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Springhill Ice rink Summerhill Road

Great pic Phil, Some years ago when looking for a car for my wife we went into that building at the time it was a HONDA dealership & it still looked likev the rink floor area only without the skaters only cars.

All the best for Christmas & New Year my thoughts are with you & your Family at this time, Its good we have such Great time to look back on.

If only, this time last year I was having so much fun in our back garden ice patch,look at all those guys skating on the canal luck folks ;0)
Thanks for posting Phil HOPE YOU ARE WELL & had as good a Christmas as you can.
I note Birmingham missed out on an outdoor rink but Derby have one :0(
Hi Keith,
I had a nice Christmas in the Yorkshire Pennines. I played with my Grandchildren and their toys, while the adults played with their new iPhones.
When you think of all the guys & galls that attended the old BIRMINGHAM RINK there would be lots more postings & photos (or am I getting old along with all my fellow skaters from back then)

Hope your OK Phil
Would be nice to have photos from those happy days but I don.t think anybody in my group had a camera.Still at least the memory is still there.
Hi Keith - I don't think we will see many more photos from so long ago. Like Dottieau says, we were too busy having fun to bother about taking photos. I can only remember taking one photo at the ice rink and it had to be a 'time exposure' because I had no flash.
We have our happy memories.
I didn't even own a camera at that time, which is such a shame because there are many things in and around Brum that I wish I had captured on a film, including the street where I lived, which doesn't seem to appear anywhere, also my happy hours at Spring Hill Ice Rink would have been worth treasuring.
I went to Springhill Ice Rink from about 1958 to 1964. Met my husband to be there. Absolutely loved the place, used to go 4 or 5 times a week. No pics though!!
Hello keith
Still havnt found out how to put pictures on this site,still a novice on personal computers trying to learn so that you will recognise me from GEC drawing office.Can you answer me a question or does anybody out there know exactly the date the ice rink closed.I know that I was going there during the Xmas eve and new years eve parties in 1962 and went in early 1963 but after that I am stuck Please can you help.
John hughes
I've added a few more photos and a video link in the photo album in post #414. Spring Hill Ice Rink closed half a century ago so maybe there are no more photos.
If you skated there or knew someone who did, then click on the photo below. Scroll down the album if you view it - there are a few forum 'oldies' looking young in the album.

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Just relived the good old day again Phil,reviwed this thread ,you know we had some great Pic's posted so the old ring will never be forgoten& that goes for you guys& gall who had fun with in those walls ;0)
Hope all is well with you Phill?
Read the post to Al and he thanks you. He still asks me if I still have his skates - Also he tells his day centre that he goes skating in the park each year - Ah.!!!!!!! Miriam.
Hi Keith - I think we have seen all the possible Ice Rink pics from those far off days when we were young and fit. I played with my three young grandchildren yesterday - it was fun but I'm exhausted, then on the M62 my sat nav suddenly decides it can't see any satellites so I missed a turning and had a tour of Manchester outskirts - so it was back to using my old brain looking at road signs to get home - like we used to years ago.
lol Phil I offten get my sat Nav telling me "TURN ROUND WHEN POSSIBLE" When I go on what I think is a better route, pleased to hear you are well & doing what most granfolks do best,we had good training for this in our days of team workouts keeping us kit for later life lol.

ALL the very best to all skaters from the old days at our old rink ;0)
Hello "old mohawk"
"The baron" told me to ask you this question as I cannot find the answer.When did spring hill ice rink actually close? I stared skating there aged 13 (1956) saturday mornings then progressed to Wednesday and Saturday nights.
I remember the closing down party which i attended with my girl friend and seem to recall it was about early 1963,is that correct?.
do you remember, an old mohawk,Martin Upcott. we worked together at Gec witton in the drawing office and that is also where I got to know THe Baron (keith jenny)
When we watched the racing on Saturday nights there was one mohawk who everybody cheered for.he always seemed to win and was the fastest bloke on to blades i have ever seen,his name was Phil ?,are you he " I had a trial for the Mohawks one Sunday morning but failed by a few seconds,the ice was bone dry and was cut up,(or was it because I smoked to much) I thought I was good and seemed to skate fast especially at closing down time when the ice was wet,I was one of the lads who always stayed on untill the ice cleaners blocked the way.
Hope you can help Phil
John hughes
Hello John,
Thinking back I cannot remember the exact date Mecca closed the rink for ice skating but it was around 1962/1963. I do remember that when Mecca built the new Silver Blades Ice Rink they would only allow figure skates to be used in general sessions and so everyone using hockey skates either stopped skating or had to go to Solihull Ice Rink.
Mecca initially did not want ice speed skating at their shiny new ice rink, but eventually asked the Mohawks to race at Silver Blades and we said we would provided they also allowed hockey skates to be used.
Eventually Mecca asked us to take part in skating exhibitions on opening nights at their Silver Blades in Bristol, Bradford, and Sheffield.
The best ice speed skater during my time was Jack Dymock who raced for Aldwych based at Richmond Ice Rink.

Click on the pic below and it will take you to a large gallery of photos and a click on a video in the gallery will show him racing at Richmond.
Apologies if you have already looked at the photos but some of them show me and others named.
Best wishes

The gallery images were assembled on a wide screen computer and may not fully show on iPads and small screens but if a part of a image can be seen a click will enlarge it.[/I]
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Hello All, I have just found this photo, written on the back is July 17 1954, me again on the left, no idea who the boy is, may be some one may recognize him, sorry its not very good quaiity


  • Skaters 1954.jpg
    Skaters 1954.jpg
    31.6 KB · Views: 33
Is this any better bigland I remember you three girls but our paths never cross ( well may be they did on the ice lol ) Skaters%201954[1].jpg
Baron, yes that is an improvment, thankyou, they were good & happy times. I married a none skater so apart from taking my children to Silver Blades my skating days were finished, we divorced after 25 years & some time after I literally bumped into a "lad" I had met all those years previously at the ice rink!!! we are now married, This is a photo of him (in the dark) sweater) with some of his mates. Skaters.jpg
Skaters 2.jpgAnother one taken Wyndley Pool I believe, surprising what you find when you decide to have a clear out. Trouble is it all goes back again!!
Hi Bigland - thanks for showing your photos reminding me of those happy times. I don't recognise anyone but it looks like Wyndley Pool where we all skated outdoors sometimes on very thin ice.
Arthur Ambridge is still around and we are in touch with him. My husband worked at Alexanders too. his name Albert Banner. Do you remember him. Miriam.
Arthur Ambridge is still around and we are in touch with him. My husband worked at Alexanders too. his name Albert Banner. Do you remember him. Miriam.

Sorry about spelling mistakes, was rather excited in finding anything to do with Spring Hill ice rink
I was a lowely apprentice at GHA. between 1960-1965 and spent six months in inspection, with
Arthur, sorry I do not remember your husband,