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Windows 10


Gone but not forgotten R.I.P.
I now have the option of reserving Windows 10. Its a free download for the next 12 months to win 7/win 8 users. Has anyone tried it out yet? Whilst I am happy with win 7, I am one of those people who like to try things out, plus eventually we will all probably have to upgrade anyway.


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Well, I have now reserved it, Lets see what happens.


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I noticed a little Windows icon had appeared this morning on the right in my Windows 8.1 task bar offering the reserve etc. I wonder if there is an 'undo' feature if you find that you don't like Windows 10 ....


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re win 10 i have just installed win 10 on an evaluation basis, looks ok you can revert back to your oldystem if you do not get on with it. hope tis helps sidwho
Even though I find Windows 8.1 nice to use, I've registered for W10 on my newish W8.1 laptop and also with my old desk computer on which I had installed W7 dual booted with XP which was in it when I bought it 10 years ago. I use the desktop computer for more serious work so I shall try W10 first on my laptop.

Having come through the 'ups and downs' of 5 upgrades of iOS on my iPad, I learnt to hold back a month or so until everyone else has discovered the bugs ...
Having suffered Windows 8 on one of our laptops, I think we will stick with Windows 7 until Windows 10 has reached its umpteenth edition, thank you!

Hi All,

I am using Vista but it is time I had a change. I will buy a new computer but will wait until Windows 10 has settled in

Old Boy
Also just registered. Couldn't find the little icon as I'd made the task bar invisible, found after doing a search and using the task bar manager :)
I would use it but at the moment use a program for GCSE work which isn't supported beyond windows 8.1 so can't risk it.

It is still in Beta I gather the folks who like testing are still doing just that. It is not being released generally, as I an someone else has already posted, until 29th. July.
Is there any body else like me who is fed up forever trying to keep up with continual changes, at my age (85 this month) I have a job assimulating all this high tech made more difficult by constantly changing the procedures, just beginning to understand Win XP (and liking it) changed PC and found I had Vista, next PC win 7 which I like and intend to stay with as long as possible. Its the same with mobile phones, what a 'smart phone' is I do not know, nor an I pad or I phone or Tablet, all just words to me and will remain so. Have attaché pic of my desk top , so simple and straitforward. Desk Top.jpgEric
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As an ex-techie I agree with you entirely Eric. It's a bit like Photoshop, versions 6 and 7 did nothing for photographers, they were just aimed at designers. Much the same can be said for most of these recent versions of Windows. They just get larger, gobbling up more memory and disk space with very little in return, apart from a vast profit for Microsoft.

I saw Windows 8 appear and thought I don't like the look of it and not many others liked it. I then had to buy a new laptop because I accidentally sat on my Windows 7 laptop and broke the screen. The new laptop came with Windows 8.1 and in desktop mode it looks virtually the same as Windows 7 apart from a slightly different task bar. It runs a 15 year old program I use to edit photos and other 'legacy' software I used when I was at work. I can't think of anything I use which it can't run and it seems light on resources and fast.
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I bought 8.0 to stick on an existing laptop - not touch screen - that was running Vista, only because it was on offer and half the price of Win 7. Big mistake. So I replaced the interface with the freebie non-touch screen version, which was fine except if you go into a folder of pictures and click on a picture, it displays OK on Irfanview, my default viewer because I hate Windows Media Player. Then click on Next to get the next picture and the damned operating system reverts to the touch screen version and Windows Media Player. You can't update to 8.1 without splashing out a load of money and I don't use the laptop very often. Just one of 8.0's annoying features!.


Definitely a legal copy, but when I try to upgrade they ask for money!

My windows 8 was upgarded automatically to 8.1 in the windows update procedure. Certaibly did not pay. Have you got a rogue virus?

No, all my machines are as clean as a whistle! I expected that to happen, but it didn't. I wondered if there was a time limit to upgrade for free.

Maurice - About five years ago I bought Windows 7 on a DVD from Tesco. I installed it and it ran ok but I had to 'activate' it with Microsoft. I entered a long key number after which Microsoft sent updates and continued to do so. Their latest is the upgrade offer for Windows 10 and it appeared as a little Windows icon on my task bar. I'm not sure if a task bar shows with Windows 8 it certainly does on Windows 8.1. If you have been receiving updates for your Windows 8 then it would have been activated. With activated installations of Windows, updates are part of the deal. I think there is a procedure to check if your Windows 8 is activated.


Activation check https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2806745
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Is there any body else like me who is fed up forever trying to keep up with continual changes, at my age (85 this month) I have a job assimulating all this high tech made more difficult by constantly changing the procedures, just beginning to understand Win XP (and liking it) changed PC and found I had Vista, next PC win 7 which I like and intend to stay with as long as possible. Its the same with mobile phones, what a 'smart phone' is I do not know, nor an I pad or I phone or Tablet, all just words to me and will remain so. Eric
I`m with you mate, using windows 7 & sticking with it. I do have a mobile phone, but it`s just a cheap one that I keep in the car for emergencies. My wife uses windows 8 & loves it, so I guess as the saying goes, "different strokes for different folks" Also am I right in thinking that windows 10 is only free for a certain period & then you have to pay for it or remove it? Oh for the slower & simpler times of the 50`s.
The upgrade from W8 to 8.1 is free and can be got from the Microsoft web site.

However, back to Windows 10. I saw a pop up this morning from Microsoft saying W10 is ready to try. So much for the July date. I am out, as usual, this morning, but will look at W10 when I come home. I think I will install on this pc as I have a W8.1 CD if it goes pear shaped.


On return from church I looked at the Windows pop-up. W10 not ready yet, all it mentions is that W10 is reserved. I guess M/Soft are curious how many will take up the free W10 offer.
My Win 8 laptop is only used when I do tutorials for our Photo Group, so it doesn't get used that often. I certainly wouldn't put 8 or 8.1 on my main machine. Likewise I am busy this week so haven't got time to mess with the vagaries of Microsoft before the weekend. But I will have one more go as soon as I can find an hour or so. Win 8.0 was certainly activated and is a legitimate disk.

Actually there is nothing on either pc or laptop that I have that could not be used with Linux. Except one programme and that is Echolink which is a radio ham specific programme. All personal info is saved to disks. So, I am not too concerned about W10. I have confidence in it but of course I don't download music, films or do gaming so Linus would be a reasonably easy transition if needed. I could use a cell phone or tablet type for the occasions I use Skype or Echolink.
I read that Microsoft will now behave by making changes gently from now on not a major forget all you knew sort of change.

I also have Linux on my main machine, but sadly there isn't a decent genealogy database on Linux - I use Brother's Keeper. No point in using emulators as I might just as well boot up to Windows.


I've had Windows 8 (not the swipe version) since 2013. Found it OK to use once you accepted forgetting most that you had ever learnt on MS previously. Updated to 8.1 some twelve months ago and adjusted to the changes. Loaded an old version of "Works" and "Excel"which are useful.
Lost Mail/News etc on an MS update at the start of May and tried all sorts of things suggested by MS community to no avail but another update made it all work again. Tried to do the MS10 update but got a message saying I needed to install 8.1. even though I have "Share" etc on my start screen which is an indication that 8.1 is installed!
Just had the above link about MS10 from MoneySavingExpert website which I haven't explored yet but I'm prepared to give it a try. C'est la vie!