a mechanical drill and no cocaine , he said you didnt need it, I can remember it being very painful!
Hello ,just read youre looking for a Thompson My family use to live at 4/159 clifton rd .known later as gothic terrace.My family name was thompson.We moved to satley in the sixities.My parents were Winifred & william and had 6 children.
Hi judy cant rember if ive already wrote to you cause ve just found this site and cant belive how so man people rember gothic terrace.I lived at no 4 between 1947-1956 My parents were Winifred and William Thompson .
Hello Gothic Terrace,
I also lived in Clifton Rd,5/106,the yard with the big tree.Knew a few people up your end though.
Hello Doris

Several members of my family lived in Gothic Terrace from about 1881 until at least 1940.
My 2 x gt.grandmother (Ellen Bellamy) was living at No. 2 in 1881 with her youngest son William. She was a widow.
My gt. grandparents (James and Ellen Martin - née Bellamy) were living at No. 10 in 1881, and had moved to No. 2 by 1901.
My grandparents (Thomas and Rose Hanson - née Martin) briefly lived at No. 17 and had moved into No. 7 by 1912 and lived there until about 1924.
My mother (Winifred Hanson) was born at No. 7 in 1913.
My grandmother's sister and her husband (Ralph and Minnie Jones -née Martin) continued to live at No. 2 until at least 1940, and maybe up until about 1945.

Your family and mine must have known each other well, and I would imagine your Mom and mine played together as there wouldn't have been much difference in their ages! Amazing eh? I didn't know about Gothic Terrace until after my Mom died, and unfortunately when I managed to get to Birmingham to see where she had lived, there was nothing left - and very little left of Clifton Road. I would love to hear about any memories you have of the Terrace.

Have you seen fellowkev's messages about the Watton family in Gothic Terrace?

Hi Judy, thanks for getting back to me so soon .I will ask my older brothers and sister for any memories too share.I also found on this site last year, my long lost cousin fellowkev.So thanks for pointing him out to me .As you can guess we have swoped stories.
Hi Doris - I will look forward to hearing if your brothers and sisters have any memories of Gothic Terrace. I was told by someone else who used to live there that each house had a small garden to the front. That was nice to hear, and I always imagined that the Courts didn't have any at all.

Hi all, I lived at the other end of Clifton Rd, we were # 10/32 (10 back of 32) we certainly had small gardens, all seperated off by rows of wooden pailings. 15 houses, 61 occupants in total, with only 6 outside tiolets to be shared by all. Always fun early in the morning,folks queing up to be the first in there. 'happy days'
Astonite I think the Laycies Dental Surgery was in Potters Hill unless he had another practice?. Jean.
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Laceys ,was on the corner of Clifton Rd and Potters Hill.
Didn't go there myself it was too posh,i had to go to the free school clinic in Albert Rd.they must have been good though I am only 3 teeth short of a full set.