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Union Workhouse Warwick



Hello could somebody please explain to me where the above is.

I arent familiar with the city of birmingham so dont know how many workhouses there were, on a record ive received in the census a relative is classed as been an inmate at the Union Workhouse Warwick.

Is this the same as Birmingham workhouse or say another one? I've tried googling it and trying to find photographs but i havent come across any detailed websites.

Any advice would be welcome

Thank you

Thank you, but the link doesnt work, it says cant find website?

nuts, i must have a duff pc :D

says website link cant be found for me :-(

your link doesnt work either :(

im looking through lots of workhouse records i just cant find anything for the union workhouse at warwick so dont know if it goes under another name or what, just searching every site i come across which has names.

I'll get there eventually it just may take a few days lol
i need a new computer i think :D

i'll go on in my lunch hour tomorrow at work and check the links. hopefully it will be alot faster too !

Thanks for your hlep
try :
See note on website:
Important update:
The domain workhouses.co.uk is being phased out on the website and all institutions will fall under the domain institutions.org.uk If you have any links to the site using the workhouses.co.uk please amend these as they will not work as the domain is phased out. The domain workhouses.co.uk is for sale, if you would like to purchase it please
email me at alex@alexross.co.uk
managed to view from work !

Great websites thank you ! does anyone know of an inmate list for about 1991? have only found 1881 which is too early.

not to worry if you dont.

it worked ! Thanks Maggie

I could only find A Blackwell so not sure if that was right i was looking for Mary Ann Blackwell. searched everything and couldnt find her.

I've been given information & apparantly she was an inmate in the 1891 (age 37) census and a pauper in the 1901 census ((age 49) & still recorded as married even though hubby was with someone else having more babies in the outside world:boohoo:

I'm just wantin to confirm and check all the records so i know im recording correct information.

Hiya Aston:)
Have found two Mary Blackwells on the 1901 census in Birmingham what was hubby's name:)
He was Arthur Blackwell a painter/decorator from leamington maggie :)
Hi again Aston
the only Mary Ann about the right age I can find is this one ..right age but saying she is a widow..
thanks maggie, definatly not the right one though.
Ive got a copy of the 1901 census with Arthur and his children on they lived at 32 Eagle Street, Leamington kids were: frederick Nancy Fanny and Annie (his new gf but shes recorded as a boarder :D
Its the work house side of its that fascinating me, why was she in there, whys she still down as married when he was living with another woman ive been trying to find a record of her in there (I heard she had a child in there too with her but cant find any confirmation anywhere) was trying to look for photographs of the workhouse ive read the ones on this post and its so sad, we dont know were born now adays do we, societys changed so much thank goodness !
Sorry it wasn't your Mary... Aston I am sure someone will be able to help..when I have time I will go through them all if you have no luck:)
no worries at all Maggie.

I dont expect everyone to spend their time looking up my stuff, times precious now adays when your out at work all day. I just live in hope that one day relatives will start searching the same line and they will have valuable information that they can share with me and fill in all the missing peices from this side of the family.:)
Hiya again Aston
have found Mary Ann in the workhouse but the age is different:rolleyes:..the census doesn't say it is the workhouse ..i have the bit that says it was but can't upload it
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ooh where did you find mary ann in the 1901 census? according to my sources she was born in 1854 in meole brace. but its 2nd hand information so cant be certain.

the docs ive got are definatly quoting her as pauper in 1901 and inmate in 1891 both at union workhouse.

is the only way of finding out more details going through the birmingham library do you know?:)
hi there,
I also had some relatives back in 1861 living as a family in the warwick union workhouse (father of family had died) . The family name was Lively. I agree that those websites seem to have lost their link, but you can find a bit of info if you google warwick workhouse. It was situated on union road, which is now Lakin road.
why on one census though would it say an inmate, and 10 years later a pauper.

is an inmate someone who hadnt committed a crime but were treat like they had?

ive found my Mary Ann Blackwell in the workhouse with a 3 and half month old baby girl Ann Elizabeth.

Im wondering what records are held and where, ie would they be able to tell you why they were admitted to the workhouse in the first place.
were workhouse inmates buried in regular church grounds with the rest of the parishetc etc

theres very limited information about the workhouse ive tried alsorts of websites. however i did come across one very interesting report which was extracts taken from an actual inspection from Warwick Union workhouse

"In 1894-5, the British Medical Journal — as part of a campaign to improve the nursing and medical facilities in workhouse infirmaries — conducted site visits to around fifty workhouses in England and Wales. Below are extracts from their report on the Warwick union workhouse. "


this is the link, its a long read but an interesting one.
My Great Great Grandfather, Ebenezer Fowler was living in Packmores, Warwick until he died in December 1882. He left his second wife, Ann Elizabeth, there but she eventually died in August 1887 in Warwick Workhouse which was just around the corner from their house. So far I’ve been unable to find when she would have been sent to the Workhouse.