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Summer Lane School


can any one help Brian please

I have searched everywhere with no joy for a photograph of Summer Lane school,now demolished.Can you help please?

I have the other half of the photo in Reply 2 but I would prefer to send it to you direct as it is a bit risque
Photo posted

Great to see the photograph that you posted and I am almost certain that it is Summer Lane. My cousin went there and we lived just around the corner in New John Street West, so often walked past and on occasions ventured into the playground to kick a ball about. I will ask my cousin to verify but I am pretty sure that you've got the right picture.
Whoever was taking it must have been standing somewhere near the railings which formed the entrance to the site in Summer Lane itself. Hope that this is some help.
Hello John,
Great photo,yes it is Summer Lane school,it brought back so many memories.Some years ago Mr Edwards (an ex Summer Lane teacher)told me that the same day the demolition of the school started was the same day that Mr James(ex headmaster) died.
Yes this is summer lane school mr edwards was my teacher and Mr james was my head master. I left in 1959

My Names was diane Keay
hi john, that is a photo of summer lane school. i went there 1958 to 1962 enjoyed my school daye in the main i can only remember a couple of teachers mr reese the science teacher mrs pierce domestic science mr byron english. if you get any more photos would you cindly post them , my name was gillian peace thanks .
Hi Gillian i lived in new john street west i have a sister named Janet Keay just woundered if you knew of us. We lived at 363 i now live in wales on anglesey.

Diane Keay
Hello Folk's,

I am newcomer to the site, joined 2 days ago, thanks to Alf Buckley for giving me the site address, (well done mate).

I used to live at 2/279 Summer lane, in between New John Street and Bridge Street, just behind the fish and chip shop, opposite the CO-OP, from 1945-1957, I went to Cowper Street School from 1946-1952, then I went to Summer Lane School from 1952-1956.

The amount of memories that came flooding back looking at the photo's of Summer Lane and the surrounding areas, was astounding, (didn't think I could remember that much).

I now live in Berkshire, place called Langley, close to Windsor.

Now I have found this site I will be a regular visitor, and try to post often.

I have just posted a photo of what I think is Summer Lane school in the 1920's as my dad said that is the school he went to, but he also told me he went to St Chads????
Worth a look!
Hello Diane,

I'm Gillian's cousin and have also posted on this thread. I was interested to see your reply since both Gill and I lived in New Johns St West. I lived roughly in the middle section between Summer Lane and Newtown Row and Gill lived much nearer to the top, up by Summer Lane. We both lived in 'yards' off the street but looking at your number it would seem as if you were on the other side of Summer Lane. I lived in the yard behind number 23 but I can't remember Gill's address.

They say that it's a small world and Gill lives in South Wales, while my wife is from a small village just outside Ruthin in North Wales.

I'm now 59 and my sister Jackie, who still lives in Birmingham, is 5 years older, so don't know if she might remember either of you. In any event Gill was the only one of us who went to Summer Lane, our house was demolished when I was ten and we were moved out of the area to Kingshurst and then on to Great Barr.

Best wishes
Hi Gillian i lived in new john street west i have a sister named Janet Keay just woundered if you knew of us. We lived at 363 i now live in wales on anglesey.

Diane Keay
hi john, good picture of summerlane school brings back happy memories i too went there left in 1966 i remember mr edwards mr byron mr wheeldon mr barter mr harris pe teacher . our sewing teacher was miss bland or mrs and mrs street also remember mr reece science teacher and old mrs jones i would love to see more pictures if anybody has any . Our headmaster was mr groves .
Hello Rosiebeardsmore,
Not too long ago on this site, someone posted "History of Summer Lane"I have just looked for it but cannot find it now.It contained many photos,which included some of the teachers you mention.
By the way,I remember the name Ada Beardsmore as a shopkeeper in the Hockley area in the 50s,was she any relation?
I hope someone puts up the link "History of Summer Lane" for you,I am sure you will find it very interesting.
I went to summer lane school in the early 60's our form teacher was Miss Savage.
anyone out there remember her. she followed us through from year 1 to year 4.
hi joanl i went to summer lane school from 1958 to 1962, my memory is'nt what it wasso i don't recall miss savage though the name sounds familia, i do rember mr reese mr byron miss pierce the cppkery teacher.i lived in new john street west from '47 to early '50s best wishes gill.
Hi all,if anybody is interested in some photographs and pupils of summer lane school,they should google: summer lane kid , the site is run by Brian Harding,when the site comes up, go to 'my other site, there you will find several photo's of pupils & staff, some of them are named also, very,very worth looking at, cheers,Mal.
hi to all, this is summerlane school i went there in 1960s,
Hi maurice , thanks for reply i would be really happy to see more on summerlane school happy memories for me. I remember miss savage , mr harrison pe teacher , mr edwards old mrs Grey i think that was her name she was old. Mr reece science teacher, mrs bland needlework teacher, Mr byron , Mrs street another needlework teacher, Miss savage was a dance teacher free dancing i used to hate it. My teacher was mr wheeldon and theree was mr barter he was gettin on a bit. Then there was miss webster typiing teacher.
Hi maurice, forgot to mention my grt granny was a beardsmore not sure if ada beardsmore related havent been able to find much about the family i am a perry. My grt nan was a jane beardsmore who married an henry perry they lived in hospital street jane was born in 1855/6 but havent found much more about her really i use her name in memory of her. regards rose
Hello maurice , thats interesting about mr james ex headmaster didnt know him we had mr groves. I remember mr edwards iss he still about. regards rose
Hi Rose,
Sadly Mr Edwards passed away about 10years ago.I will try to attach a picture showing some of Summer Lanes female teachers.
There are copies of other pictures on the forum showing other teachers,have you seen them? Moss.